1.Study of electrical simulation model in rotor brake test system旋翼刹车试验系统电模拟模型的研究
2.The payoff reel's automatic brake for 2030mm cold mill pickling line failed to function due to the limited equipment condition,poor flattening ability for wide and heavy strips and unqualified automatic tail out action of the payoff reel.由于开卷机运行过程中,对于剩余带钢长度计算不正确,自动控制效果已不能满足生产要求;由于设备条件所限,对宽厚带材的矫直能力不够;开卷机带钢自动甩尾功能效率降低等原因造成宝钢分公司2030冷轧酸洗机组开卷机自动刹车失控。
3.The brake system mainly composed of capacitor component is widely used in new high speed drawing frame.用电容器做为主要元件的刹车装置在新型高速并条机上得到广泛应用。

1.emergency brakeph.1. 手刹车,紧急刹车
2."Brake test area, check Brake""刹车检查区,检查刹车"
3.BRAKES: Are your brakes mushy?刹车刹车是否失灵?
4.Those brakes can't be banked on if we have to pull up suddenly这套刹车在急刹时靠不
5.And the auxiliary brake uses an Eddy current brake or EATON brake.辅助刹车既可用涡流刹车,亦可用伊顿刹车
6.impending skid(ding)紧急(急刹车)滑行
7.Do they sink to the floor when you hold them at a stoplight?当见到车尾停车灯亮时刹车,能否刹住?
8.He jammed on the Brakes to see if they worked.他猛地刹车看看刹车灵不灵。
9.The brakes jammed and the car skidded badly.刹车刹住,汽车猛然向前滑行。
10.Inspect the front brake pads and rear brake linings.检查前刹车垫和后刹车衬。
11.Check rear brake shoe adjustment with standard brake gauge.用标准刹车仪表检查后刹车蹄片调整。
12.The mechanic installed new brakes.修车工人装了新刹车
14.braking light for motor vehicles制动刹车灯,机动车辆用
15.brakes fail to stop a vehicle.刹车闸不能使车辆停止。
16.thinking distance思考距离 -架车人刹车
17.The main brake system utilizes either a band brake or a hydraulic disc brake.主绞车的主刹车系统既可采用带式刹车,亦可采用液压盘式刹车
18.The driver slammed on the brakes but failed to stop in time.司机慌忙踩刹车,可没能及时刹住。

1.Analysis of Braking Cushioning of XXJ300/500 Hydraulic Energy-Storing Workover Rig Lowering Pipestring;XXJ300/500液压蓄能修井机下放管柱刹车时的缓冲分析
2.The tire s dynamic contact pressure and its distribution during braking were analyzed by the 3-D FEM,where the tire was regarded as a solid one with relevant parameters given by fitting several values on the principle of equivalent deformation.分析刹车状态下轮胎动态接触压力的大小和分布。
3.The simulation analysis results under the common speed are compared with those under relatively low pace and under the state of braking.实际中汽车总是以一定的速度行驶在路面上,首先将汽车荷载简化为移动的均布荷载,借助大型有限元软件ABAQUS,利用三维动力有限元方法,分析了移动荷载下车辆正常行驶状态、慢速行驶及刹车情况时路面结构内部应力响应规律。
3)Put on the brake!刹车!
4)hoisting drum brake绞车刹车
1.Application of regenerative electric power braking technique on hoisting drum brake of drilling rigs.;再生发电制动技术在钻机绞车刹车上的应用
5)parking brake驻车刹车
6)braking fluid刹车油;刹车液

刹车1.使车或机器停住。用闸等止住车辆行进。 2.使车或机器停住。停止动力来源,使机器停止运转。 3.使车辆停止前进的机械装置。 4.指停止某项活动或某种行为。