机房空调机组,computer room air conditioner(CRAC)
1)computer room air conditioner(CRAC)机房空调机组

1.Analysis on the Reason of Excessive Exhausting Pressure of Air-Condition Group in Computer-Room in Summer夏季机房空调机组排气压力过高原因分析
2.Characteristics of Airflow Organization and Deployment Scheme of Air-Condition Cold Capacity in Communication Rooms通信机房的气流组织特性与空调冷量调配方案
3.Central-station air handling unitsGB/T14294-1993组合式空调机组
4.indirect type central air-conditioning unit间接式中央空调机组
5.Starting from the Room Air-conditioned Space to Open up a New Energy Saving从机房空调入手 开辟节能降耗新空间
6.dehumidifier ,air (excl those for self-contained air-conditioning machines)空气去湿机(组合式空调机去湿除外)
7.The design method of aircooled chiller used for cleaning air-conditioning systems in an electrical plant某电子厂房采用风冷热泵机组作为洁净空调冷热源的设计思路
8.A Simple Method of Installing Automatic Start-up Device to the Air-conditioner in the Computer Room计算机机房空调加装来电自动开机装置
9.Simulation of Precision Air Conditioning Liebert FH290A;机房专用空调力博特FH290A的模拟仿真
10.Design of Computer Room Air Conditioner Control System Based on μC/OS-II;基于μC/OS-II的机房空调测控系统设计
11.Application of FMS Theory on Air Conditioner Design and Manufacture;FMS机理在房间空调器生产上的应用
12.Design of the Machinery Room of Air Conditioning Heat/Cold Sources in Xianian Community of Jincheng City晋城市下辇社区空调冷热源机房设计
13.The selection and design of air supply for air conditioning used in telecommunication room电信机房空调送风方式的选择与设计
14.Feasibility analysis of energy-saving renovation in IDC plant in Langfang廊坊IDC机房空调节能改造可行性分析
15.Discussion on Trial Test of Cooling Island System of Large Air-Cooling Unit大型空冷机组空冷岛系统的调试探讨
16.An adjustable time of3-5 minutes will be set for cooling after transfer time.发电机组空载运转3-5分钟(调)机后自动停机。
17.The application of the coverter running of a circulating pump to save energy in the boiler’s air conditioning room;锅炉房空调机房循环泵变频调速节能运行的应用
18.direct evaporative central air-conditioning unit直接蒸发式中央空调机组

air conditioning unit plant room空调机房
1.Retrofit of air conditioning unit plant room for broadcasting studios in Qingdao Guangdian Mansion;青岛广电大厦演播室空调机房的改造工程
3)close control unit机房空调
1.Optimal design of constant temperature and humidity close control units;根据笔者的研发经验,结合制冷、供热、流体力学等基本原理,详细论述了机房空调制冷气流和控制系统关键部件的优化设计方案。
2.Foundation for design of constant temperature and humidity close control units;结合制冷、传热、流体力学等基本原理,详细介绍了机房空调的制冷、气流、控制系统的关键部件的计算、选型及设计方案。
4)air-conditioning unit for computer room机房专用空调机组
1.In this paper, an air-conditioning unit for computer room is designed and investigated, including the choice of the system parameter and project, designing of evaporator, condenser and the whole structure of the unit.本文对机房专用空调机组进行了设计研究 ,包括机组设计参数与总体方案的确定 ,对蒸发器、冷凝器以及机组整体结构的设计 ,机组所用各种元件的选择
5)air-conditioning unit空调机组
1.Study on Vibration and Noise of Fault Diagnosis for Air-conditioning Unit Based on Blind Source Seperation;基于盲分离的空调机组故障振声诊断研究
2.The variations of fresh air volume end condense air volume as well as its influence on performance of train air-conditioning unit are discussed in this paper,which cause air-conditioning unit in moving condition—maybe.分析了铁道客车空调机组在车辆运行过程中的通风量和冷凝风量的变化及对制冷量的影响,由此解释了空调机组运行故障的原因。
3.Through discussing the main fault of sensor in air-conditioning unit in intelligent building,a neural network diagnosis scheme based on Levenberg-Marquardt(LM) algorithm was presented.在探讨智能大厦中空调机组传感器主要故障的基础上,提出了基于Lev-enberg-Marquardt(LM)算法的神经网络诊断方案。
6)air conditioning unit空调机组
1.The control model research and realization of microcomputer observation and control systems which is in air conditioning unit of the train;客车空调机组微机测控系统控制模型的研究与实现
2.Modeling and control research of supply air temperature control systems in VAV air conditioning units;变风量空调机组送风温度系统建模与控制研究
3.Design method for ice-storage low-temperature air supply systems (2): psychrometric chart analysis and selection and calculation of air conditioning units;冰蓄冷低温送风系统设计方法(2):焓湿图分析和空调机组选择计算

调度自动化计算机房调度自动化计算机房computer room of dis-patching automa-tion system  dis孙tehing automation system)调度所内计算机系统及有关设备的场所以及各种辅助用房。 机房组成调度所计算机系统机房由计算机机房和擂助机房组成。 (1)计算机机房.包括主计算机、前t计算机、磁盘机、磁带机、通信接口设备以及供维护开发用的程序员显示终端、操作控制台、打印机等的用房。大型计算机机房可专设计算机的专用电源配电柜,以及配套的辅助房间.包括维修室、仪器室、备件室、磁介质库、纸介质库、软硬件人员办公室等.如兼作离线计算使用,还得设t数据录人室、离线用户工作室等。 (2)辅助机房.包括空调机房、供电系统的UPS电探、配电室、蓄电池室、油机机房、控制室和值班室等。 机房设!的要求 (1)布局合理,有利于维护和使用,能为提高工作效率创造条件。 (2)尽t缩短设备之间的连线,以减少信号衰耗和延迟,并可减小传翰中的千扰。 (3)对特殊设备作专门安放,如对噪声大的行式打印机可在调度室附近专门设t输出设备室;对清洁度要求特别高的磁盘可在计算机房内设t专门的净化室等。 (4)符合技术安全及防火规范的要求。 机房的典型布I 调度所计算机系统机房的典型布里如图1所示. 机房的环境要求 (1)沮度一般分三级,大中型调度计算机房为A级,21士2℃;小型调度计算机房一般采用B级,21士5℃,调度室和其他枯助机房为C级,15~28℃. (2)湿度。大中型调度计算机房为A级,50%士10%;小型调度计算机房(徽机)为50%士20%。 (3)清洁度。一般分两级。大中型调度计算机房采用A级,指直径大于。、5林m以上的尘埃粒子,每立方英尺空气中应少于30~50万个;小型调度计算机房(徽机)采用B级,指直径大于。.51.1以上的尘埃粒子,每立方英尺空气中应少于100万个. (4)噪声。机房嗓声要求控制在“dB以下,而对调度室噪声还要进一步降低.具体措施为:①天花板采用吸音材料,坡壁要隔音,采用双层密闭门窗;②通风口装消声器;③嗓声大的行式打印机在调度室附近专设物出设备室, UPs专设电源室。 机房的供电和照明及接地 (1)供电.调度计算机系统均采用UPS供电,德频、德压的要求如表所示。供电系统如图2所示。