1.Discussion about Russia’s Mental Domination to Kazaks during the 19 Century;试论19世纪沙俄对哈萨克人的思想控制
2.On the Trade of Heilongjiang Region with Russia;试论黑龙江地区与沙俄的贸易
3.Russia and the "Independent" Event of Mongolia Area in 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命时期沙俄与蒙古地区的“独立”事件

1.The Gold Bord Issued by Russo-Chinese Bank;沙俄华俄道胜银行在我国发行的金币券
2.A Study on the Relationship Between Russia and Yakoob Regime--and An Analysis of the Relative Contests Between Russia and Britain;沙皇俄国与阿古柏政权的关系——兼析沙俄与英国的相关角逐和争夺
3.The allied forces of the eight powers captured Taku and occupied Tientsin and Peking.同时,沙俄又单独出兵侵入中国东北。
4.On the Czar s Attitute and Policy to Chinese Hui Immigrants from Shaanxi and Gansu;论沙俄对陕甘回族移民的态度和政策
5.The other country that took greatest advantage of China was czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union.另一个得利最大的是沙俄,以后延续到苏联。
6.The tsar used to separate and occupy a vast territory of northeast and northwest China.沙俄曾割占中国东北和西北的大片领土。
7.Asking them to permit Russia to encroach upon Chinese territory.承认沙俄通过不平等条约侵害中国的历史事实。
8.Following the Opium War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers.1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。
9.The eldest son of a Russian czar.太子俄国沙皇的长子
10.The system of government in Russia under the czars.俄国沙皇政府沙皇统治下的俄国政府机构
11.The wife of a Russian czar.沙皇皇后俄国沙皇的妻子
12.Warsaw Citadel - old cannons used by the Russian Tsar army in 1834-1914.华沙城堡-1834-1914年期间俄国沙皇军队使用的古炮。
13.A peasant in czarist Russia.农民在沙皇俄国时代的农民
14.A Russian national parliament during czarist times.杜马沙皇俄国时代的国家议会
15.The Czar of Russia was overthrown in 1917.俄国沙皇一九一七年被推翻。
16.of or relating to or characteristic of a czar.属于、关于或具有(俄国)沙皇特征。
17.the Czars ruled Russia autocratically.沙皇对俄国采取独裁统治。

Tsarist Russia沙俄
1.In late 1911,Tsarist Russia delivered an important diplomatic note concerning Outer Mongolia to the Qing government which expressed the consistent policy of Russia towards Outer Mongolia.1911年底,沙俄曾照会清政府,企图维系和扩大其在外蒙古的利益,该照会集中反映了沙俄在外蒙古问题上的一贯政策。
2.Review of Gaerdans Foreign Policy for Tsarist Russia;噶尔丹对俄外交政策以1683年为界,分为前后两个时期,前期噶尔丹基本保持了传统的对俄政策,只是采取了反传统的"温和"策略,实质是通过"绵里藏针"之术以达稳定边境、抵制渗透,保证其扩张顺利进行的目的,尤显政策的灵活性与务实性;后期以"联俄"为其政策核心,兼具不失原则地"亲近"的特点,在具体实践中反被沙俄利用,"联俄"收效虚多实少,最终因清政府的出击而宣告"联俄"政策的破产。
3)czarist Russia沙俄
1.The reasons why czarist Russia was defe ated in Japan and Russia War between 1904 and 1905 are as follows:First,Russian rulers underestimated the situation of the war;there was a strong tendency to ta ke the enemy lightly among Russian soldiers;the soldiers were,therefore,not psyc hologically prepared for the war.1904-1905年的日俄战争,沙俄败北。
2.The m ain characteristic of Yihuetuan m ovement in L iaoning was that their target of attack was czarist Russia.以沙俄为打击重点是辽宁地区义和团运动的重要特
1.A Study on the Relationship Between Russia and Yakoob Regime——and An Analysis of the Relative Contests Between Russia and Britain;沙皇俄国与阿古柏政权的关系——兼析沙俄与英国的相关角逐和争夺
5)the Invasion of Russia沙俄侵略
6)Reign of Russian czars沙俄时代
