1.Ancient City Planning and Architecture Conforming to Nature——A discussion on the human and ecological environments of Zhenyuan,a famous town;顺应自然的古市政与古建筑艺术——名城镇远的人文生态环境小议
2.On the position and promotion strategies of tourism image of Zhenyuan镇远古城旅游形象定位与推广策略研究
3.As a town with long history,zhenyuan city faces the same threats.镇远作为一个有着悠久历史的城镇,它也同样面临着上述威胁。

1.The Sustainable Development Strategies for Animal Husbandry in Pasture Land of Zhenyuan County, Guizhou;贵州镇远县草地畜牧业可持续发展策略
2.A wide-open frontier town.法律不严的边远小镇
3.a small town light - years away from the action of the capital.远离首都喧嚣的小镇
4.distant lands; remote stars; a remote outpost of civilization; a hideaway far removed from towns and cities.遥远的国度;遥远的星星;远离文明的村落;远离城镇的隐匿之处。
5.81. The quality of life in many of the older parts of Hong Kong contrasts unfavourably with that in our new towns.81.香港旧区的整体环境远远不如新市镇;
6.And, little town, thy streets for evermore Will silent be;呵,小镇,你的街道永远恬静;
7.I have a distant relative in this small town.在这个小镇上我有一个远亲。
8.I was born in a little town not far from here.我在离此地不远的一个小镇上出生的。
9.How far is it to the nearest town?这里离最近的市镇有多远?
10.The twinkle of distant town lights was very beautiful.远处城镇灯火闪烁,煞是好看。
11.Some villagers have never been further afield than the neighbouring town.有些村民从未远离过附近的市镇.
12.Evaluation of small town development and strategies in county level:Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province as an example;怀远县城镇发展水平评估和发展对策
13.Meanwhile, news of what she has done has spread far beyond Riceville.同时,她所干的事的消息不胫而走,远远地传出了赖斯维尔镇以外。
14.Far away were indications of suburban towns, some big smoke-stacks towering high in the air.远远的地方,有城郊市镇的影子,有许多高耸入云的大烟囱。
15.close to noon; how close are we to town?; a close formation of ships.接近中午;我们离镇上有多远?;靠得很近的船队。
16.A mile out of town he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out.开出小镇一英里远的地方,他勒令医生下车。
17.On the outskirts of the town, within the verge of the peninsula, but not in close vicinity to any other habitation, there was a small thatched cottage.在镇郊半岛的边缘上,有—间小茅屋远离居民区。
18.Not far away,a freight train rumbled into town.在不远的地方,一趟载货列车正隆隆地驶向镇里。

Jinbao of Zhenyuan County镇远金堡
3)Zhuping of Zhenyuan county镇远竹坪
1.In Cambrian,Zhuping of Zhenyuan county ,Guizhou province,was located in the transitional zone between the Yangtze platform and the Jiangnan area.贵州镇远竹坪地区寒武纪时处于扬子区与江南区之间的过渡区。
4)Zhenyuan county镇远县
1.The rare ferns in Zhenyuan county of Guizhou province;贵州省镇远县稀有蕨类植物种类记录
5)Weiyuan town威远镇
6)Zhenyuan Ancient City镇远古城
1.Study on Image Spatiality and Tourism Planning of Zhenyuan Ancient City;镇远古城意象空间与旅游规划探讨
