2)non-profit culture非营利性文化
1.The reform orientation of private higher education of our country: distinguishing for-profit and nonprofit organizations in a perspective of property right;我国民办高等教育的改革方向:区分营利性与非营利性组织——基于产权视角的分析
2.The article introduces the characters and the reasons for existing of nonprofit hospital,and points out that the performance is associated with the nonprofit character.文章介绍了非营利性医院的性质及存在的原因,并强调非营利性医院的绩效来自非营利性,并针对非营利医院的特殊性提出了对其进行绩效评估的独特维度应该包括适当性、公平性、服务效率、过程质量和财务状况五个方面,并据此分析了各维度的内容及其相关测量的要求。
3.Nonprofit organization of sports is a kind of a kind of culture who is not the government who not taking gaining profit as purpose,:pushes forward society cause of the public good,ensures economy and society all-round development.具有非政府性、非营利性、公益服务性、志愿参与性、社会福利性、自治性等基本特征;在构成方面与政府、市场、社会、体育、公共服务发生着密切联系;在社会转型期,在社会、经济、文化、服务、体育领域产生积极影响,对于社会发展具有重要作用。

1.The profiteering problem of non-profit organizations refers to that the NPO deviate their non-profit principle.非营利组织的营利问题是指非营利组织对其非营利性原则的背离。
2.Considerations about the Profit-making Nature and the Nonprofit-making Natureof the Community-run Education;对民办教育营利性与非营利性的思考
3.On the Effectiveness of Non-profit Organizations' Earning Profit非营利性组织的营利行为有效性判断
4.Analysis on Cooperation of Profit Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations;营利性组织和非营利性组织的战略联盟分析
5.The Integration of Title System for Profitable and Non-profitable School;营利性和非营利性学校产权制度的完善
6.The Relationship between Profit Medical Departments and Non-profit Medical Departments;营利性医疗机构与非营利性医疗机构的关系
7.Developing Non - Profit Research Institutes by use of the Taxation Lever;利用税收杠杆发展非营利性科研机构
8.The Study on the Non-Profit Character of Commonweal Mass Sports organization;公益性群众体育组织的非营利性研究
9.The Ordinary Management Strategies of the Non-profit Organization Based on the CORPS Mode非营利性组织基于CORPS模式整体经营策略研究
10.On Definition of Operator Subject of Public Non-profitable Hospitals试论公立非营利性医院的经营者主体资格
11.Lunch is provided at cost in the cafeteria.在自助餐厅有非营利性午餐供应。
12.It is a non-profit organization.这是一个非营利性的组织。
13.Study on the Financing Mechanism of Unprofitable Rural Infrastructure;非营利性农村基础设施融资机制研究
14.Thinking on the Legalization of the Non-profitable Social Intermediary Organization;非营利性社会中介组织法治化的思考
15.The Origin Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Non - profit Organizations Failures;非营利性组织失灵的原因及对策研究
16.A primary research on compensation mechanism for public non-profits seeking medical organizations;公立非营利性医疗机构补偿机制初探
17.On the Non-profit of Private Non-enterprise Units of China我国民办非企业单位非营利性问题研究
18.Medical institutions should be classified into profitable and unprofitable ones.将社会上的医疗机构分为营利性和非营利性两类。

non-profit culture非营利性文化
1.The reform orientation of private higher education of our country: distinguishing for-profit and nonprofit organizations in a perspective of property right;我国民办高等教育的改革方向:区分营利性与非营利性组织——基于产权视角的分析
2.The article introduces the characters and the reasons for existing of nonprofit hospital,and points out that the performance is associated with the nonprofit character.文章介绍了非营利性医院的性质及存在的原因,并强调非营利性医院的绩效来自非营利性,并针对非营利医院的特殊性提出了对其进行绩效评估的独特维度应该包括适当性、公平性、服务效率、过程质量和财务状况五个方面,并据此分析了各维度的内容及其相关测量的要求。
3.Nonprofit organization of sports is a kind of a kind of culture who is not the government who not taking gaining profit as purpose,:pushes forward society cause of the public good,ensures economy and society all-round development.具有非政府性、非营利性、公益服务性、志愿参与性、社会福利性、自治性等基本特征;在构成方面与政府、市场、社会、体育、公共服务发生着密切联系;在社会转型期,在社会、经济、文化、服务、体育领域产生积极影响,对于社会发展具有重要作用。
4)Non profit非营利性
1.This article rises from the enaction of the Decision of the Reform of Medical Care System in Town in 2000,which divides China s hospitals into profit and non profit categories.本文问题的提出基于 2 0 0 0年国务院《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》决定在我国实行医院的“营利性”和“非营利性”分类管理。
2.The non profit here refers to the fact that the profit of the schools can not be distributed.通过对民办学校的微观分析 ,澄清了关于民办学校的产权、非营利性和投资回报等问题中的错误认识 ,指出民办学校的非营利性是指学校的剩余利润不能被分配 ,也就是说没有人拥有民办学校的学校所有权 ,非营利性民办学校是没有经济学中定义的所有者的 ,对非营利性民办学校的投资可以获得固定的合同收入 ;并对如何明晰我国民办学校的财产权提出建议 ;最后 ,进一步论证指出目前我国民办教育发展的方向应是大力发展非营利性民办学校 ,严格限制营利性民办学校的发
1.The study on the non-profit character of the hospital evaluation index system in non-state hospital民办医院“非营利性”评价指标体系研究探讨
2.On the Non-profit of Private Non-enterprise Units of China我国民办非企业单位非营利性问题研究
3.To be compared with corporation and partnership,cooperation is a separate legal entity which is based on its members and is a non-profit association.但不同的是,合作社是具有社团性、非营利性、人合性和法人性的组织。
1.Marketing is the latest function that is accepted by the west nonprofit organization.营销是被西方非营利性组织的管理者最后采纳的职能。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-