1.Overbooking Model of Ocean Shipping Container Revenue Management;集装箱海运收益管理超订模型研究
2.Conditional value-at-risk(CVaR) was applied to a study on overbooking problem of ocean shipping containers.将条件风险价值(CVaR)度量准则应用于集装箱舱位超订的风险管理研究。
3.Based on the overview and evaluation of current overbooking models and analysis of the current situation and shortcomings of China s overbooking researches,several directions for future research on overbooking model are proposed in the article.超订是收入管理中的主要内容之一。

1.Overbooking Model of Ocean Shipping Container under CVaR;基于CVaR的海运集装箱超订模型
2.Overbooking Model for Revenue Management of Ocean Shipping Containers under Stochastic Capacity;能力随机的海运集装箱收益管理超订模型
3.Overbooking Model of Ocean Shipping Containers with Empty Containers Transportation具有空箱调运需求的海运集装箱超订模型
4.Overbooking model for ocean shipping containers with credit standing consideration考虑商业信誉影响的海运集装箱超订模型
5.Research on Difficulties of Hotel Room Overbooking and Optimization of Hotel Room Oversale Service Recovery饭店客房超订的难点与超售服务补救的优化研究
6.The hotel or the flight is overbooked.饭店或航班已超员预订。
7.A 30% deposit is required for cake ordered over 2 lbs.如订购超过2磅之蛋糕,贵客须先付3成订金。
8.Tickets for this concert have been over-subscribed.这个音乐会门票预订已超额.
9.Sorry, we have overbooked .对不起,我们已经超额预订了。
10.a restaurant that regularly overbooks for dinner.晚餐经常被超额订购的饭馆
11.Don't order any, you are overstocked.你有超额存货,一点也不用订购了。
12.Update subscription class scheduled rule action timeout更新订阅类的调度规则操作超时期限
13.Update subscription class event rule action timeout更新订阅类的事件规则操作超时期限
14.Prepare placing order plastic wares subject three percent off order value over one hundred pounds准备订购塑料器皿但订单价值超过一百镑时应减价百分之三。
15.drive with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit在体内酒精浓度超过订明限制的情况下驾驶
16."5,000 square metres of wool carpet is Bigger than any order we've ever placed."5000平方米的羊毛地毯超过了以往的订货
17.The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years. The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term.合同的有效期限不超过十年。合同期满可以续订。
18.We are willing to allow 5% reduction in price on all orders over1, 000 pieces.只要订货超过一千件,价格方面可降低百分之五。

1.Based on the assumption that the ticket price is unchanged,using the static analysis method,this paper constructs a mathematic model to research customer behavior,and calculates the levels of overbook service to make the most profit.在假设价格不变的情况下,用静态分析的方法建立模型考查消费者行为,对航空公司是否采取超员订票,采取怎样的超员订票能够获得最大的利润进行了计算,结果表明:航空公司超员出售11%的机票能获得最大利润。
1.To make sufficient use of the seats,Airlines companies always supply overbooking service.航空公司为充分利用座位,往往会接受超额订票。
5)overbooking model超订模型
1.By assuming uncertain capacity of container position to be a discrete random variable,an overbooking model is set up for ocean shipping container position with an expected total cost as optimization objective in consideration of the requirement of empty container transportation,where the overbooking strategies exist in both full container position and empty container position.将集装箱船的运输能力设为离散型随机变量,考虑空箱调运需求,在重箱舱位和空箱舱位同时存在超订的情况下建立了极小化期望总成本的海运集装箱超订模型。
6)over-subscription ratio超额订购比

订议1.谓商定议事文稿。 2.定议﹔商议决定。