1.Defining Theme:The Relations to Search the Cheek Which"Curiosity" and "Decomes the Single Opinion" in Historical Records;《史记》的“好奇”与“成一家之言”关系探颐
2.Among them the following three are fundamental: curiosity is the motive force of the beginning of cognition, the internal motive force to promote people to understand actively, the internal link leading to truth.好奇在认识中具有多方面的作用 ,其中最基本的是以下三种作用 :好奇是认识开始的驱动力 ,是推动人积极地认识的内在动力 ,是通向真理的内在环节。

1.he queried, with slightly increased curiosity."他微微好奇地问。
2.gratify one's curiosity [wishes]满足好奇心 [愿望]
3.The odd sight aroused our curiosity.奇怪的景象激起我们的好奇
4.The report of such a prodigy awakened my curiosity.这些奇迹的传闻,激起了我的好奇心。
5.Sima Qian s curiosity and fantastic beauty of Records of the Historian in narrative style;略论司马迁的好奇与《史记》叙事之奇美
6.He was looking curiously into her face.他好奇地盯住她的脸。
7.He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看着那些人。
8.Kelsey looked at her curiously.凯尔西好奇地看着她。
9.She regarded him curiously.她好奇地端相看他。
10.Carrie looked at him curiously.嘉莉好奇地看着他。
11.They studied him curiously.他们好奇地看着他。
12.There was a wondering silence now for a while.众人好奇地沉默了片刻。
13.Sonny looked at him curiously.桑儿好奇地打量着他。
14.He studied them curiously.他好奇地研究着他们。
15.he said, looking down at her with some curiosity.他低头看她,好奇地说。
16.He regarded me with curiosity.他好奇地凝视着我。
17.he inquired, surveying her curiously."他问道,好奇地打量着她。
18.My little brother is full of curiosity.我的小弟弟充满好奇心。

1.Excite the Student s Curiosity,Flourish Chemistry Classroom;激发学生的好奇心 活跃化学课堂
2.The text elaborates how to develop the student s curiosity,then let student lift problems to become the key of this kind of study activity.文中阐述了怎样培养学生的好奇心,进而让学生提出问题,并使之成研究性学习活动的关键。
4)curious psychology好奇心理
5)curiosity drive好奇驱力
6)curiosity motive好奇动机
