1.Effect of iron deficiency on myelination in CNS;铁缺乏对中枢神经系统髓鞘化的影响
2.Effect of endogenous BDNF on peripheral nerve myelination and its mechanism in postnatal rats;脑源性神经营养因子对出生后大鼠周围神经髓鞘化的作用
3.Effect of Perinatal Iron Deficiency on Behavioral Developments and Myelination around Hippocampus in Rat Pups;围产期缺铁对仔鼠行为发育及海马周围髓鞘化的影响

1.Effect of Perinatal Iron Deficiency on Behavioral Developments and Myelination around Hippocampus in Rat Pups;围产期缺铁对仔鼠行为发育及海马周围髓鞘化的影响
2.Dynamic expression of LINGO-1 after spinal cord demyelination in mice小鼠脊髓脱髓鞘病变后LINGO-1的动态表达变化
3.The expression of α6β4 correlate with the injury and repair of myelin during EAN.α6β4表达变化与髓鞘的损伤和修复过程密切相关。
4.Alteration of Myelin in Rat Brain after Irradiation;大鼠全脑照射后髓鞘变化特征的实验研究
5.A Study on the Changes of Axons, Myelin Sheath, APP and Nogo after Multiple Cerebral Concussion in Rats;三重脑震荡鼠轴索、髓鞘及APP、Nogo变化的研究
6.Basic and Clinical Study on Myelin Basic Protein Following Cerebral Ischemia脑缺血后髓鞘碱性蛋白变化的基础与临床研究
7.Correlation between P0 protein purified from the inner ear and auditory neuropathy纯化内耳P0蛋白诱发听神经脱髓鞘的实验研究
8.A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Myelination Using the Improved Myelin Staining with Gold Chloride改良氯化金染色法对髓鞘染色的定性、定量分析
9.The process of forming a myelin sheath.髓鞘形成形成髓鞘的过程
10.Electron microscope show structure turbulence and miss out of myelin sheath,loosen of neurofilament,mitochondrion swell and vacuole change and dissolve of axis-cylinder and myelin sheath.电镜下示髓鞘结构紊乱、脱失 ,神经丝疏松 ,线粒体肿胀 ,空泡化 ,有轴索髓鞘溶解。
11.Immunohistochemical study on pathological changes of axon and myelin sheath in injured brainstem;脑干损伤后神经轴突和髓鞘变化的免疫组织化学研究
12.(of neurons) not myelinated.(神经细胞)没有髓鞘质。
13.The expression changes of α6 and β4 correlate with the injury and repair of myelin during EAN.α6和 β4表达变化与髓鞘的损伤和修复过程密切相关。
14.Study of Nitric Oxide in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases;脱髓鞘疾病脑脊液一氧化氮的检测及免疫调节作用的研究
15.Research on Axons, Myelin Sheath and Dopaminergic Mechanisms of Cognitive Behavioral Deficits Post Brain Concussion in Rats;脑震荡鼠认知行为障碍的轴索、髓鞘及多巴胺能神经变化研究
16.Enzyme-linked Immunoadsorbent Assay for Myelin Basic Protein and IL-16 in CSF and Serum of Patient with Multiple Sclerosis;多发性硬化患者脑脊液和血清髓鞘碱性蛋白和IL-16的ELISA定量研究
17.Intrathecal Injection NMDA Receptor Agonist NMDA Up-regulates COX-2 Expression in the Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats;鞘内注射NMDA受体激动剂NMDA上调大鼠脊髓后角环氧化酶-2的表达
18.An experimental study of HSP70 expression and morphology of myelin sheath after diffuse brain injury in rats;大鼠弥漫性脑损伤神经元HSP70表达及神经髓鞘的病理变化

1.A comparison of three optic nerve myelin staining methods;三种视神经髓鞘染色法的比较
2.Relationskip between pathologic changes of myelinated fibers and trigeminal neuralgia;三叉神经痛与有髓鞘纤维病变关系的探讨
3.Inhibition of p38 with PD169316 and SB203580 prevented accumulation of protein and mRNA of cell-stage specific markers characteristic of differentiated oligodendrocytes,including myelin basic protein,myelin-associated glycoprotein,and the glycosphingolipids,galactosylceramide and sulfatide.采用PD169316和SB203580抑制p38后,不同分化阶段少突胶质细胞特异性标志物的蛋白和mRNA的聚集减少,包括髓鞘碱性蛋白、髓鞘相关糖蛋白、鞘糖脂、半乳糖酰基鞘氨醇和硫脂。
5)myelin sheath髓鞘
1.Changes of brain myelin sheath structure and myelin basic protein content induced by amyloid β peptide (Aβ) and effect of GETO on these changes;β淀粉样肽引起的大鼠脑神经髓鞘结构与MBP变化及金思维的影响
2.Then myelin sheath showed fresh blue in color.结果神经纤维呈黑色,神经元、轴索、树突呈黑色或紫黑色,髓鞘呈鲜蓝色。
3.Our previous study has shown that the axon membrane of C fibers in the saphenous nerve of rat is fluffed and the myelin sheath of A δ fibers is destroyed partly when the nerve is treated with 50% injection stauntoniae, a kind of analgesic in Chinese herbal medicine.本文作者等曾发现将镇痛中草药野木瓜注射液 (IS)涂布于大鼠隐神经可导致 C类纤维轴突膜膨胀、边界模糊 ;Aδ类纤维髓鞘出现较多的空洞和髓鞘崩解。

神经元形态中枢神经系统内轴突髓鞘的形成示意图 李瑞端绘[图]