1.However, psychological contract violation can leads lower working satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior.心理契约得到有效兑现,员工会表现出更高的工作满意度、留职意愿和组织信任感;而心理契约的违背则会导致员工低的工作满意度、组织承诺和组织公民行为。
2.The paper tires the boundary of notion,dimensionality of structure,process of come into being,violation and aftereffect of psychological contract.从心理契约的概念界定、结构维度、形成过程、违背及后果4个方面对心理契约的研究现状进行了逐一梳理,指出了目前已取得的成果,分析了存在的问题。
3.Based on reviewing the related literatures on psychological contracts, this study further examines the conceptualization of psychological contract breaches and violations as well as their development mechanism. 回顾既有相关文献的基础上,对心理契约破裂与违背的定义、发展机理进行了深入分析,提出:(1)心理契约既有破裂、违背的可能,也存在获得正向强化的可能性;(2)心理契约的破裂与违背的差别并不体现在时间的先后上,也不是认知评价与情感反应间的差别,而是反映在关系主体对另一方契约履行的内容和程度的认同上。

1.violate an agreement, oath, etc违背协议、 誓言等
2.break (one's) parole违背宣誓 (而逃亡)
3.The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated.违犯,违背违反的动作或实例,或被违反的状态
4.grant [ go against ] sb.'s wish满足[违背]某人的愿望
5.reneged on the contract at the last minute.在最后时刻违背合约
6.Cheating went against my beliefs.作弊违背了我的信念。
7.a witness who lied under oath;违背誓言而撒谎的证人;
8.To divulge in a breach of confidence.以违背信任而泄露。
9.a blatant contravention of the treaty公然违背条约的行为
10.Do not go against your mother's wishes.别违背你母亲的心愿。
11.I felt guilty after breaking my promise.我违背诺言后感到内疚。
12.Badoglio had reversed his decision.巴多格里奥已违背决定。
13.Your action is a breach of the agreement.你们的行为违背了协议。
14.We shouldn't rat on our promise.我们不应该违背诺言。
15.renege on one's promise违背诺言,破坏约定,食言
16.Would the use of H-bombs be an outrage against humanity?使用氢弹是否违背人道?
17.He betrayed his principles.他违背了他的原则。
18.the deliberate act of deviating from the truth.故意违背事实的行为。

1.The conception of psychological contract violation is important in management and psychology,based on reviewing the related literatures on psychological contracts,the conception of psychological contract violation and breach,the produce mechanism are set forth detailed.心理契约破裂与违背是管理学和心理学中一个重要概念,在回顾相关文献的基础上,对心理契约破裂与违背的定义、产生机制问题进行了详细地阐述,并在文章的最后就目前关于心理契约违背的研究现状提出了一些有待于今后进一步研究和探讨的问题。
4)violation of being realistic违背真实
5)undermine good faith违背信任
6)violating the morality违背道义
