1.Various Interpretation and Reasons of Miracle as a Miracle;作为奇迹之《奇迹》的多种解读及其原因
2.Management works miracle ——nlightenment from Why the stars are so bright?;管理出奇迹——学习《星光为何这般灿烂?》一文的启示
3.Source Material and Explanation of the Poem Miracle of Wenyiduo;闻一多《奇迹》本事及解读

1.being or having the character of a miracle.奇迹般的,具有奇迹特性的。
2.Various Interpretation and Reasons of Miracle as a Miracle;作为奇迹之《奇迹》的多种解读及其原因
3.an imaginary realm of marvels or wonders.充满奇迹的幻想的地方。
4.the phenomenon of their rapid rise to power他们迅速掌权的奇迹.
5.Her escape was nothing short of(being)miraculous.她的脱险可说是个奇迹
6.His recovery is a miracle.他的复元是一个奇迹
7.They escaped by a miracle.他们奇迹般地逃脱了。
8.miraculous treatment奇迹般的疗法/治疗
9.It's just a miracle that he survived the accident!他死里逃生实在是奇迹!
10.This shows man can work wonders.这说明人可以创造奇迹
11.It's a miracle that you returned at all.你能回来是一个奇迹
12.Television is one of the wonders of modern science.电视是现代科学奇迹
13.The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran神圣古兰经的科学奇迹
14.Flowcharts are marvels of simplicity.流程图是简单性的奇迹
15.What are the seven wonders of the world?世界上有哪七大奇迹
16.It is nothing less than a miracle.这简直是一个奇迹
17.Miracles are contrary to nature .奇迹是与大自然相对的。
18.He swore to the miracle.他发誓说这是奇迹

Everyday miracles日常奇迹
3)singularity loci奇异轨迹
1.The singularity loci and dexterity of two degrees of freedom asymmetric spherical five-bar mechanisms are investigated.针时非对称球面五杆机构,研究了机构的奇异轨迹曲线和灵巧度。
2.Based on the new singularity kinematics principles,a cubic polynomial expression that represented the singularity loci of 3/6-SPS Stewart manipulator was obtained and a singularity-equivalent-mechanism was proposed as well.基于并联机构奇异位形产生的运动学原理,推导出3/6-SPS型Stewart机构奇异轨迹的解析表达式,并基于此原理提出了分析并联机构奇异位形的等效机构法,利用此方法推导出了3/6-SPS型Stewart机构处于一般姿态时在θ-平面上的奇异轨迹方程,并对其轨迹的性质进行了识别。
3.Based on analytical expression that represents the singularity loci of Gough-Stewart manipulator, a quadratic expression that represents singularity loci of the manipulator in parallel principal sections was derived and further property of the singularity loci was identified.基于Gough-Stewart并联机构奇异轨迹的解析表达式,推导出了该并联机构在主截面上的奇异轨迹,并对此奇异轨迹的性质进行了识别。
4)regge track瑞奇轨迹
5)Economic Miracle经济奇迹
1.Automobile Industry during the Third Reich and Post-war "Economic Miracle";第三帝国时期德国汽车工业与战后“经济奇迹
2.In the middle of 1970s,owing to the cycle of economic development and the rise of oil price,the“economic miracle”came to end.由于经济发展的周期性和国际石油价格的上涨 ,2 0世纪 70年代中期 ,巴西“经济奇迹”结束。
3.The causes of the‘economic miracle’are a s follows:the labour capital the educational reforms provided,the social enviro nment the political reforms supplied,the theoretical direction the Model of Soc io-market-economy formed,and the outer factors the open policy brought.德国虽在两次世界大战中溃败,但仍能复兴,并创造“经济奇迹”,根源 在于教育改革为其提供了高质量的人力资本,政治改革为其创造了前提条件,弗莱堡学派、本土新自由主义、民主社会主义和经济伦理学派相互补充、共同作用形成的社会市场经济模型为其理论向导,对外开放是其经济腾飞的外部因素。
6)East Asian Miracle东亚奇迹
1.A Growth Model of Dual Economy with Endogenous Agricultural Technology Progress——The Re-Analysis of “East Asian Miracle" and Chinese Economy;内生农业技术进步的二元经济增长模型——对“东亚奇迹”和中国经济的再解释
2.Since World War II finishes, the economy of East Asia experienced three historical periods: East Asian miracle, crisis and recovery.第二次世界大战结束以来,东亚经济经历了东亚奇迹、危机与复苏三个历史时期,这是东亚经济研究的基本历史背景。
3.Its development was regarded as“East Asian Miracle”together with three other East Asian countries and regions including Chinese Taipei, Singapore and Chinese Hong Kong.从1962年到1990年间,韩国的人均GDP增长了123倍,与中国台湾、新加坡和中国香港并称为“东亚奇迹”。
