
1.Very often the picture takes precedence over the point.画面常常僭越观点。
2.First he had to eliminate his would-be successors.首先他得把要想僭越此位的人除掉。
3.Reconstruction, arrogation and reversion--the whole language and its limitation;重构、僭越与复归——试论全语言及其限度
4.Oppugning and Arrogating the Theory of “Value Neutral”;韦伯“价值中立”学说的质疑与“僭越
5.The value-orientated modernization of higher education;现代高等教育价值向度的僭越与复归
6.Deviation and Conspiracy: The Research of Space Practice in 798 Heterotopias僭越与合谋:798异托邦的空间实践研究
7.was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity; Congress's arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states.以僭越的身份参加听证;国会僭越了迄今为止属于各州领域中的权力。
8.Cost of Surpassing its Rights for Instrumental Reason --Instrumental Moral Education;工具理性僭越的代价——工具化的道德教育
9.Analysis to Lousser s Politics Logic;制度立国与道德僭越——卢梭政治逻辑剖析
10.Meanwhile he intended to guide people to heavenly law in pursuit of the sage realm.同时也是为了防止主体的僭越,以引导人们顺应天道,追求圣人境界。
11.Then,the reason that human was deprived of Eden is not the choice to evil,but the denial for the order system.人类失去伊甸园的原因,不在于对恶的选择,而在于对等级的僭越
12.The Influence of the Wasteful Custom on the Ecological Environment in the Middle and Later Ming Dynasty--Taking the Assuming Residence for Example;明朝中后期奢靡之风对生态环境的影响——以住宅僭越为例分析
13.Cultural identity and unauthorized transcendence inglobalized perspective;全球视野中的文化认同与僭越——兼论儒家传统的现代意义
14.A Critic of Theoretical Thinking and Engineering Thinking in the Humanities and Social Sciences;思维方式:僭越与划界——人文社会学科中理论思维与工程思维之批判
15.Women,Freedom and Transgression:A Perspective on Ibsen’s Plays A Doll’s House and Ghosts女性,自由与僭越——易卜生戏剧《玩偶之家》与《群鬼》解读新视角(英文)
16.Walking between Imperial and Custom--Overstep the authority function of scholar's consciousness in Wei Jin Dynasties游走在朝廷与世俗之间——魏晋南北朝士人意识的僭越功能
17.Concomitant Rules of Moral Damages:Beyond the Development,Evolution and Solution论精神损害赔偿中的附从性规则——僭越事实的形成、演进与破解
18.Reflection on Basic Educational Curriculum Reform教育研究:原罪、后天之恶以及僭越——基于基础教育课程改革的反思

sumptuary laws僭越规则
1.The promoting and hindering role of Goody's down-trickling effect and sumptuary laws concerning the improvement of dietetic civilization give us a great deal of enlightenm.Goody关于中国饮食文化起源的观点来讨论饮食文化发展的基本动力,特别是在阶级社会中,奢侈和休闲对社会文化(包括饮食文化)发展的影响,Goody关于滴流效应和僭越规则对饮食文明水平提升的推动与阻滞作用,启迪我们在今后的饮食文化研究中,应采取何种态度和方法,才能把研究工作引向深入。
3)go beyond the jurisdiction管辖权僭越
4)Usurpation and Conversion僭越与皈依
5)Rational Arrogation理性的僭越
6)obedience and diso disobedience敬命与僭越

“词典编辑”规则“词典编辑”规则lexicographic rule  “词典编辑,,规则(lexicographie rule)非补偿性决策策略的一种。首先按感觉到的相关性或重要性将产品特性进行排序;然后在最重要的特性上对不同商标进行比较,该特性分数最高者中选。若在最重要特性上有两个以上商标产品满足要求,再在次要特性上进行比较、选择,直到只有一个商标被选中为止。 (张玉峰撰马谋超审)