1.The relation between environmental protection and rational definition of environmental capacity property rights.;环境保护和环境容量产权的合理界定
2.Rational Definition of the Concept of Adverse Drug Reactions;不良反应概念的合理界定
3.Sample Interpretation of Definition of Adulterated Drugand Misbranded Drug in Drug Management Law;浅析我国《药品管理法》对假劣药的界定

2.Where Shanghai Stands Towards A World City?;界定世界城市的形成——以上海为例
3.On the Style Definition of a Literary Masterpiece;世界文学名著《我的母亲》的体裁界定
4.Definition of the management boundary between river and sea in Ningbo宁波市陆海及河海管理分界线的界定
5.The "Negation of Negation" of the Definition of Music form in Chinese Opera Singing;中国戏曲唱腔曲体界定的“否定之否定”
6.fixed oceanographic stations of the world世界定点海洋观测站
7.Beyond the designated boundaries or limits.出界的超出指定的界限或边界的
8.definition and delimitation of outer space外层空间的定义和定界
9.An almost lower bound is defined similarly as an almost upper bound.殆下界的定义与殆上界是类似的。
10."demarcation,also demarkation:The setting or marking of boundaries or limits."分界线:边界或限制的设定或标记.
11.The setting or marking of boundaries or limits.分界线边界或限制的设定或标记
12.barred to a designated group.禁止进入指定的地界。
13.without fixed limits or restrictions.没有固定界限和限制。
14.demarcation criteria划定选区分界的准则
15."Ordering a fixed limit for it, with locks and doors;"为它定界限,又安门和闩,
16.Franco-Siamese Delimitation Commission法国--暹罗定界委员会
17.The boundary is not clearly defined.这疆界没有明确划定。
18.the boundary of a specific area.一个特定区域的边界。

1.Define the sea experience fishery connotation and its economic appearance prelim inary studies;海业内涵的界定及其经济形态初探
2.This paper tries to define it and analyze its changes with an view to show that the coverage does change and an awareness of the relations between finance and education helps our performance.本文试图从理论上对公共教育支出范围的界定与调整进行分析,阐明公共教育支出的范围不是一成不变的,并提出必须树立正确的财政和教育观念,以改进我们的实际工作。
3.s: Analyzed the necessary to define the network-reference.分析了科学界定网络参考文献的必要性,提出了科学界定参考网络文献的建议与方法。
1.Primary Discussion on Determination of Basic Attributes and Practical Function of Prima facie Beweis .;试论表见证明的基本属性与应用功能之界定
2.Analysis and Determination of Valid Periods of Core Chinese Periodicals;中文核心期刊有效时域的分析与界定
3.Legal Interpretation and Determination of Public Interest;公共利益的法律解读与界定
1.The basis and principles for identification of community basic health service;社区基本卫生服务项目界定的依据和原则
2.A stylistic identification of the yue-fu poetry in Tang唐代“乐府体”诗的体性界定
3.Existing does not make a clear identification of the management scope for Fuxian Lake protection.现行的《抚仙湖管理条例》没有对抚仙湖保护管理范围作明确的界定
1.Re-delimitation of gas logging abnormal criteri a for low pressure & low permeability gas zones in the Northern Erdos.;鄂北地区低压低渗气层气测异常标准的重新界定
2.Definition and delimitation of the concept of Chinese YUYAN:with a discussion about the asymmetry of the cross-translation between YUYAN and English FABLE“寓言”概念的定义与界定——兼论“寓言”与“fable”对译的不对称性
1.This article argues that the legal status of the near space depends on the demarcation of the air space and the outer space.近空间的法律地位取决于空气空间和外层空间的定界这一古老的、悬而未决的命题。
2.This paper deals with the demarcation between Astragalus and Chesneya.本文讨论了黄芪属与雀儿豆属的定界问题。

产权界定 产权界定——  产权界定是指国家依法划分财产所有权和经营权等产权归属,明确各类产权形式权利的财产范围和管理权限的一种法律行为。