1.Influence of differential settlement on pavement structure in expressway widening project;高速公路拓宽差异沉降对路面结构的影响
2.Settlement monitoring and analysis for soft foundation of an expressway widening project;高速公路扩建工程软基拓宽的沉降监测与分析
3.Numerical analysis of foundation improvement effect for expressway widening engineering;高速公路拓宽工程地基处理效果的数值分析

1.4. Expanding cooperation in other fields.4.拓宽多领域合作。
2.The original road shall be widened gradually if its width is inconsistent with regulations.原有道路宽度不合规定者,应一律逐渐拓宽
3.Theoretical Study on the Bandwidth Broadening of Cascaded Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier级联光纤参量放大器带宽拓宽的理论研究
4.In order to widen the road they had to narrow the pavement.为了拓宽道路只好将人行道弄窄.
5.In order to widen the road they have to narrow the pavement为了拓宽道路只好将人行道弄窄
6.a chair with an arm that has been widened for writing.有一个被拓宽了的椅臂的椅子。
7.Fifth, we need to expand the scope of consumption, and improve the climate for consumption.五是拓宽消费领域,改善消费环境。
8.Reading is good for broadening our knowledge.阅读对拓宽我们的知识面有好处。
9.The weltanschauung of European man was ever broadening out.欧洲人的世界观前所未有地拓宽了。
10.How to Broaden Volleyball Setters' Setting Field.对排球二传拓宽传球‘视野’的训练探讨
11.There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.现正计划拆除这幢旧大楼以拓宽马路。
12.Only Russia had any freedom to expand eastward;只有俄国能够自由地向东拓宽
13.This broadened my vision and knowledge.这拓宽了我的视野和知识。
14.We will enlarge areas of cooperation and make it more fruitful.拓宽合作领域,提高合作效果。
15.Moreover, the sphere of women's employment has grown enormously ;况且,妇女就业领域大大拓宽了;
16.Third, endeavors will be pooled to expand the channels for increasing the income of farmers.三是努力拓宽农民增收渠道。
17.Measures to Trace the Source of Tax Cases浅谈拓宽涉税犯罪案源渠道的措施
18.We need to afford job opportunities on a more extensive scale and create more jobs.努力拓宽就业渠道,增加就业岗位。

1.Ways to widen pH range in Fenton process;Fenton法中拓宽pH范围的方法
2.Analysis of the Influence of Connecting Method on Old Bridge Performance in Widening Bridge;旧桥拓宽中拼接方式对旧桥受力状态的影响分析
3.Study Of Bridge s Longitudinal Joint Linking Engineering During Widening Construction With Heavy Traffic;大交通量拓宽工程桥梁纵缝拼接施工的研究
1.Study on the live load internal force in the broaden vehiole of hollow plate girder bridge空心板梁桥拓宽车辆活载内力研究
2.So the service channel in the party school library, should be broadened and gives full play to its function.在现代通迅技术、计算机网络技术飞速发展的今天,图书馆的作用将越来越被人们重视,为此要拓宽党校图书馆的服务渠道,充分发挥图书馆的功能。
4)Widen Metal Plate中板拓宽
5)grade-separated widening立体拓宽
1.The paper mainly proposed several basic shapes of expressway grade-separated widening and introduced its applied conditions for reference.构想了公路立体拓宽的几种基本结构形式,介绍了其应用条件。
6)Channel broadening航道拓宽
