高楼风,wind by high building
1)wind by high building高楼风
2)Taofeng Building陶风楼
1.Taofeng Building--Witness of Development of Chinese Modern Library;风雨陶风楼——中国近代国书馆发展的历史见证
3)Chiu Fung Tower秋风楼
1.Relevant Issues on Chiu Fung Tower and Chiu Fung Tse (Song of the Autumn Wind);秋风楼与《秋风辞》相关问题考辨
4)Bawdy flirting青楼风月

1.In this kind of new business culture, the bawdy flirting culture is one of the most magical contents and signs.在这种新型的商业都市文化中,扬州的青楼风月文化,最具魅力的内容及标志之一。
2.An Analysis of the Pornographic Novels in the Late QING Dynasty;晚清狎邪小说叙事分析——以《花月痕》和《青楼梦》为例
3.An Analysis and WRF Simulation of a Case of Sea-Breeze Circulation in August at Qingdao青岛地区8月一次海风环流实例分析和WRF模拟
4.A Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional Structure of Qingdao Coastal Area Wind Field in August;青岛地区8月份沿海近地层风场数值模拟和三维结构研究
5.The building will be opened next month.那栋大楼下个月将营业。
6.The Living Conditions of Women in Brothel from the Perspective of Brothel Environment in Ancient China从古代青楼环境看青楼女子的生活状态
7.Building air intake,no vehicle emissions,turn off motor楼房进风口,请熄掉引擎。
8.a large airy room on the first floor二楼的宽敞通风的房间
9.The skyscraper is of Western style.摩天大楼,欧美风范。
10.Market observation: Consumer downturn in June whether a property is" watershed"?楼市观察:消费现逆转6月是否成楼市"分水岭"?
11.Property sales are booming, with about79,000 transactions in the first10 months.楼市上升,首十个月约有七万九千宗楼宇成交。
12.A follow-up to their successful" Children Wonderland" series after8 volumes, the" Golden Folk Song" series bids farewell to their childhood as they enter their teen years.继“儿童乐园”八张专辑的成功﹐千金在“金谣风”的专辑告别童真岁月进入青春年华的界段。
13.March winds and April showers brought forth May flowers.3月风、4月雨使5月花开。
14.May 4th is Youth Day.五月四日是青年节。
15.A windy march and a rainy April makes a beautiful May.三月刮和风,雨下四月里,五月风光多美丽。
16.the flowers and trees on the sunny side meet spring earlier.近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春。
17.A mare's nest海市蜃楼,镜花水月,无稽之谈
18.Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower; It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.可怜楼上月徘徊 应照离人妆镜台

Taofeng Building陶风楼
1.Taofeng Building--Witness of Development of Chinese Modern Library;风雨陶风楼——中国近代国书馆发展的历史见证
3)Chiu Fung Tower秋风楼
1.Relevant Issues on Chiu Fung Tower and Chiu Fung Tse (Song of the Autumn Wind);秋风楼与《秋风辞》相关问题考辨
4)Bawdy flirting青楼风月
5)attic fan阁楼风扇
