1.Culture composition of natural fibers for clothing;服装用天然纤维材料的文化构成
2.Diagnosing the Faults of Hydraulic System by System Composition and Power Analysis;用系统构成及功率分析诊断液压系统的故障

1.A structure or an entity made up of distinct components.合成物由不同成分构成的结构或实体
2.Water composes nearly 70 percent of the human body.水构成人体的70%。
3.to the prejudice of...构成…的伤害,损及…
4.'Glad' collocates with 'news'.和 'news'构成连语
5.The mineral composition of a sample of igneous rock.火成岩样品的矿物构成
6.Speciality: Product structure: tinning cooper etc.产品构造:由镀锡铜等成分构成
7.Formed from a noun or an adjective.名词构成的,形容词构成
8.Keyword: Constitute, Ink and Washing Painting Component, Work, New Features.关键词:构成,水墨构成,作品,新特征。
9.Matters consist of molecules, and molecules of atoms.物质由分子构成,而分子由原子构成
10.A brief talk on developing the sense of modelling in the teaching of Three-dimensional Modelling;论“立体构成”教学中构成观念的培养
11.An Analysis on Natural and Social Structure of Ningbo Immigrants in Shanghai;旅沪宁波移民自然构成、社会构成分析
12.Analyze the space composing from the stereoscopic composing angle从立体构成的角度解析室内空间构成
13.(of parts or elements of sth)form(a whole);constitute(指某事物的部分或成分)构成(整体);组成
14.The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition, three-dimensional construction and planar formation.“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。
15.Form of a word which can combine with another word or another combining form to form a new word, egAnglo-, -philia构词成分(能与另一词或另一构词成分构成新词者,如
16.combining form(form of a word which can combine with another word or another combining form to form a new word,eg Anglo-,-philia)构词成分(能与另一词或另一构词成分构成新词者,如Anglo,philia)
17.The costs of the network advertisement consist of the manufacture cost and the management one.网络广告成本由生产成本与管理成本构成
18.a storm consisting of violent winds.强烈的风构成的风暴。

1.Hospital outpatient service medical fee and its constitution analysis and policy choice;门诊医疗费用构成比较分析及政策的选择
2.Study on eological space constitution of the city waterfront;城市滨水景观生态空间构成
3.Exploration of subject and constitution design techniques in the indoor design of public buildings——Indoor design plan of Fuzhou customs office block;探索公共建筑室内设计中母题、构成手法运用——福州海关办公大楼室内设计方案构思
1.A Study of the Structure of Students perception of Teachers Assessment Behavior;中小学生对教师评价行为知觉构成的研究
2.An automatic suspend edge roller used in float glass industry was introduced based on the structure and mechanical behavior of the roller.着重从设备构成和机械特性方面介绍了用于浮法玻璃生产的吊挂式全自动拉边机。
3.The paper mainly deals with the bullwhip effect in China vaccine cold chain, analyzes the basic structure and characteristics of the chain, discusses the causes and bad effects of bullwhip effect and puts forward some solutions.主要讲述了中国疫苗冷藏链中的牛鞭效应,分析了疫苗冷藏链的基本构成及其特殊性,其牛鞭效应产生的原因以及引起的危害,最后提出了初步的解决方案。
1.Synchronication of discernibility matrix formation with reduction;分辨矩阵构成与约简同步的方法
2.Output advantages based on value network for enterprises: characteristics and formation;基于价值网络的企业产出优势:特点与构成
3.An Analysis on the Formation of New Words in Modern Arabic;现代阿拉伯语新词构成探析
1.The research in form construction of building group;建筑聚落的构成形态研究
2.On Status and Function of Knowledge Element in Construction of Modern Productivity;论现代生产力构成中知识要素的地位和作用
3.The Construction and It Applying in Modern Landscape Architecture Design;构成学及其在现代园林设计中的应用研究
1.By searching and reading a lot of reference, the present researcher suggested that the construct of teachers emotionality in classroom teaching involved educatio.本研究课题通过查阅大量的文献资料,首先明确提出了课堂教学活动中教师情感的构成,即把教师情感分成三部分:教育观念、情感表达能力和内在人格力量。
2.Architectural function and its relative attribute have significant influence on the production of architectural forms, which can be perceived as a potential "will" deriving from the interior and affecting the construct of form.建筑功能及其相关属性对建筑形式的产生具有相当的重要影响,它可以被视为来自自身内部并作用于形式构成的一种潜在的“意志”。
3.Following the basic of Engls and Hegel on the separability,we think that only the unity of the two oppositions of the "Separability" vs "Continuity" and "Construction" vs "Creativity",could construct the all-around truth.遵循恩格斯与黑格尔对可分性问题的基本思路 ,认为只有“可分”与“连续”、“构成”与“生成”等两个对立面的统一 ,才有全面的真
