1.The Lexical Characteristics of Zhi Dialect in Gongcheng of Guangxi;广西恭城“直话”的词汇特点
2.Environment Change of Karst Rocky Desertification by Quantitative Remote Sensing in Gongcheng恭城县岩溶石漠化环境变化定量遥感研究
3.Objective:To get datum about the distribution of ABO blood group of the Yao ethnic group in Gongcheng county in Guangxi.结果 :被调查的 5 0 0名广西恭城瑶族自治县瑶族居民的 ABO血型分布为 :A型 1 4 4人 ,占 2 8。

1.Emergy analysis of economic system in ecological agricultural tourism of Gongcheng, Guangxi;广西恭城月柿生态农业旅游能值分析
2.A Study of Construction of New Socialist Countryside in Gongcheng Guangxi;广西恭城社会主义新农村建设的调查与研究
3.GongCheng Pattern,An Interpretation and Application of the Circular Economy of Agriculture;恭城模式:一种农业循环经济的阐释和运用
4.The Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Eco-agriculture Tourism in Gongcheng County;恭城县生态农业旅游开发中的问题与对策
5.Immense Memory;无边界记忆——广西恭城平地瑶“盘王婆”祭仪变形
6.The Successful Practice of Ecological Agriculture:Taking Guangxi Gongcheng as Example生态农业的实践与推广——以广西恭城县为例
7.Environment Change of Karst Rocky Desertification by Quantitative Remote Sensing in Gongcheng恭城县岩溶石漠化环境变化定量遥感研究
8.Formulating Prosperous Ecological Home Program and Promoting Construction of New Rural Areas --Taking Gongcheng County of Guangxi for Instance;实施“富裕生态家园”工程 推进新农村建设——以广西恭城为例
9.Study on Yao s economic crop technology Changes--as an example of Guoshan Yao;瑶族经济作物种植技术变迁研究——以广西恭城县东面村过山瑶为例
10.Circulation economy style western biological tourism country s construction research-Take "Gongchen mode" as example;循环经济型西部生态旅游县域的建设研究——以“恭城模式”为例
11.Discussion on Circular Economy-oriented Rural Tourism Development Mode循环经济型乡村旅游发展模式探讨——以桂林恭城红岩村旅游点为例
12.SWOT analysis of Guilin gongchen city holiday tourism’s development strategy基于SWOT分析下的桂林恭城县节庆旅游的发展对策
13.The Development of the Yao Nationality Traditional Sports in the Construction of the New Countryside--An Example on the Hongyan Village in Gongcheng Guilin瑶族传统体育在新农村建设中的发展研究——以桂林恭城红岩村为例
14.Effects of Different Fertilization Model on the Citrus Growth in the Ecological Industrial Garden of Gongcheng county不同施肥模式对恭城县生态产业园区柑橘生长的影响
15.Activity characteristics of Gongcheng-Limu fault zone in Guangxi and their relation with geologic disasters恭城—栗木断裂带活动特征及其与地质灾害的关系
16.Based on the deep research on the fete ceremony for Panwangpo of Pingdi Yao in certain town, the article reveals the connotation of anthropology profoundly.本文通过对恭城平地瑶“盘王婆”祭仪的深入研究,揭示了“社会记忆”的人类学内涵。
17.Study on residents perceptions of agro tourism impacts in minority areas--case study on Hongyanxincun village in yao minority autonomous county in Guangxi province;少数民族地区居民对农业旅游影响的感知研究——以广西恭城瑶族自治县红岩新村为例
18.Researches into the Strategies of Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Light of Local Conditions--A Case Study of Playing the Reed Flute to the Rhythm of Drums in GongchengYaozu Autonomous County;因地制宜搞好非物质文化遗产保护——以广西恭城观音乡水滨村平地瑶吹笙挞鼓为例

Gongcheng county恭城县
3)Gongcheng Guangxi广西恭城
1.A Study of Construction of New Socialist Countryside in Gongcheng Guangxi;广西恭城社会主义新农村建设的调查与研究
4)Gongcheng Pattern恭城模式
1.They set up the successful "Gongcheng Pattern",providing useful experiences for the d.广西恭城以可持续发展理论为指导,运用循环经济和生态经济发展模式,创立了"恭城模式"的成功经验,从理论和实践上为桂北地区推进新农村建设提供了有益的借鉴。
2.GongCheng pattern is a good example for the circular economy of agriculture in Karsts region.恭城模式是喀斯特地区农业循环经济发展的典范。
5)Gongcheng persimmon恭城月柿
1.Antibacterial activity of Gongcheng persimmon peel′s pectin hydrolysates;恭城月柿皮果胶酶解物的抑菌活性初探
6)the Middle school of GongCheng恭城中学

陈恭尹(1631~1700)  清代诗人。字元孝,初号半峰,晚号独漉子。顺德(今属广东)人。清顺治三年(1646)清军陷广州,其父陈邦彦举兵抗清,兵败殉国,全家被害,陈恭尹只身逃脱。后南明永历帝授以世袭锦衣卫指挥佥事之职。南明亡后,定居广州。因"三藩之乱",曾被牵连入狱,从此心怀畏惧,壮志渐消,晚年寄情诗酒,曾与官府贵人往来,时人曾讽讥他:"可怜一代夷齐志,错认侯门是首阳。"因此他的诗前后内容有所不同,然而眷怀故国之思,未尝消释。七言律诗对仗工整,又多巧思,绵丽中仍多哀感苍凉之慨。如"猛士不带剑,威武岂得申?丈夫不报国,终为愚贱人"(《拟古》之三)。"西湖歌舞春无价,南宋楼台暮有云。休恨议和奸相国,大江犹得百年分"(《西湖》)。此外如《西湖杂兴》、《虎丘题壁》、《崖门谒三忠祠》、《九日登镇海楼》等篇,也都寄托遥深。五古《感怀》及七古《耕田歌》等篇,则反映了人民所受的苦难。他的诗抒写性情而自成风格,与屈大均、梁佩兰 被称为"岭南三家"。    著作有《独漉堂全集》,诗文各15卷,词1卷。