1.Some Ideas on Teaching and Moralizing;关于教书育人的几点思考
2.Teachers Virtue, Teaching and Education ——analysis of current situation about teaching and education in higher education institutes and its strategies;师德、教书与育人——高校教师教书育人工作的现状分析及对策
3.This article probes into both imparting knowledge and educating people in clothing specialized course teaching of higher vocational colleges.本文对在高职服装专业课教学中,如何"既教书又育人"进行探讨。

1.has written several books and teaches in between times.在写书的同时也教书
2."Oh, you teach?" said the woman.那女人道:“教书的?
3.As a bookworm, a teacher and a storyteller, liuwei's supreme desire is to write a book.读书、教书、说书的刘为,最大的愿望是写书。
4.He makes a living by teaching.他以教书为生。(他当教员。)
5.A peddler of devotional literature.书贩贩卖宗教书籍的小贩
6.Be steadfast in work and life, and be diligent in writing and teaching .踏踏实实做事做人,勤勤恳恳写书教书
7.a book subsidiary to the main textbook主要教科书的补充书
8.a Teacher's Companion to ..教师用...参考书
9.the P - Book (=the book of common P - )(英国国教)公祷书
10.a science teacher, textbook, subject理科教师、 教科书、 科目.
11.The instructor's manual for (/to accompany)a new English course《新编英语教程》教师用书
12.all of the textbooks they used were British textbooks,他们用的所有教科书都是英国教科书,
13.The Current Textbook,Which Creates the Beginning of Modern Textbook;开现代教科书之先河的《最新教科书》
14.Promoting Teacher s Textbook Appraisal Consciousness:Guaranteeing Textbook Quality;提升教师教科书评价意识保障教科书质量
15.The Birth of Modern Textbook in China;从蒙学教科书到最新教科书——中国近代教科书的诞生
16.On library accreditation system and library science education图书馆职业资格证书制度与图书馆学教育
17.The Elementary Scientific Textbooks Contribution to Modern Textbooks in Late-Qing Dynasty;从文明书局《科学全书》看晚清教科书的近代化
18.The professor took the book down from its shelf and handed it to the student.教授从书架上把书取下,递给了学生。

impart knowledge教书
1.To impart knowledge and educate people is a teacher s bounden duty.教书育人是教师的天职,也是一门科学。
2.This paper explores the way to impart knowledge and educate the students in the teaching of physical culture in the light of specific conditions of physical training.建立课堂常规,严密组织教学和结合教材内容,探讨了体育教学中教书育人的方法。
3)theories of Shangshu书教
4)teaching materials(textbooks)教材(教科书)
1.Publish Excellent Textbooks for Post-graduates by Relying on University Discipline Superiority and Authoritative Experts;依托高校学科优势,集中权威专家,打造研究生精品教材——“研究生教育创新工程”化工类研究生教学用书进展报告
6)imparting knowledge and educating people教书育人
1.On the function of teacher s appearance in imparting knowledge and educating people;谈教师仪表在教书育人中的作用
2.This paper expresses the idea that teachers should promote their occupational ethics through the entire process of imparting knowledge and educating people.文章论述了教师应该将师德提升寓于教书育人的全过程,并从"以身作则""言传身教""动之以情""晓之以理"四个方面分析,师德建设与教书育人的有机统一性。
