1.The Criticism of Apple s Education Theory;论阿普尔教育理论的批判性
2.Today interpreting and promoting the criticism and critical spirit of philosophy has important reali.在此基础上,讨论了批判和哲学的关系,认为,批判是哲学的本性,批判精神是哲学的本真精神;马克思主义哲学无疑是当代最具深度的批判性哲学。
3.Engels s thought on Marxist theoretical education is of critical characteristic,which reflects on its criti- cism to capitalism,to ideology and self-criticism.恩格斯的马克思主义理论教育思想具有批判性特征,体现在对资本主义现实世界的批判、对意识形态的批判和对自我的批判等方面。

1.A critical comment or judgment.批判批判性的评论或判断
2.To review or discuss critically.批判性地社论,批判性地讨论
3.Discussion on Critical Reading and Development of Critical Thinking Ability;批判性阅读和批判性思维能力的培养
4.Honneth s Critical Reflection of Early Critical Theory;霍耐特对早期批判理论的批判性反思
5.Critical Discourse Analysis Theory and Critical Text Reading;批判话语分析理论与批判性语篇阅读
6.a critical reading; a critical dissertation; a critical analysis of Melville's writings.批判性的阅读;批判性的论文;对梅尔维尔作品的批判性分析。
7.hold an unfavorable opinion of...对…有批判性的意见
8.A critical discussion of a specified topic.批评,评语对一指定主题的批判性讨论
9.Critical Research of Frye s Theory of Archetypal Criticism;关于弗莱原型批评理论的批判性考察
10.Critical Newspaper Reading in Support of Critical Thinking;批评性报刊阅读与批判性思维培养初探
11.It can be described as praxis, critical pedagogy, or critical action research.可以把它称为“批判性教学法”,“批判性行动研究”,或(哲学意义上的)“实践”。
12.Transcendence Modernity:Critical Reconstruction of Conception of Utopia超越现代性:乌托邦观念的批判性重建
13.A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Misleading Cosmetic Advertisements;误导性化妆品广告的批判性语篇分析
14.Criminal Law and Human Nature:Critique Reading of the West Thoughts;刑法和人性:西方思想的批判性阅读
15.Probe into Cultivating Students Thinking Profundity and Criticism;学生思维的深刻性、批判性培养探索
16.The Theory of Social Harm:A Further Critical Clearance;社会危害性理论:进一步的批判性清理
17.On Frankfurt School s Criticism of Technological Ration;法兰克福学派技术理性批判理论批判
18.From Critique of Instrumental Rationality to Critique of Functional Rationality:An Important Turn of the Critical Theory;从“工具理性批判”到“功能理性批判”——批判理论的一个重要转向

1.This paper discusses the requirements on the government audit who should have the critical, research-based and construct.本文从国家审计的本质、内在要求及宗旨出发阐述了国家审计应具有的批判性、研究性、建设性思维方式,在国家审计职业思维模式方面做了初步探讨。
2.This paper starts with the definition and main principles of CDA,and then analyzes the functions of such language forms as transitivity,metaphors,connotative meanings, intertextuality,presupposition,the signified and signifiers in critical discour.本文从批判话语分析的定义和主要原则出发,举例说明了及物性、隐喻、词语意义、互文性、预设、能指和所指等批判话语分析理论中的语言形式在批判性语篇阅读中的作用。
1.The Discussion on Critique Dimension of Marxism;论马克思哲学的批判性纬度
2.They are(1)the relationship between learning and society,(2)the relationship between service and critique, and(3)the relationship between epochal character and internationality.本文运用辩证的观点论述了现代大学与现代社会发展的三对关系:学术性与社会性的关系;服务性与批判性的关系;时代性与国际性的关系。
3.Though the ways of studying the literary trend in the new period appear a variety with an abundance of theoretical patterns, there exist some lacks and losses in is classifications: inadequate view and contrast of totality, a lack of national subjectivity, and the loss of critique and theoretical courage.新时期文学思潮的研究思路已形成了多样化格局,理论形态更加丰富,但在纷繁多元的分类中,存在着缺失:整体性观照不足,缺乏民族主体性,批判性和理论勇气的丧失。
1.This paper explores the four remarkable epochal characters of his cultural thought: criticalness,innovativeness,forwardness and scientific spirit.瞿秋白留下的近500万字的著作凝聚着他独特而丰厚的文化思想,主要体现为四个鲜明的时代特点:批判性、创新性、前瞻性和科学性。
5)rational criticism理性批判
1.There are two meeting points on Haidegeer and laozhuang s philosophy-rational criticism and human care.海德格尔哲学与老庄哲学有两个契合点:即理性批判和人文关怀。
2.He classified science and metaphysics with his rational criticism; and with his transcendental philosophy he greatly influenced the theoretical route and basic direction of the contemporary British and American analytical philosophy and European humanistic philosophy.他以其理性批判划分了科学与形而上学的不同领域,更以其先验哲学深刻影响了西方现代英美分析哲学与欧陆人本哲学的理论思路、基本走向。
3.The words are the field where the rational criticism can be launched,while the true words are the prerequisite for us to cond uct the rational criticism.理性批判是教育理论发展的基本动力。
6)critique of maternity母性批判

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-