1.Simulation analysis on rutting of asphalt pavements considering consecutive temperature variation;基于连续变温的沥青路面车辙模拟分析
2.Theoretical Calculation and Analysis on the Rutting Resistance performance of Different Asphalt Pavement Structure;不同沥青路面结构抵抗车辙性能理论计算分析
3.Strategy of improving rutting resistance based on contribution rate of different layers;基于结构层贡献率的沥青路面抗车辙措施

1.The crumbling of the Qing Dynasty in 1900 foreshadows.1900年的车辙可鉴。
2.a deeply rutted road留有很深车辙的路.
3.In the desert two deep ruts could be seen.沙漠,两道深深的车辙
4.rutty farm roads.车辙很多的农场小路
5.A skim of ice formed in the ruts.车辙里结了一层薄冰。
6.Research on the Effect of the Asphalt Mixture Intermingled Anti-Rut Agent Che ZHe Wang掺加车辙王抗车辙剂的沥青混合料试验研究
7.The ruts flattened out under the pressure of wheels.地面上的车辙给车轮压平了。
8.The rust must be filled in so that traffic can pass.必须把这些车辙填平,以便车辆通过。
9.The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road.重型卡车在公路上留下车辙
10.The farm carts have worn ruts in the lane.农用大车在乡间小路上磨出了车辙
11.Rutting Prediction by FEM and Influence Factor Analysis Based on Rutting Test基于车辙试验的有限元车辙预估及影响因素分析
12.Cars and motorbikes had churned up the field.汽车和摩托车在地上留下了一道道车辙
13.The O - rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.这O形圈无法装入他们的车辙
14.a twisty path, river, track, etc弯弯曲曲的小路、 河、 车辙等.
15.The detective followed the rut made by the jeep.侦探追寻着吉普留下的车辙痕迹。
16.Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road.轮子在泥路上会留下车辙
17.Study on the Application of the Highway of PR Anti-Rutting Additive;PR抗车辙剂在高速公路应用的研究
18.Study of Asphalt Surfacing Mixtures on Rutting Resistance;上面层沥青混合料抗车辙性能的研究

1.Experimental Research on Causes for Asphalt Pavement Rut;沥青路面车辙形成因素的试验研究
2.Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Rut and Prevention-Treatment of It;沥青路面车辙分析与防治
3.Superficial Analysis of Techniques for Rut Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement;沥青路面车辙养护技术浅析
1.Application of modifier in handling of track disaster of asphalt road改性剂在沥青路面车辙病害处治中的应用研究
2.The Application of Micro-surfacing in Fixing Tracks in Huihe Highway微表处在处治惠河高速公路车辙病害中的应用
3.Temperature is an important factor in generating tracks on the asphalt pavement.温度是沥青路面产生车辙的一个重要因素,通过有限元和试验2个方面对于不同的温度进行车辙分析,得出高温是沥青路面产生车辙的主要原因,建议在沥青路面设计中应该给予温度足够的重视。
4)wheel rut车辙
1.The formations and preventions of black pavement wheel rut;黑色路面车辙产生的原因及防治
2.This article analyzes raw material composition,the structure,load and so on,elaborated the bituminous pavement wheel rut formation reason,unified the author′s experience to propose some prevention wheel rut specific measures.通过对原材料组成,结构、荷载等方面的分析,阐述了沥青路面车辙形成的原因,结合施工经验提出了一些预防车辙的具体措施。
3.The asphalt concrete road surface in the use process,the driving load repeatedly function,the belt-shaped scoop channel(namely wheel rut) in the road surface has been produced along the driving cart rut direction,which has the enormous influence to the vehicles movement,and the acceleration path destructiveness,affected the path the use quality and the service level seriously.沥青混凝土路面在使用过程中,受行车荷载的反复作用,路面上产生了沿行车轮迹方向的带状凹槽(即车辙),不仅对车辆的运行造成极大影响,加速道路的破坏程度,而且,还严重影响道路的使用质量和服务水平,因此,必须采取切实可行的措施尽快维修,保证道路上车辆的正常运行。
1.The flexure,planeness,pavement isolation and tracking detection of express highway pavement were mainly introduced.主要介绍高速公路路面的弯沉、平整度、路面离析及车辙的检测,简要阐述各个项目的检测方法及其原理,并讨论了现行路面检测中存在的问题及发展趋势,以更好地发挥路面检测的作用。
2.crack,tracking and water damage.根据刚柔复合式路面的特点,总结了刚柔性路面有开裂、车辙、水损坏三种损坏形式,分别分析了其损坏机理,同时提出了相应的防治措施,从而延长了刚柔复合式路面的使用寿命。
6)Rut test车辙试验
1.Effect of test conditions on the rut test;试验条件对车辙试验影响的研究
2.Research on rut test of Asphalt mixture;沥青混合料车辙试验研究
3.It also analyzes the effects of thickness,max radius,grade as well as blanking rate on large bitumen mixture high-temperature functional test according to rut test,so as to promote the research of large bitumen mixture high-temperature functional test.通过大马歇尔试验设计了三组大粒径沥青混合料,并通过车辙试验分析了沥青混合料的厚度、最大粒径、级配以及空隙率对大粒径沥青混合料高温性能的影响,以促进大粒径沥青混合料高温性能的研究。

Smt-1卡车承载车辙式桥国别 波兰名称 smt-1卡车承载车辙式桥smt-1 truck-mounted treadway bridge研制单位 波兰pl生产单位 波兰pl现状 完成生产计划装备情况 波兰概述该车由4个跨度为11m的桥组构成,每个桥组安装在1辆(6×6)星(star)式卡车的后部进行运输。桥的架设是在卡车前端进行的。因桥是固定式,架桥前不必展开。每1条车辙道由用支柱、横梁和对角加强筋焊在一起的钢管束组成,在钢管束上部装有带网钢板筋。该车可与psmt-1急用支架连用,支架由平板和4个高低可调的桥架构成,桥架长5m,行军时折叠存放。支架采用泡沫塑料结构,可以漂浮在水面上,只需单轴拖车运送。性能数据驾驶室座位 1+2人驱动型式 6×6车重 9600kg车长 11.97m(预架设位置) 11.67m车宽 3.3m车高 3.15m车底距地高 0.27m轮距 1.804m轴距 2.858+1.2(m)公路最大速度 50km/h行程 500km燃料储备 300l涉水深 0.9m发动机型号 s-47类型 6缸水冷汽油机功率/转速 77.2kw/3000r/min传动装置类型 手动前进档/倒档数 5/1轮胎规格 11.00×20桥梁结构类型 机械化车辙桥,翻转式载重量 40t自重量 2300kg桥长 11m(每一桥跨)桥宽 3m架桥时间 3~5min