1.College students attitude to the beggar and the correlation research with altruism;大学生对乞丐的态度及其与利他主义的相关研究
2.Structural Characteristics of the Problem of Beggars in Modern Chinese Cities and Study of Its Causation;当今中国城市乞丐问题的构成特征及其成因研究
3.Research on Beggar Measure in the View of Construct Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视野下的乞丐治理研究

1.The state or condition of being a beggar.行乞,乞丐生涯当乞丐的状态或状况
2.Every beggar is descend from some king, and every king be descend from some beggar.乞丐是国王的后代,国王是乞丐的子孙。
3.Beggars considered as a group.乞丐们被认作一组的乞丐
4.Beggars and Beggars Relief in Old China--Shanghai group as an example of beggars;民国时期乞丐乞丐的救济——以上海乞丐群体为例
5.There are hundreds begging in the streets.街上有数以百计的乞丐.
6.Beggars pestered him for money.乞丐缠着向他讨钱.
7.a beggar dressed in filthy rags衣衫肮脏褴褛的乞丐.
8.a poor beggar dressed in rags and tatters衣衫褴褛的、 可怜的乞丐
9.a threadbare beggar一个衣衫褴褛的乞丐
10.Poverty inured the beggar to hardships贫穷使那乞丐苦惯了。
11.He has no sympathy for beggars.他对乞丐没有同情心。
12.The beggar shivered in his scanty clothes.乞丐穿着单薄,冻得发抖。
13.He tossed a penny to the beggar.他扔给乞丐一便士。
14.We don't give money to beggars. Clear off!我们不给乞丐钱,走开!
15.The waiter winkled the beggar out of the restaurant.侍者把乞丐赶出饭店。
16.A beggar is never satisfied; even if one person gives him sth, he still asks the next person, and the next.乞丐的口袋没有底。
17.The travellers were pursued by beggars.旅客被乞丐紧跟着。
18.The beggar is shabbily dressed.这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。

1.The Labeling and Shaping of Present Beggars and the Countermeasures;乞丐人群的分类、形成机制及对策
2.As a special social community,beggars always puzzled the governors in different periods in Chinese history.乞丐,作为一个严重的社会问题一直困扰着旧中国的历代统治者。
3.For the basic life of the beggars and prisoners, the Song Dynasty governments took different measures for them in order to make them have basic life security and minimum body righ乞丐与囚徒是宋代社会的两大特殊群体。
3)turn to bag and wallet做乞丐;行乞
4)beggar dress乞丐装
5)Beggar Opera《乞丐歌剧》
1.Beggar Opera:An Opera That advancing with times;一出与时俱进的《乞丐歌剧》
6)Britain Beggar英国乞丐

乞丐【乞丐】 (杂名)贫困乞物于人者。丐亦乞也。无量寿经下曰:“乞丐孤独。”