1.It is common understanding of the journal circles that Digital Object Identifier (DOI) technology is used as the strategy to develop the top quality S & T journals in China.在我国精品科技期刊的发展战略中采用数字对象标识符技术已经成为业界的共识。

1.Research on the Application of Digital Object Identifier System in Digital Copyright Protection数字对象标识符系统在数字版权保护中的应用研究
2.digital object identifier数字对象标识,[台]数字对象识别码
3.The object identifier may contain only periods and the digits 0 to 9.对象标识只能包含句点和数字0到9。
4.The Application Research of DOI数字对象惟一标识DOI的应用研究
5."Unique numeric string identifying the server session"标识服务器会话的唯一的数字字符串
6.Property indicating the correlation identifier (array of bytes) for the message.说明消息相关标识符(字节数组)的属性。
7.Study on the Algorithm of Digital Marks Recognition for CyberCar;CyberCar数字标示符识别算法研究
8.Pointer is an identifier that indicates the location of an item of data .指示字(符)是提示某个数据项位置的一种标识符。
9.The object identifier must have at least two numbers separated by a period.对象标识必须有至少两个数字,由句点分隔。
10.Application of digital object identifier(DOI) in journals of Chinese Medical Association数字对象标志符在中华医学会系列杂志中的应用
11.Names or numeric identifiers that correspond to elements in a Web Capture.与网页获取区中的元素对应的名称或数字标识符。
12.The given object identifier ("%1") is not a valid. %2提供的对象标识符 ("%1") 无效。 %2
13.In a string, each location that may is occupied by a character or binary element and that may is identified by a serial number.在字符串中,每个可用序号标识的为字符或二进制数所占据的部位。
14.[ Note: Some white space is required to separate otherwise adjacent identifiers, keywords, numeric literals, and alternative tokens containing alphabetic characters.【:相邻的标识符,关键字,数字文字量,和包含字母字符的候选标记之间需要用一些空白分隔开。
15.Recognize as a Character, Letter, Number, or Symbol作为字符、字母、数字或符号识别
16.USASCSOCR (USA Standard Character Set for Optical Character Recognition)美国光学字符识别标准字符集
17."Property containing the sender identifier of the message. The type is an array of bytes."含有消息发送人标识符的属性。类型是字节数组。
18.DOI Operation Model and Administration Mechanism of Digital Resource in China我国数字资源唯一标识符应用模式与管理机制

digital object identifier数字化对象标识符
3)digital object identifier(DOI)数字对象标志符
1.Application of digital object identifier(DOI) in journals of Chinese Medical Association数字对象标志符在中华医学会系列杂志中的应用
5)object identifier对象标识符
6)object identifier (OID)对象标识符(OID)

数字地图对象数字地图对象digital cartographic object地图要素或一个实体全部或部分的数字表示。包括简单(基本)对象、复合对象和复杂对象。