1.Justice Theory in Republic by Plato;柏拉图《理想国》中的正义理论
2.The Faith of Justice——Plato s Justice in his Republic;正义的信仰——《理想国》中的柏拉图正义观
3.Ren (benevolence) and Justice——A Comparison of Confucius’ Analects and Plato’s Republic;仁与正义——比较《论语》与《理想国》

1.A Study and Revelation of the Educational Management Thought in Plato s the Republic;柏拉图《理想国》的教育管理思想及启示
2.On Plato’s Thought of Economic Ethics in His Work Republic;论柏拉图《理想国》中的经济伦理思想
3.Research into and Enlightenment of the Educational Thought in Plato s The Republic;柏拉图《理想国》的教育思想探究和启示
4.On the Idea and Practical Significance of Plato s Justice;浅析《理想国》正义观思想及其现实性
5.Systematic Exploration of the Harmony Thought in Republic Education;《理想国》的和谐教育思想:系统论的视角
6.The educational idea and inspiration of Plato s Utopia;柏拉图《理想国》的教育思想及启示
7.On the Thought of Harmonious Society in the Republic of Plato;论柏拉图《理想国》的和谐社会思想
8.Interpretation of the Mortal Education Thoughts of Plato's Utopia柏拉图《理想国》道德教育思想阐释
9.The Study on Plato s Harmonious Society Theory in 《the Republic》;从《理想国》看柏拉图的和谐社会理论
10.Utopia of Justice--A Study on the Justice Theory in The Republic;正义的乌托邦——《理想国》之正义理论初探
11.On the rationality of the "Inner City Order" in Utopia论《理想国》中的“城邦内在秩序”的合理性
12.Utopia: Fantasia. Fantasia. This is Utopia. How do you read me?理想国:幻想曲。幻想曲。这里是理想国。我的信号你收得到吗?
13.German idealist philosopher (1724-1804).德国理想主义哲学家。
14.psychological thoughts in ancient China中国古代心理学思想
15.He dreamed of a never - never land where everyone is rich.他梦想有一个人人富足的理想之国。
16.to dream of a never - never land where everyone is rich梦想中的理想之国,那里人人富有
17.Ideas of Human Nature and Social Management in Ancient China;中国古代的人性思想和社会管理思想
18.The Ideal is just as the Beacon--Preface of《Brief History for Seeking the Chinese Ideal Society》;理想犹如灯塔——《中国理想社会探求史略》序

The Republic《理想国》
1.Research into and Enlightenment of the Educational Thought in Plato s The Republic;柏拉图《理想国》的教育思想探究和启示
2.Four Metaphors in Plato s The Republic;柏拉图《理想国》中的四隐喻
3.Based on Plato s justice view in The Republic,"the Republic" is established in the book,its essence is the "harmonious society" under the guidance of justice principle.柏拉图在《理想国》中依其正义观建立的"理想国"在其本质上就是一个在正义原则指导下的"和谐社会"。
1.Plato s Moral Educational Ideas in the Utopia and Its Modern Enlightenment;柏拉图《理想国》中的德育思想及其现代启示
2.The educational idea and inspiration of Plato s Utopia;柏拉图《理想国》的教育思想及启示
1.The Inspiration of Utopia on the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society;《理想国》对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示
2.Utopia and Kingdom of Justice:Outlook of Social Reform of Plato and Bab;“理想国”和“正义王国”:柏拉图与巴布的社会改革蓝图
3."Utopia" and "Kingdom of Justice"——Plato and Bab’s Thoughts on Social Reformation;“理想国”与“正义王国”——柏拉图与巴布的社会改良思想
5)The Republic理想国
1.Utopia of Justice——A Study on the Justice Theory in The Republic;正义的乌托邦——《理想国》之正义理论初探
2.On the the republic of Plato;文艺模型与政治蓝图的关系——柏拉图《理想国》新论
3.A Discussion on the Blueprint of Plato s The Republic-A Comparison with the thought of Confucius "Rule by Morality";论柏拉图《理想国》的蓝图——兼与孔子的德治思想比较
1.On the harmonious order of Plato s Republic;试析柏拉图《理想国》的和谐秩序
2.Annotation of Republic: Popper vs. Bloom;《理想国》之诠释:波普vs.布鲁姆
3.On Jin Yong s Republic Construction of Longer Kung Fu Novel;论金庸长篇武侠小说的“理想国”建构
