1.Application of suit cutting layout in optimization process of CNC cutting;套裁排样在数控切割优化过程中的应用
2.A CAD/CAM System for 2-D Blanking Layout;基于顶点的冲裁零件排样系统
3.A Improved Algorithm for Complex Parts Layout;一种适于复杂零件排样的改进算法研究

1.It is critical calculating blanking step in normal single row optimum layout.普通单排优化排样中冲裁步距的计算非常关键。
2.Design and Reality of Shoe s Patterns CAD and Optimal Layout System;鞋样部件CAD及优化排样系统的设计与实现
3.How do you want your steak?你要怎么样的牛排呢?
4.The arrangement and appearance of printed matter.印刷排版和表面式样
5.spareribs as tough as leather皮革一样咬不动的排骨
6.How about steak or roast beef?牛排或烤牛肉怎么样?
7.This arrangement will have to do pro tem.暂时只好这样安排.
8.Whst are the different positions on volleyball?排球在位置上怎样区分?
9.The fumes or gases so released.(排出的)废气这样排出的烟或气体
10.a dress that is tailored like a coat and buttons up the front.裁成上衣样式、前排有一排纽扣的衣服。
11.ticky-tacky rows of look-alike houses一排排式样平庸划一的房子
12.Such a permutation is called a derangement.这样的一个排列称为错位排列。
13.How beautifully everything is arranged by Nature; as soon as a child enters the would, it finds a mother ready to take care of it.样样事情由大自然安排得多么漂亮
14.It all happened with the speed of lightning and with cataclysmic violence.这都是闪电那样快,排山倒海那样猛!
15.The Likelihood Ratio Test Based on Ranked Set Sampling;排序集抽样下样本参数的似然比检验
16.Figure72-20 Deflection cord and impression cord are in place.图72-20偏斜排龈线与印模排龈线一起置位样。
17.The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines.不正常的排便从体内大量排出液体物质,尤指从肠中排出水样粪便
18.How do you like your steak ?你喜欢你的牛排煮成怎么样?

1.One Useful Nesting Algorithm for Sheet Metal CAD System;一种实用钣金CAD排样算法
2.Research and Implement of Minkowski Sum-based Algorithm for Nesting;基于Minkowski Sum的优化排样算法的研究和实现
3.Design on 2D Irregular Nesting CAD System;二维不规则排样CAD系统的设计
1.Coding and design of packing database of ships parts;船舶排样零件的编码研究及排样数据库设计
2.Some practical algorithms for pretreatment of packing parts;排样图形预处理中的几个实用算法
3.Improved Effective Immune Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Packing Problem;基于改进免疫遗传算法的不规则图形排样
4)Blank Layout排样
1.An Accelerated Algorithm of Blank Layout Based on the Parallel Moving Method;一种基于进退法的零件排样加速算法
2.Analyzing the craft features of a punching piece,ascertain the process and scheme of a progressive die blank layout, and the design of main die working parts and final assembly structures.通过该冲件特点的工艺分析,确定级进模排样方案过程和模具主要工作零件及模具总装结构设计。
3.By introducing the design process of progressive dies blank layout,inserting block,die plate and other parts,point out the remarkable notices in design progressive dies,and tell some usual faults and its solutions in dies' production.通过介绍级进模排样、镶块、模板和其它零件的设计过程,指出了级进模设计中应注意的事项,并介绍了模具生产中一些常见故障和解决办法。
5)layout design排样
1.The manufacturability of stamping for a pocket stand was analyzed,focusing on the layout design for its complex profile and requirement for high precision.分析了制件的冲压工艺性,根据制件外形复杂,成形精度要求高的特点,重点阐述了排样设计,确定了模具总体结构,凸、凹模镶件固定方式以及条料的脱模、送进和定位方式。
2.The stamping process and the structural design of a progressive die for the side plate of a condenser was analyzed in detail,presenting the layout design and the main points in design of the progressive die.介绍了冷凝器侧板的冲压工艺与级进模结构设计,针对冲压工艺分析、排样方案设计以及级进模设计要点进行了具体的阐述和总结。
3.The layout design of the component was designed,and the die structure was proposed.分析了支架簧的冲压工艺,设计了零件的排样方案,介绍了模具冲裁凸、凹模镶件及压弯成形镶件的固定方式及条料的脱模、送进和定位方式及主要模具材料的选用。
6)layout design排样设计
1.According to the punching technology character of brackets, layout design and die structural design are carried out, as well as stamping and bending fixed distance fashion is applied.根据支撑架的冲压工艺性,进行了排样设计与模具结构设计,以及切舌定距方式的应用。
2.The layout design and die structure were introduced,and the key points in designing the major components and structure of service position were discussed.分析了胶卷压簧的冲压工艺,给出了级进模排样设计方案和总体模具结构,并就主要零件和关键工位结构设计中应注意的问题进行了分析,给出了解决办法,模具冲制的胶卷压簧符合图纸要求。
3.The layout design and the structure of the multi-position progressive die were presented.分析了支架的冲压工艺,给出了排样设计方案和相应的模具结构,并就主要零件设计加工中应注意的问题进行了分析,提出了解决办法。
