1.Publicity View in Public Relations of Government;政府公共关系的公共性视野
2.The declination and reconstruction of the publicity of contemporary intellectuals in China;我国当代知识分子公共性的衰弱及其重建
3.Analyzing the publicity of Chinese public administration and public management;中国公共行政与公共管理之“公共性”辨析

1.Analyzing the publicity of Chinese public administration and public management;中国公共行政与公共管理之“公共性”辨析
2.Non-publicity of public policy--A new perspective for the research on public policy;公共政策的非公共性——公共政策研究的新视角
3.Study on Lack and Cure of the Commonality of Public Admininstration in China;论我国公共管理公共性缺失及其救治
4.On the Change of the Public Goods Characteristics and it s Provision;公共物品公共性的变化及其有效提供
5.From Individuality to Publicity:The Nature and Course of Public Power;从私人性到公共性——论公共权力的属性和归宿
6.Research summary on equity and efficiency on view of public policy fairness;公共政策公共性视角下公平与效率问题综述
7.The Ethical Foundation of Achieving Publicity of Public Management--A Study on Morality of Public Managers;公共管理中“公共性”的伦理实现基础——公共管理主体道德性的研究
8.genuinely collective goods and services纯公共性货物与劳务
9.On the Publicity of Sculpture Theme Parks From the Longevity Park;由长寿公园论雕塑主题公园的公共性
10.On the Relationship between Publicity and Privacy of Public Art;公共艺术的公共性与私密性的相互关系
11.Conception of Publicity: An Analysis of the Essential Property of Public Policy;浅析公共政策的本质属性——公共性的涵义
12.Public Economy Management:Discard and Revise-Based on the View of Public Administration公共经济管理公共性的偏失与矫正——基于公共管理的视角
13.Deviation and Return of Public Policy s Publicness in the Process of Social Transition;论社会转型期公共政策公共性的偏离与回归
14.Study on Multiple-Center Supply of Public Goods from View of Public Characteristic with Discussion on Chinese Public Goods Supply;公共性视角下的公共物品“多中心”供给研究
15.On Realizing University Publicity and Optimizing Deployment of Common Resources;大学公共性的实现在于公共资源的优化配置
16.Study on the Public Policy of "The New Three Livelihood Issues" from the Perspective of Publicity;“新三大民生问题”的公共政策公共性视角研究
17.Non-publicity of the Public Policy:On the Perspective of Norm Analysis;公共政策的非公共性:基于实证分析的视角
18."Public" and " Art"--The Individuality and Commonness of Teaching Public Art;“公共”与“艺术”——公共艺术教学的个性与共性

1.Expansion of Public Kingdom Rites——Ways for the formation of ancient Huaxia race;王国礼仪公共性的扩展——简论古代华夏族群的形成途径
2.The dual properties of WC as public and privat e place are introduced.论述了公共厕所的双重属性 ,即公共性和私密性 ,按照公共厕所的发展历程探讨了其双重属性的不同表现 ,旨在揭示现代公共厕所设计中关于人性心理层面的考虑 ,提高公共厕所双重属性的重要性。
1.Harmonious society and the regress of commonality in urban planning;和谐社会与城市规划公共性的回归
2.The Commonality of Shenzheng Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition;浅析深圳当代雕塑艺术展的公共性
1.The Publicness of Agriculture Technology and Its R&D Major Body;农业技术的公共性及其研发主体研究
2.Publicness Analysis on Chinese Financial Expenditure Since the Reform and Opening-up;改革开放以来中国财政支出的公共性分析
3.Flowing Publicness——Dilemma and transcendence of the study of our regional governments流动的公共性——我国区域政府研究的困境与超越
5)public nature公共性
1.This is the public nature of public policy.这构成了公共政策公共性的内在意蕴。
2.The double role of the local governments in the political system and regional economic system determined the duality of political performance and public nature in competition between the local governments,which shows three states of competition between the equal local gover.同级地方政府在政治体系和区域经济体系中扮演的双重角色,决定了中国同级地方政府竞争同时具有政绩性和公共性双重性质,并以政绩性和公共性的强弱体现为依据,划分了我国同级地方政府竞争的三种竞争形态。
3.In view of the public interest in government policy making,the paper points out the public nature of stock market.本文对股权分置改革中的几个主要理论进行了分析,认为“流通股含权”说、“合同”说等是不能成立的;从政府政策的公共利益出发,提出了股市公共性学说,强调这一学说是支持股权分置改革的理论依据,据此分析了股权分置改革中的一系列政策举措。
6)public character公共性
1.As an important tool to analyze the nature and behavior of governmental activities,“public character”guides the value orientation of public sectors’activities and represents the unique character of public management relative to private management.作为分析现代政府活动性质和行为的重要工具,“公共性”引领着公共部门行为的价值取向,是公共管理质的规定性,体现了公共管理活动相对于私人管理的独特性,对公共管理的“公共性”的探讨有利于国家公共政策的制定和执行以及行政管理的顺利进行。
2.This paper holds the view that Lu-xun is not only a "fighter" but also a "scholar", his writing shows both the "public" appeal and the "private" appeal, so his works correspondingly present two styles: "public character" and "private character".本文认为鲁迅兼有“战士”和“文人”两种身份,其写作有“公”与“私”两种诉求,其作品也就相应地呈现出“公共性”和“私人性”两种风格。
3.The first section Probe into the public character of en.本文分四部分,首先探讨城市环境雕塑的公共性因素,接着阐述环境雕塑本身的语言特征,再进一步深入研究雕塑与环境的关系问题,最后就当下环境规划及雕塑现状进行分析并展望今后环境雕塑的发展空间及潜能。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-