1.t present, self-evaluation has been a key point of discussion on teaching management and regarded as a new approach to teachers professional development.在《课程改革纲要》中对课程评价提出了新主张,即“以教师自评为主,并参照同行、校长、家长和学生的评价意见”。
2.Objective To clarify difference between head nurses\'self-evaluation and nurses\' evaluation of head nurses\'leadership behavior.方法采用一般资料问卷和领导行为描述量表(LBDQ-XII)调查西安市3所三级甲等医院的64名护士长的领导行为,对268名护士评价及护士长自评情况进行比较。

1.Reliability and Validation of the Symptom Self-Rating Scale of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder;PTSD 症状自评量表的信效度初步评价
2.Evaluate by Oneself and Each Other in Physical Education of College Student;论大学生在体育教学中的自评与互评
3.to practise criticism and self criticism进行批评与自我批评
4.Look for typical examples and unfold criticism and self-criticism.找典型,批评和自我批评。
5.They censured her for her selfishness他们指责(批评)她的自私。
6.Question: How would you assess yourself?奥:你对自己怎么评价?
7.He feels he suffers the criticism.他感到自己挨了批评。
8.Frankly, I must say he overestimated me.扪心自问,这个评价过高。
9.criticism coming right and left来自四面八方的批评
10.Remarks attribute to the chief constable来自警察局长的评论
11.Flag State Performance Self-Assessment Form船期国表现自我评估表
12.Answered the fire from her political critics.来自她政治评论的反击
13.a volleyball filbert自认的排球评论专家
14.I often criticize myself.我经常进行自我批评。
15.His self criticism was beside the point他的自我批评不中肯。
16.Will it be self-criticism?是实行自我批评吗?
17.He made a sincere self-criticism.他作了诚恳的自我批评。
18.Control Self-Risk Assessment Programme自我风险控制评估方案

1.Self-assessment and peer-assessment is to enable students to score the carved 3-times plaster teeth by the item according to self-assessment and peer-assessment forms on the basis of the rules in advance, and respectively designate in the dental plaster carvings too much, too little or the inappropriate location with a different color pencil.牙体雕刻教学中的自评和互评就是让同学们按照预先制定好的评分细则,根据自评和互评表格对雕刻完成的3倍石膏牙按项进行评分,并在石膏牙上分别用不同颜色铅笔划出雕刻过多、过少及位置不当的地方,教师再按同学们在石膏牙上所做的标记,并利用标准的牙齿外形平面图及浮雕图对自评表格和互评表格进行批阅,以此提高学生和教师牙体雕刻的实践技能。
2.Lao She’s prefaces &postscripts,which are records of writing background of all his works and his literature career,including prefaces and afterwords for his and other’s works,written for publication’s forewords as well as the self-assessment of his works,are important basis for studying Lao She and his books.老舍序跋包括为自己和他人的作品写的序和后记,为刊物写的发刊词,以及具有序跋性质的自评
3)self-evaluation and sef-construction自评自建
4)self-assessment and mutual assessment自评与互评
5)self-and other-assessment自评与他评
6)automatic measure grading自动评级
1.The automatic measure grading method of grain size was put forward based on the definition of grain size in the Chinese Standards.根据国标中晶粒度的定义提出进行晶粒度测量自动评级方法,论述了该方法中应用计算机图像处理技术进行图像尺寸标定、二值化变换、消除噪声、提取晶界和计算晶粒个数,最终计算晶粒度评级参数等过程的算法及实现。

张氏抑郁自评量表张氏抑郁自评量表Zhang's self-rating depression scale  张氏抑郁自评最表(zhang’5 se一frating depression seale)由张威廉(Z ung,w .K.)编制的一种测量抑郁程度的自我评定量表,发表于1965年。共20个项目,包括躯体的、心理的、精神运动的和心境等四方面的症状,让被试者根据出现的经常程度按四个等级评定。 (郑日昌撰林传燕审)