1.Introduce an omnipotence press automatism dividing device,explained it operation principle.介绍了冲压万能自动分度装置,说明了其工作原理。

1.general purpose manipulator万能操作万能机械手
2.Money is not everything but we can do nothing without money.钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的.
3.Money doesn't talk, it swears.钱不是万能的,没有钱是万万不能的。
4.Money can't buy happiness…but it sure helps!钱不是万能的……但没有钱是万万不能的!
5.Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing.钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。
6.Four omnipotent sovereigns.四枚万能的金镑。”
7.universal raidial milling machine(horizontal)万能摇臂铣床(卧)
8.universal ball float adapter万能球形活动头转接器
9.We need a universal milling machine.我们需要一台万能铣床。
10.fluorescent magnetic universal flaw detector荧光磁力万能探伤仪
11.bench universal tool cutter grinder台式万能刀具刃磨床
12.universal auto hydraulic sole attaching machine万能液压式自动上底机
13.universal copying device for camera照相机用万能复制机
14.high precision universal cylindrical grinding machine高精度万能外圆磨床
15.universal reversing roughing mill万能可逆式粗轧机座
16.DVD Digital Video/Versatile Disk数字视频/万能光盘
17.Time makes all things grow, and destroys all .时光能使万物生长,也能将万物毁灭。
18.I never thought I'd see you here.我万万没有想到能在这里见到你。

universal pass万能孔型
1.Simulation and analysis on continuous rolling deformation of heavy rail by universal pass;万能孔型轧制重轨连轧变形的模拟研究
2.Study on the rolling high precision heavy rail with universal pass;万能孔型轧制高精度重轨的研究
3)universal rolling method万能轧制
1.In order to improve the shape precision on the tread and the size precision of rail height of 60kg/m heavy rail, the method of rolling heavy rail with the full-universal finish pass was advanced based on the half-universal rolling method.为提高60kg/m重轨轨头踏面的形状精度和轨高尺寸精度,在半万能轧制法的基础上,提出了全万能成品孔轧制法。
4)universal mill万能轧机
1.Pass design of universal mill for 50kgN rail;万能轧机轧制50kgN钢轨孔型设计
2.Automatic position control system for universal mill;万能轧机自动位置控制系统
5)universal milling machine万能铣床
1.The horizontal universal milling machine technological transformation based on Mitsubishi PLC;基于三菱PLC的XA6132型卧式万能铣床的技术改造
2.Analysis of some important points for makinghelical gear on universal milling machine;在万能铣床上加工斜齿轮若干要点浅析
3.According to the geometrical principle of conical milling cutter with equal helix angle, a new process of rough machining of conical milling cutter with equal helix angle on universal milling machine by using additive equipment is presented.根据等螺旋锥铣刀几何原理,提出一种借助附加装置在万能铣床上进行等螺旋角锥铣刀粗加工工艺,介绍了该方法加工锥铣刀时工作铣刀的运动方程;给出了附加装置的设计原理,通过对用此方法加工出的铣刀参数进行测试,证明了这种方法的可行性和实用性。
6)universal rolling万能轧制
1.Numerical Simulation of H-beam With Universal Rolling;H型钢万能轧制的数值模拟
2.Numerical simulation and study on universal rolling process of rail;钢轨万能轧制过程的数值模拟
3.A synthetically experimental investigation into the universal rolling process of H beam;H型钢万能轧制过程综合实验研究

万能1.全能;无所不能。 2.多种功能。