1.Study on Key Techniques of Mine Network;联网水雷阵及其关键技术研究
2.Comparison between two calculational methods of mine s destroyable radius and analysis of example;两种水雷破坏半径计算方法比较与实例分析
3.Calculating and measuring target strength of different shapes of mines;水雷不同外形目标强度的计算与测量

1.firing circuit [mines]引爆电路〔水雷或地雷〕
2.To lay explosive mines in or under.在…布雷在…之中或之下安放地雷或水雷
3.clear the coastal waters of mines清除沿岸水域的水雷
4.Any of various submarine explosive devices, especially a submarine mine.水雷一种水下爆炸装置,物别指潜艇水雷
5.Note: A ML requires a size9 port in order to reload mines.布雷舰需要大小为9的港口装载水雷
6.A ship equipped for laying explosive underwater mines.布雷舰艇装备有布水雷装置的舰艇
7.They were mining the entrance to a harbour.他们在进港处布置水雷
8.Two ships were mined yesterday.昨天两条船被水雷炸毁。
9.The hip's bow was blown off by a mine.船头被一枚水雷炸掉了。
10.The mine finally come to rest on the sea bed.那水雷最後沉入海底。
11.The mine finally came to rest on the sea bed那水雷最後沉入海底
12.The ship's bow was blown off by a mine.船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。
13.NMDL (Naval Mine Defense Laboratory)海军水雷防御实验所
14.magnetic, acoustic, etc mines磁性的、 声引信的...水雷
15.The cruiser was mined.那驱逐舰被水雷炸毁。
16.degaussing cable(防磁性水雷的)消磁电缆
17.the activity of detecting and disposing of marine mines.探测并扫除水雷的活动。
18.So it is possible to destroy more mines than you have mine deflectors.所以你可以摧毁数量多于你水雷偏导器的水雷

sea mine水雷
1.The development of self-guided sea mine and self-guidge device;自导水雷及其自导装置发展初探
2.Modern technology influence intelligent sea mines are relatively inexpensive weapons providing at the same time equally effective measures against surface and submarine vessels.现代智能非触发水雷是一种较为低廉的、反舰和反潜同样有效的武器。
3.Character and function of modern sea mine during the war are presented.介绍了水雷的特点和作用 ,指出水雷引信、隐身、主动攻击能力、防爆、抗灭、爆炸杀伤力的发展趋
3)torpedo mine鱼雷或水雷
5)land or sea mine地雷或水雷
6)pressure mine水压水雷
1.According to the relation between hydrodynamic pressure fields causing by ship and its speed is close,the ship itself can be defended and pass the pressure mine district safely by limit the speed.根据舰船水压场与航速关系密切的特点,可通过限速航行以实现舰船自身防护安全通过水压水雷区。
