1.The Exploration of the Serious Pestilence at the Ancient Jin Capital Bianjing in 1232;1232年金末汴京大疫探析

1.The Influence of Dong Jing in Northern Song on the Shang Jing, Yan Jing and Bian Jing in Jin Dynasty;论北宋东京城对金上京、燕京、汴京城的影响
2.From Zhongdu(Yanjing)to Nanjing(Bianjing):the Final Ruin of Jin Dynasty;从中都(燕京)到南京(汴京):金王朝的最终覆亡(续)
3.Its important role in the empire is fully depicted in the painting's city street scene.最重要的部分是描绘汴京的街市。
4.Bianjing was the political, economical and cultural center of the Northern Song Dynasty.汴京作为当时政治、经济、文化的中心,
5.An analysis to the colony of businessmen in Chang an and Bianjing markets;唐都长安与宋都汴京市场中的商人群体探析
6.A Cultural Explanation of Capital Image in Songci--Taking Bianjing City As An Example;宋词都城意象的文化阐释——以汴京为中心
7.On mutual effects of Bianjing folk festival customs and Ci poetry;简论汴京节序风俗与宋词繁荣的互动作用
8.In the suburban scene, farmers are working in the fields and wealthy people are returning from mourning their ancestors.先是汴京郊外的景象。农民在田里耕作,有钱人扫墓归来。
9.It portrays the noisy street scenes of Bianjing during the Qingming Festival (a festival for the mourning of ancestors).图中描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节的繁华热闹的景象。
10.He was a native of Shandong Province, and studied painting in his early years in Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.张择端是山东人,早年在汴京(今河南开封)学习绘画,
11.The depiction of the architecture, merchants and transportation in Bianjing vividly reflects the economic boom of the Northern Song Dynasty.画家通过对汴京城内建筑、商贸、交通、运输几个方面的描绘,再现了北宋都城的繁华和发达。
12.DECLINE OF BIAN JING AND FLOURISH OF CITIES GROUP IN THE CENTRAL PLAIN-- Approach on the Influence of the Development of Modern Mining Industry on He Nan s Economic Development;汴京的衰落和中原城市群的兴起——探讨现代矿业开发对河南经济发展的影响
13.Xiangguo Temple in Bianzhou(Dongjing): A Research on the Developement of the Temple Composition in Tang and Song Dynasty;唐宋时期汴州(东京)相国寺形制发展历程的研究
15.In ancient times, Kaifeng was once known as Bianliang or Bianzhou. The city's history as national capital dates back to 2300 years ago.古时候,开封称“汴梁”、“汴州”,从开始作为都城起,距今已有2300多年。
16.The scene of the Bian River is the most magnificent part of the painting.接下去是最精彩的部分--汴河。
17.The arch bridge stands like a rainbow over the river;汴河上的拱桥如一道彩虹,
18.Development Measures for Kaifeng s Tourist Economy in the Course of Integration of Zhengzhou and Kaifeng;郑汴一体化中开封旅游经济发展对策

Nanjing (Bianjing)南京(汴京)
3)Bianjing City汴京城
1.Jin dynasty has established a capital Bianjing (today Kaifeng in Henan) in a short period, and conducted a construction of Bianjing City.金代曾短时期定都汴京(今河南开封),并对汴京城进行了一番营建。
4)On the Images of Bianjing论汴京意象
5)Bian River汴河
1.Based on literature and archaeological studies,this paper argues that the East water gate of Dongjing,the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, might have been composed of the water gate on the Bian river, the ground entrances along the Bian river to the south and north and the Guaizi walled - enclosures of the south and north.本文综合研究文献记载与考古资料,认为北宋东京汴河东水门应由河道之上的水闸门、汴河南北两岸的陆行门,以及南北拐子城所组成。
2.Taking the"On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness" by Zhang Ze-duan as a start,this essay makes a deep inspection into the process of forming and setting about the arch bridge over the Bian river of the scroll.对张择端《清明上河图》中汴河虹桥之形成、定型过程做了考察,同时,做为拱桥完整"制度"之一部分,还对桥头两侧高杆的性质做了推测。
6)Bian Canal汴渠
1.The Bian Canal who linked up with modern Kaifeng City,the Capital of the North Song Dynasty and the southern region of the Yangtze River, the economical centre of our country at that time is a big artery of transportation and lifeline .沟通北宋政治中心和经济重心的汴渠,是北宋朝廷的运输大动脉和生命线。
