1.Doris Lessing’s attitude towards feminism and her writing about it always have a sense of ambiguity.多丽丝·莱辛的女权主义抒写历来给评论界一种模棱两可的感觉。
2.It is renowned for its vivid characterization, fierce conflicts and the ambiguity of the playwright s attitude to his characters.作为迄今为止唯一获得美国戏剧三大奖项的作品,《欲望号街车》以其精湛的人物刻画,重重的矛盾冲突,以及作者田纳西·威廉斯近乎模棱两可的叙述态度而备受学术界及普通观众的关注。
3.The ambiguity in Shakespeare\'s masterpiece Hamlet has been a heated topic in the critical circle since its birth.莎翁的悲剧《哈姆雷特》中的模棱两可一直是批评界争议最多的一个话题。

1.One is ambiguous because life is ambiguous;一个模棱两可是因为生活模棱两可
2.An equivocal statement or expression.模棱两可模棱两可的陈述或表达
3.This client’s area code is ambiguous!”这个客户区号模棱两可!”
4.He gave me an indefinite answer, ie neither `yes' nor `no'.他给我的答覆模棱两可.
5.the other is a manipulative ambiguity.另一个模棱两可是人为操纵的模棱两可
6.Having a grammatical structure that allows of two interpretations; equivocal.歧义的,模棱两可的一种语法结构可以有两种解释的;模棱两可
7.Don't hedge, what's wrong?别模棱两可了。有什么事出了问题?
8.His father, too, seemed doubtful in his view.他父亲的看法好象也模棱两可
9.This declaration was slightly ambiguous.这句话的意思有些模棱两可
10."You say it really good," he hedged.他模棱两可地说:“你说得真好。”
11.Don't bring me probabilities, professor.别再向我报告模棱两可的情报,教授。
12.What kind of double talk was this?这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?
13.Do not quibble over the thing.不要把那件事说得模棱两可
14.Their investigation report was full of amBiguities.她们的调查报告模棱两可
15.What you say cuts both ways. It affects you and me.你说的模棱两可,它对你和我都有影响。
16.To use equivocal language intentionally.含糊其词故意使用模棱两可的语言
17.Giving Evasive Answers如何给出模棱两可的回答
18.Intentionally vague or ambiguous; equivocal"有意含糊其词的,模棱两可的."

3)Constructive Ambiguity建设性模棱两可
1.Constructive Ambiguity in Bail-out Projects and Its Implication for China;论危机救助的“建设性模棱两可”及其对中国的启示
2.Actually, the lender of the last resort should lend money to all kinds of financial institutions which meet the conditions of it, the strategy of constructive ambiguity should be applied in practice, the conditions of the lending should be perfected, the rates should be penitentiary in general, and the cr.最后贷款的范围应该是一切符合贷款条件的金融机构,要运用"建设性模棱两可"策略,要完善最后贷款的条件,法律应规定一般最后贷款应以惩罚性利率发放,禁止发放信用贷款。
3.In order to effectively safeguard the social financial security,it is necessary to establish the legal system for LOLR in China on the principle of constructive ambiguity,the rational elements of the LOLR law and the reasonable auxiliary system under the trend of financial liberalization and globalization.在金融自由化与国际化的背景下,为有效实现最后贷款人制度维护金融系统稳定的社会功能,我国有必要确立"建设性模棱两可"原则、完善最后贷款人制度的要素规定以及构建合理的最后贷款人配套机制。
4)ambiguity intolerance难忍的模棱两可
5)ambiguity tolerance易忍的模棱两可
