2.Furthermore,the topics of Subjective and Objective,Insider and Outsider,as well as Qualitative research and Quantita- tive research are involved in the discussion on .在认识论上,女性主义的主要关注点有三:谁可以拥有知识,什么可以称为知识,以及知识是什么;在方法论上,则主要讨论了主观性与客观性,局内人与局外人,以及质性研究与量化研究等问题。
3.The Myth of Sisyphus and Revolter had embodied the writer′s philosophic thougth,and outsider,Bubonic Plague and Degentrated had showed the developmental clue of the writer′s creation thought of all his life.其哲学思想以《西绪福斯神话》和《反抗者》为主要体现;小说《局外人》、《鼠疫》和《堕落》展示了加缪一生创作的思想发展线索,从其人物的经历和思想行动中,作者展示出人对世界荒诞性从觉醒到反抗的过程,也透露出了反抗后的悲哀和无奈。

1.One who is from outside a particular group or community;an outsider.外人,局外人某一组织或团体之外的人
2.Between the Phenomena on Chinese Institutional Insider-Outsider and Unemployment;我国制度型局内人-局外人现象与失业
3.I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.我宁肯当局外人旁观。
4.She had thought to remain a bystander.她想保持局外人的角色。
5.A person who is not included in a group;an outsider.局外人,外来人被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人
6.From ‘Outsiders’ to ‘Players’:The Shift in the Research Concept of Psychology从“局外人”到“局中人”:心理学研究理念的演变
7.One who is isolated or detached from the activities or concerns of one's own community.局外人被隔离于本团体的活动或事务之外的人
8.You still remain a stranger to him, until you do.在这之前,你对他来说还是个局外人
9.How would you evaluate it as an outsider?作为一个局外人,你对此如何评价?
10.remains on sidelines at social event.在社会问题上保持局外人的观点。
11.an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously.专横地追求权势或成功的局外人
12.He is an outsider to American culture.对于美国文化他是个局外人
13.To an outsider the case looked simple.在一个局外人看起来,事情好像很简单。
14.In you at heart . Originally I am an outsider .!!在??锝心里.原来我是个局外人.!!
15.Q: Do you feel like an outsider, and how do you cope?问:你会觉得是个局外人吗?又如何处理?
16.The Symbol of "Light" and Rational Violence in Outsider;《局外人》中“光”与理性暴力的象征
17.On the Tragedy of Struggling with Fate--Analysis of Camus s The Stranger;向命运抗争的悲剧——解读加缪的《局外人
18.Taking the Common Courses which Lead to Different Destination: Comparing Nauseous with Stranger;同途而殊归——《恶心》与《局外人》比较谈

1.The Symbol of "Light" and Rational Violence in Outsider;《局外人》中“光”与理性暴力的象征
2.This article tries to analyze the intention of the author of Outsider from the social ethical perspective:the author has discussed two ethical subjects in the 20th century through the Meursauh s trial:one is the interpersonal rela- tionship,i.本文试从社会伦理的角度分析《局外人》这部小说作者的写作意图:作者借莫尔索杀人、受审的法律事件探讨了20世纪人类社会伦理的新议题。
3)The Stranger《局外人》
1.Philosophical Interpretation of Camus The Stranger;竭尽此生就是幸福——加缪《局外人》的哲学解读
2.The Stranger and Freudism《局外人》与弗洛伊德主义
3.The Stranger is the masterpiece of Albert Camus, which built an endu.《局外人》作为加缪的经典之作,在法国文学史上立下了一座不朽的丰碑。
4)Outside agency局外人员
5)One who is not concerned in the game局外闲人
