1.Two-stage revision of the hip arthroplasty for the treatment of postoperative infection after hip arthroplasty;二期翻修治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染
2.Treatment of Bone Defect in Hip Revision;髋关节置换翻修术骨质缺损的处理
3.Impaction bone grafting in THA revision with freeze-dried allograft and anatomic cemented femoral stem;应用解剖型骨水泥股骨假体结合冻干骨打压植骨进行髋关节翻修

1.To reverse and resew the material of(a collar, for example).翻修用翻料或重缝的方法修整(如领子)
2.They worked over the old furniture.他们翻修了旧家具。
3.Last year we had the house rebuilt.去年,我们把房子翻修了。
4."Road up (or: under repair), detour"马路翻修,车辆绕行
5.The kitchen needs making over.这个厨房需要翻修
6.How much is a rebuilt engine?翻修引擎要多少钱?
7.China Tire Reteading And Utilization Association (CTRA)中国轮胎翻修利用协会
8.lower opening type tire reconditioning vulcanizer下开式轮胎翻修硫化机
9.Application of revisable long-stem femoral component in revision of total hip arthroplasty翻修型加长柄在人工全髋关节翻修术中的应用
10.They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over.他们给装修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
11.That's the firm whose builders renovated the restaurant.就是那个公司的装修人员翻修了这家饭店。
12.They have made the entire house over.他们把整个房子都翻修了一遍。
13.Bill said he'd do the living-room over while he's on holiday.比尔说假期中他要翻修起居室。
14.They were without the funds required to renovate the building.他们缺乏翻修这个建筑所需要的资金。
15.The road under repair leads to our university.正在翻修的那条路通往我们的学校。
16.Recently, Sandy and I had to retile the back roof.前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。
17.They are going to do over our apartments in the spring.他们将在春天来翻修我们这一组房间。
18.reverse or amend the decision or sentence推翻或修改裁判或判刑

overhaul[英][,??v?'h?:l, '??v?,h?:l][美][,ov?'h?l, 'ov?,h?l]翻修
1.The overhaul of a coke oven with multi combustion chambers and flues was introduced.介绍了焦炉多燃烧室多火道的翻修,通过对准备、降温、拆除、砌筑、升温等各个阶段采取恰当、合理、科学的方法与措施,修炉工作取得了成功,从而达到了焦炉的优质稳产与长寿。
2.In order to decrease damage of the die and to reduce forging cost,The key technique of die design and repair for overhaul closed type cover die is proposed in this paper.为了减少模具消耗 ,降低锻造成本 ,针对闭式套模翻修问题 ,提出了模具设计和翻修工艺的技术要点和方法 ,并给出了闭式套模翻修的实
3.The main point and the handling way to important parts in the process of overhauling of coke oven were introduced.阐述了焦炉多火道翻修整个过程中的要点及重要部位的处理方式 ,可为今后翻修提供经
4)general reconstruction大修;翻修
5)OVHL [overhaul]翻修; 大修
1.Management of massive acetabular bone defect with impaction bone grafting plus mesh in revision total hip arthroplasty;打压植骨结合金属网重建全髋关节翻修术中髋臼侧严重骨缺损
2.Anti-infection effects of VCM-PMMA prosthesis on revision after sheep hip arthroplasty;万古霉素骨水泥假体在羊人工髋关节翻修术中的抗感染作用
3.Revision of non-infective total hip replacement in 28 cases;非感染性人工髋关节翻修术28例
