1.Laser welding technology and properties of macromolecule material plastics;高分子材料塑料的激光焊接工艺及性能
2.The operating technology of modern plastics injection machine;现代塑料注射成型机的操作技术
3.Research and development progress on non-halogen plastics flame retardants;塑料无卤阻燃剂研发进展

1.Plastics are classified into two types-thermoplastics and thermosets.塑料分成两类:热塑塑料和热固塑料
2.expanded plastics多孔塑料(泡沫塑料
3.Dimensional tolerances for plastic engineering moulded plastic patsGB/T14486-1993工程塑料模塑塑料件尺寸公差
4.Thermoplastic and thermosetting substances are called plastics.热塑塑料和热固的物质称为塑料
5.carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic碳纤维增强热塑性塑料
6.manually operated thermoplastic ball valve热塑性塑料手动式球阀
7.glass reinforced thermoplastics玻璃丝增强热塑塑料
8.fibre reinforced thermoplasticity plastics纤维增强热塑性塑料
9.plastic explosiveph.1. 塑料炸药,可塑炸药
10.flame retardant RTP阻燃性增强热塑性塑料
11.chamber-pot, of plastics便盆, 便壶,塑料
12.Phenolic moulding materialsGB1404-1995酚醛模塑料
13.polyurethane foam urethane foam聚氨脂泡沫(塑料
14.a polythene bag, cover聚乙烯塑料袋、 套.
15.What type of plastic, plastic pellets, plastic packaging materials, plastic production sales.塑料革类、塑料颗粒、塑料包装材料、塑胶制品生产销售。
16.fully automatic plastic injection moulding machine全自动注塑机;全自动压注模塑机;塑料注塑机
17.glass-plastic glazing material玻璃-塑料安全材料
18.coating for plastic television shell电视机塑料机壳用涂料

1.Progress on the application of calcium carbonate in plastics;碳酸钙在塑料中应用进展
2.Study on fire-retardant coatings for plastic and influencing factors on fire-retardant property;塑料用阻燃涂料及影响阻燃性因素的研究
3.Uncertainty Evaluation Measurement in the Determination of Cadmium in Plastic by ICP-AES;ICP-AES测定塑料中的镉的不确定度评定
3)plastic material塑料
4)casting plastics铸塑塑料
5)thermoplastic plastics热塑塑料
6)an impressionable plastic material可塑塑料
