1.Objective To manufacture a device for fixing skull specimen in CT and MR cross scanning.目的研制脑标本在CT、MR横断面扫描以及机械切削过程中的固定装置并探讨其应用效果。
2.Ten skulls of "Bo people"(six males, four females) were measured on 82 items of linear distance, 16 items of chord, arc and circumference, 26 items of angle.测量“僰人”头10个(男6,女4);每例测量线距82项;弦、弧、周长16项;角度26项;计算指数45种;观察各型、颌型、眶型、鼻型及腭型并观察“僰人”与汉族、壮族人的差异,发现“僰人”与汉族人差异显著,表明它们各属不同民族;“僰人”与壮族人差异较小,似可说明他们具有共同族源。
3.Fourty items of 70 modern Tibetan adult skulls (male 48, female 22) collected in Naqu District of Tibet were measured.测量西藏现代藏族人70个(男48,女22):每个均测直线距离32项、投影距离8项,共40项;计算指数16项;对所有数据进行统计学处理,并观察性别差异及藏族与汉族、壮族人之间的差异,发现男女性间各测量值差异显著,藏族人脑在长径和宽径上都大于汉族和壮族,高径则小于汉族和壮族。

1.The inner surface of the skull.内骨膜脑的内表面
2.ial-intracranial arteries内动脉吻合术
3.Diagnosis and Treatment of Intracranial Infection Post Cranitomy of Posterior Cranial Fossa后窝开术后内感染的诊断和治疗
4.intracranial space-occupying lesio内占位(性)病变
5.Occurring or situated within the cranium.头内的发生于或位于头内部的
6.The external periosteum that covers the outer surface of the skull.骨外骨膜在骨外侧的骨膜
7.Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium.骨切开术手术除取头骨的一部分
8.Analysis of ICP monitoring in 103 cases of intracranial lesion内病变103例内压监护的分析
9.A portion of the embryonic cranium forming the bones of the base of the skull and eventually undergoing ossification.软骨胚胎的头中形成骨基部骨头并最终被骨化的部分
10.craniofacial:Of or involving both the cranium and the face.面的:属于骨和脸面的或与骨和脸面有关的.
11.Predictive Value of Transcranial Doppler to ICP and CPP in Patients of Intracranial Hypertension;经多普勒对高压患者内压和脑灌注压的预测研究
12.ultrasonic intracranial pressuregraph超声内压力自计仪
13.ute traumatic intracranial hematoma急性损伤性内血肿
14.kill by smashing someone's skull.粉碎某人的头而致死。
15.a brachycephalic person.一个头比较短的人。
16.Surgical incision into the skull.通过手术切开头
17.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头上部的疼痛。
18.aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor内囊肿性肿瘤吸引术

3)cranial bone (cranium)颅骨(颅)
1.The diagnostic value of combination of color Doppler flow imaging with transcranial Doppler in internal carotid artery stenosis;彩色多普勒超声与经多普勒超声联合应用对颈内动脉狭窄的诊断价值
2.Artery variations in circle of Willis assessed by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography;经多普勒超声评估Willis环动脉变异
3.Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity with transcranial Doppler CO_2 test in the elderly hypertensives;经多普勒-二氧化碳试验评价老年高血压病患者的脑血管反应性
6)cranial base颅底
1.Apoptosis and proliferation in synchondrosis growth plate during cranial base development in rat;大鼠生长发育过程中底软骨联合细胞增殖和凋亡的研究
2.Clinical significance in meningioma of the cranial base hyperostosis associated with tumor invasion;底脑膜瘤骨增生与骨侵袭的关系及临床意义
3.Applied anatomy of cranial base operation through petrous pyramid approach颞骨岩部入路底手术有关的应用解剖

颅颅 颅   即头骨。由脑颅骨与面颅骨组成。《素问·气府论》:“足阳明脉气所发者六十八穴:额颅发际傍……”