1.Investigation on the Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Pet Hamsters宠物仓鼠胃肠道寄生虫感染情况调查
2.Objective:To study the relationship between pet ownership and socio-emotion of school children.目的:研究宠物对儿童社会情绪的影响。
3.The formula of pet dog food is designed in accordance with the nutritive requirement of dogs, and by taking chicken breast, soybean meal, wheat flour etc as the basic ingredients and the refined white sugar, salt etc as supplements for better palatability.以狗的营养需求为基础 ,利用鸡胸肉、大豆粉、面粉等为基本原料 ,设计宠物狗食基本配方 ,并添加白砂糖、食盐等辅料 ,增加适口性。

1.You love pets, don't you?你喜欢宠物,对吧?
2.A pet, especially a pet lamb.宠物宠物,尤指供玩赏的小羊
3.Real Pets and Imaginary Pets真实的宠物和虚拟的宠物
4.Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari卡哇伊宠物商店物语
5.find a home with some Americans.也被人当作宠物饲养。
6.affenpinscher n.当宠物的小型狗的一种
7.You have a pet bear!你会有一只宠物熊!
8.As for pets, sheepdogs are the best.要说宠物嘛,牧羊狗最好。
9.My mother thought pets were dirty.“我妈妈认为宠物很脏,”
10.What pets do people usually keep?人们通常会养什么宠物
11.Now electronic pets are more popular.目前电子宠物更受欢迎。
12.I really go in for keeping pets.我真的热衷于养宠物
13.Why do people keep pets?人们为什么要养宠物
14.Have you kept a pet?那你养过宠物没有?
15.It will be a pet monkey.它会是一只宠物猴。
16.Just to have as a pet.只是要养来当宠物
17.There goes your pet, Sammy, eh?你那个宠物去了,桑未,咦?
18.After all, pets are people, too.毕竟,宠物也有灵性!

1.The nuisance of pets in the residential district is an important factor that affects the neighbor s right and the right of personality,and is a basic problem of the study on pets as well.住宅小区宠物的不可量物损害问题是影响相邻权和人身权的一个重要因素,也是宠物法律问题研究的一个基本问题。
2.Aiming at a series of social problems caused by the increasing number of pets,the paper presents the problems of keeping pets in urban and rural areas and also put forward the improved measures.宠物数量的日益增多带来的一系列社会问题,对我国城乡饲养宠物存在的问题进行了阐述,并提出了改进我国城乡饲养宠物的措施。
3)Pet Animal宠物动物
4)exotic pet外来宠物
1.Nowadays,the exotic pets are favored by many pet-breeders,but they will also take some negative effects to the natural environments.目前,外来宠物日益受到玩家青睐,但它们也对当地生态环境存在一定不利影响。
5)pet feeding豢养宠物
1.To discuss the correlation of ATAb and pet feeding by abnormal pregnant women of Using ELISA to detect ATAb.探讨我市异常孕产妇豢养宠物与ATA b的相关性,采用EL ISA法检测ATA b方法。
6)pet ownership宠物饲养
1.Relationship between pet ownership and asthma of children aged 6~7 in Germany;宠物饲养与6~7岁德国儿童哮喘关系分析

宠物宠物pet crlo[lgWU宠物(Pet)泛指适于家庭环境条件下饲养、为拥有者所宠爱、能丰富人们的精神生活的动物,又称伴侣动物。所涉及的动物种类很多,兽、鸟、鱼、虫均可在家庭中饲养,供入玩赏。目前国内外饲养较多的是狗、猫、观赏鸟和金鱼等。人类饲养这些动物的历史颇为热久_当鸯份见猫好的”m音平占“门卜一狗,早在中国的唐代已成为宫廷宠物。距今5以x)年前的古埃及文化期间,人们就开始对野猫进行家养;中国养猫也有3(X旧多年的历史。世界鸽子的家养大约始于2(启〕年以前。金鱼的饲养最早在中国,巧02年传人日本,1611年传人葡萄牙,以后遍及欧洲各国。作为与人共同生活的动物对人类生活有重要的调剂作用:①伴侣和观赏。狗和猫天性聪明,忠于主人,经调教可表演许多魔术小动作,给人的生活增添乐趣;对于老年人在狗和猫的倚偎下可解脱和消除孤独之感;观赏鸟和鱼都具有较高的观赏价值,深受人们的喜爱。②调节情绪,提高生活的质量。现代快节奏、高强度的生活,往往造成人的情绪紧张和烦乱,感受猫和狗的亲近、忠诚的表示,鸟和鱼动人的姿态,可使人松弛大脑,心情舒畅,从而消除忧虑、烦恼,有利于身心健康和疾病的恢复。③其他。狗具有警卫和狩猎等功能;猫可捕鼠。 宠物中某些动物,特别是狗、猫等所患的某些疾病可以传染给人类,称人畜共患病,其中包括病毒、细菌、真菌和寄生虫引起的疾病,对人和环境都有一定的危害。宠物饲养者应遵守有关制度和法令,采取有效措施,及时做好防疫和有关疾病的治疗,维护人类的健康。(张忠诚)