1.In the anti-dumping,there is a difference between the sum of profit achieved by separate firm pleading and that by joint firm pleading,which is partly due to the free rider behavior and pleading cost.在反倾销中,企业个体分散的最优应诉决策带来的收益之和离企业整体的最优应诉决策带来的总收益有一定的差距,这导致企业应诉不力。
2.Accounting system provides information support for enterprises to plead antidumping on defining dumping behavior, striving for market economy status, dealing with individual case and providing pleading evidence.会计系统在倾销行为认定、争取市场经济地位和个案待遇、提供抗辩证据等方面为企业应诉国外反倾销提供信息支持。

1.Clauses that should be Paied Attention to In the Anti-dmping and Responding to Action;反倾销应诉和诉讼中应引起重视的几项条款
2.During the liquidation period, the liquidation committee shall represent the Company in bringing or defending legal proceedings.清算期间,清算委员会代表公司起诉或应诉
3.Comments on the indictable of dispute caused by administrative power of school;论学校教育管理权纠纷的可诉性及应诉
4.On the Tactics for the Chinese Enterprises to Deal with the Anti-dumping Suits in the European Union;论中国企业在欧盟反倾销诉讼中的应诉策略
5.Analysis of Anti-dumping Litigation-Responding Fees and Behavior Choices Based on the Cournot Model without Agreements;应诉费用与反倾销应诉行为选择分析——基于不能达成协议的Cournot模型
6.a written appeal shall be submitted in making an appeal.上诉应当递交上诉状。
7.Research of the Application of Limitation of Actions in Administrative Procedure;行政诉讼起诉期限在诉讼程序上应用之研究
8.We represent either the appellant (the appealing party) or the appellee (the responding party).我行既可以代表上诉人提出上诉,也可以代表被上诉人应对上诉。
9.The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases.上诉机构应审理专家组案件的上诉。
10.Losing Party Should Bear the Lawyer s Fee Paid by Prevailing Party;论胜诉方的律师费用应由败诉方承担
11.I ought to have told you in advance.我应该事先告诉你。
12.You should not appeal to force.你们不应该诉诸武力。
13.You want to tell him the truth.你应该把实情告诉他。
14.return an accusation against someone or engage in mutual accusations; charge in return.对某人返还一个控诉或致力于相互的控诉;作为回应而控诉。
15.The appellant shall also be informed of any rights of further appeal.并应将进一步上诉的任何权利通知上诉人。
16.The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal.上诉人还应被告知可进一步上诉的任何权利。
17.5.Parties should act as litigation subject but not litigation object.5、当事人应当作为诉讼主体而不是诉讼客体。
18.Somebody should have told me, but actually nobody.应该有人告诉我才是,可事实上没人(告诉我)。

1.A Study of Argument with Lawsuit to International Court of Justice between China and Belgium Revision Treaties in 1926;论1926年中比修约中的国际法庭应诉之争
3)lawsuit-answering system应诉机制
4)Joint Pleading联合应诉
1.Game Analysis on Anti-dumping Joint Pleading;反倾销联合应诉博弈分析
5)legal advises应诉策略
1.WTO dispute settlement system and legal advises on China s disputes;WTO争端解决机制与中国应诉策略
6)enterprises involved in the case应诉企业
