1.Influence of rapid atrial pacing on the expression of α1c subunit of L-type calcium channel and the protective effect of verapamil;快速心房起搏对家兔L型钙通道α1c亚单位表达的影响及维拉帕米的保护作用
2.Effects of U50,488H on L-type calcium current in the normal and hypoxic rat ventricular myocytes;U50,488H对正常及缺氧心肌细胞L型钙电流的作用

1.The basic building block of the project is an L-shaped terrace apartment.项目的基本建筑模式是L型公寓楼。
2.The Application of the Transabdominal L Type Incision in the Radical Nephrectomy;经腹L型切口在肾癌根治术中的应用
3.Import Type &Library...导入类型库(&L)...
4.Studies on Configuration Transformation of L-Proline and L-Valine;L-脯氨酸和L-缬氨酸构型转换的研究
5.Exclusive Decays B→K~(*)l~+l~- and the Top-quark Two-Higgs Doublet Model遍举衰变B→K~(*)l~+l~-与top夸克双Higgs模型
6.L-Fuzzy Sub-generalized Group and L-Fuzzy BCI Modl Ideal in Right Involution Generalized Group;右对合广群中L-Fuzzy子广群与L-FuzzyBCI-型理想
7.Study of the Process of e~+e~-→l~-l'~+ in the LHT Model at Linear Collider直线对撞机上LHT模型下e~+e~-→l~-l'~+过程的研究
8.Preliminary Study on L×OT and OT×L Pollination in Vitro of LilyL×OT和OT×L的新型百合离体授粉杂交研究初报
9.Study on the Model of Rainfall-runoff Forecasting Based on Improved L-M BP Network;改进L-M型BP模型的降雨径流预报
10.The I(L)-inducification of (IC) L-cotopological Spaces and the KKM Type Theorems in Pretopological Spaces;(IC)L-余拓扑空间的I(L)诱导化与预拓扑空间中的KKM型定理
11.Minimax Inequalities and Generalized L-KKM Type Theorems in L-Convex Spaces;L-凸空间中的极大极小不等式与广义L-KKM型定理
12.Study on Interspecific Hybridization on L×OT and L×O and the Examination of Hybrid Progenies in LilyL×OT和L×O型百合远缘杂交及杂种后代鉴定研究
13.Kinetic Model for Enzymatic Synthesis of S-Bzl-γ-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteine酶法制备S-苄基-γ-L-谷氨酰-L-半胱氨酸的动力学模型
14.Remove L shape bracket from one side of air gap drain.从气隙排放装置的一侧拆卸l型支架。
15.Properties of Induced R(L)-topological Space and Statement Theory;R(L)-型诱导空间的性质与表示定理
16.L~1 Stability and Eternal Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation;Boltzmann方程的L~1稳定性和永久型解
17.The typical investigation of “V+ X+ N(L)” in the Xiang Groupe;湘语“V+X+N(L)”的类型考察
18.Quantification L-Model on estimating and choosing of talentede persons;人才评价与选拔的量化L模型及应用

1.Clinical investigation of L-form from Helicobacter pylori in gastric cancer patients;胃癌患者幽门螺杆菌L型感染的临床研究
2.To study L-form mycobacterium bacilli in the stabbing liquid of lymph tuberculosis;淋巴结核淋巴穿刺液中结核菌L型的状况分析
3.An Investigation on Infectious Rate of L-form of M. tuberculosis in Patients with Silico-tuberculosis;矽肺结核患者结核分枝杆菌L型感染率调查(英文)
1.A clinical study of L-forms Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Culture.;结核分枝杆菌L型的培养及临床研究
2.The Relativity between Staphylococcus Aureus L-forms and Carcinoma of Gallbladder;L型金黄色葡萄球菌与胆囊癌相关性研究
3.[Objective]To discuss the Variation of Vibrio cholerae O139 L-forms anf the correlation between the L form and R-form sernm.[目的]探讨O139群霍乱弧菌L型变异及其与ElTor型的R型血清的关系。
4)L typeL型
1.Combination effects of high concentration carbachol and norepinephrine on L type Ca~(2+) current of cardiac ventricular myocytes;高浓度氨甲酰胆碱与去甲肾上腺素对心室肌细胞L型钙电流的联合作用
2.Objective To explore roles and machinism of L type calcium currents in pathogenesis of ventricular arrythmia after acute myocardial infarction(AMI).目的 探讨L型钙通道在急性心肌梗死 (AMI)后室性心律失常发生的作用及机制。
5)L formsL型
1.Objective:The biological characteristics and pathogenicities of Helicobacter pylori L forms were studied in this article.目的 :对幽门螺杆菌L型的生物学特性与致病性进行研究。
2.Objective:To study the pathogenesis of Shigella dysenteriae and its L forms.目的 :探讨痢疾志贺菌及其L型的致病机制。
3.Objective:To study the relation between leptospira L forms and late complications in leptospirosis with involvement of ocular and nervous system.目的 :了解钩端螺旋体 (以下简称钩体 )L型与钩体病眼、神经后发症的关系。
1.Effects of ropivacaine and bupivacaine on L-type calcium currents in ventricular cardiomyocytes of guinea;罗哌卡因和布比卡因对豚鼠心室肌细胞L-型钙电流的影响
2.Effect of adrenomedullin on L-type calcium currents and its signaling transduction process in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes;肾上腺髓质素对豚鼠心室肌细胞L-型钙通道的作用及其信号转导机制
3.Effects of arachidonic acid on action potential and L-type calcium current in rabbit cardiomyocytes;花生四烯酸对家兔心室肌细胞动作电位和L-型钙电流的影响

"阿库拉”级核动力攻击型潜艇国别:俄罗斯类型:潜艇编号:舰艇名称:"阿库拉”级核动力攻击型潜艇“阿库拉”级攻击型核潜艇,也被称为“鲨鱼”级,是俄罗斯继“v— ⅲ”级之后建造数量最多的一级艇。它在设计上充分吸收了前几级潜艇的成功经验,是性能上最令俄海军满意的一级核动力攻击型潜艇。其首艇于1985年底服役,该级艇现役14艘。“阿库拉”级属于多用途核动力攻击型潜艇,除可执行反潜、反舰、侦察、护航等多种任务外,还可与水面舰艇协同作战。该级艇艇体宽大,呈水滴形,与此相比,修长的指挥台围壳特别引人注目,围壳的前缘和艇前壳体上布置了一些重要的水环境传感器。“阿库拉”级潜艇长115米,宽14米,吃水10.4米;水上排水量7500吨,水下排水量9100吨 ;水下航速可达32节,潜深400米。其动力装置为2座压水堆和3台蒸汽轮机,单轴推进,有两个7叶螺旋桨。“阿库拉”级采用双壳体结构,其耐压壳体是用高强度的钛合金制造的,据称最大下潜深度可达1000米,只有使用爆炸冲击才能使主压载舱在大深度爆炸。与俄罗斯前几级核潜艇相比,“阿库拉”级降低了噪声的传播标准,为此采用了艇外壳覆盖消声瓦等大量降噪措施,据称其安静性可与美国“浴杉矶”改进型相媲美。除隐蔽性好外,该级艇的武器火力也十分强大,装备了 4具533毫米和4具650毫米鱼雷发射管。前者可发射 ss—n-21潜对地攻击巡航导弹(射程3000千米)、ss-n—15反潜导弹和53型鱼雷;后者可发射 ss—n-16反潜导弹和65型鱼雷。其装载总量为14枚导弹或鱼雷,它们都可携载核弹头,具有很强的攻击能力。