1.On the basis of tourism destination image and brand theories, from the analysis of the tourism resource trait as well as the advantage of Lvshunkou, this paper points out that Lvshunkou should build the destination brand image as "A Century Martial Harbor-Lvshunkou".本文在旅游目的地品牌形象的建立和推广等理论的基础上,通过分析旅顺口的历史文化、旅游资源的特色和优势,提出旅顺口应当以"百年军港——旅顺口"为旅游目的地品牌,并且就如何推广这一品牌提出了加强服务和硬件设施建设、运用多种促销手段、以政府为主导进行整体促销、做好整体旅游规划等措施。

1.Construction of Industrial Eco-chains: a Case Study of Lvshunkou District, Dalian City;产业生态链构建研究——以大连市旅顺口区为例
2.The Research on New Rural China Cooperative Medical Scheme in Lushunkou District Dalian大连市旅顺口区新型农村合作医疗运行研究
3.The Ponder of the Rural Areas Basic Level Women and Children Health Protection Work旅顺口区基层妇幼保健工作的现状与对策
4.A Study on the Recreational Environment System of Urban Coastal Zones:A Case Study of Lvshunkou in Dalian;城市滨海区域游憩环境系统研究——以大连市旅顺口区为例
5.Reducing Cultivated Land to Forest and Grass Based on Conversion between Raster and Vector;基于栅格数据与矢量数据互操作的大连市旅顺口区退耕还林实现
6.The Influence of the Expectation from Parents and Teachers on Self-Assessment of Junior High School Students in Lvshunkou District旅顺口区家长、教师期待对初二学生学业自我评价的影响
7.Preliminary study of water footprint of Dalian Lushunkou District and Dalian Development Area大连市旅顺口区与经济技术开发区水足迹初步研究
8.A Demonstration Research on the Reverse Mortgage in Aging Soceity--With Lushunkou District of Dalian as an Example;老龄化社会条件下反抵押贷款养老模式的实证研究——以大连市旅顺口区为例
9.An Analysis of Establish Trade Unions of Small Industries at the level of County and District关于县区建立小行业工会的思考——以大连旅顺口区小行业工会组建工作为例
10.A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai.Dalian and L?hun form the conurbation of L?a.Population, 1, 380, 000.大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,
11.The trip was not without incident.旅途并不是一帆风顺的。
12.I hope you'll have a very pleasant journey.祝你一路顺风旅途快活。
13.I hope you' ll have a good flight.祝你飞机旅行顺利/愉快。
14.speak [select] at random顺口胡说 [随便挑选]
15.and the trade surplus was recorded as 11 .29 billion US dollars.进出口顺差112.9亿美元。
16.When I was small, I once read a jingle.我小时候念过一顺口溜
17.What a captivating jingle it is!这顺口溜可真迷人!
18.jump out of hoops [a hoop]((口语))百依百顺听从[某人][for]

Lvshunkou in Dalian旅顺口区
1.A Study on the Recreational Environment System of Urban Coastal Zones:A Case Study of Lvshunkou in Dalian;城市滨海区域游憩环境系统研究——以大连市旅顺口区为例
3)Lüshun Port, Battle of旅顺口之战
1.On Questions of Lüshun Massacre-Reply to Professor Qin Yuyan of Tiba University in Japan;关于旅顺大屠杀的几个问题——答日本千叶大学秦郁彦教授
2.),which widely distributs in Dalian Lüshun area,can be subdivided into 5 lithologic members.大连—旅顺地区桥头组分布广泛。
5)Lüshun Port旅顺港
1.Change trendency and assessment of environmental quality in Lüshun Port;旅顺港环境质量变化趋势与评价
6)the north road in Lvshun旅顺北路
1.This text takes the industry planning of the north road in Lvshun as an example,specifically studies the application of the "point—axis system" theory in the traffic economic strip.以旅顺北路产业规划为例,具体研究“点—轴系统”理论在中小尺度区域交通经济带规划中的应用。
