注意事项,points for attention
1)points for attention注意事项
1.The usage of sphygmomanometer and points for attention;血压计的使用及注意事项
2.On the basis of analyzing performance indexes of various UPS powers and combining with mud logging instruments′working environment, the paper probed into the faults and reasons occurred easily in UPS power under the environmental conditions and put forward the requirement and points for attention in power types and configuration that was suited to mud logging instruments.该文在分析不同类型UPS电源性能指标的基础上,结合综合录井仪的工作环境,探讨了UPS电源在此环境条件下容易产生的故障及原因,提出了适合综合录井仪工作环境的电源类型及配置方面的要求和注意事项
3.The paper expounds the concrete operation steps of S-316 recovery instrument and some points for attention.阐述了S -3 1 6回收装置具体使用操作步骤及注意事项

1.Notes on battery有关电池的注意事项
2.Notice to Persons Detained被扣留者应注意事项
3.Furthermore, do remember my warnings.并且,记住这些注意事项
4.Observe the following dos and don'ts.请遵守下列注意事项
5.Note on dry cell batteries使用干电池的注意事项
6.Operative Skills of Schematic Circuit Diagram Design Using Protel Schematic 99 SE用Protel Schematic 99 SE设计原理图的注意事项
7.a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.按时间安排须注意事项的计策。
8.Lisle Von Rhoman: But first, a warning!莱尔:但是首先,有一个注意事项
9.Caution items in using plastic film capacitors使用薄膜电容器的注意事项
10.Precaution: May cause irritation on sensitive areas of skin ifoverused.注意事项:过量使用可能引起皮肤过敏。
11.The translation of the tire instructions the translation of the fire instructions is not correct.有关消防注意事项的翻译有误。
12.If you want to lose weight, here are some do's and don'ts.想要减轻体重, 这是一些注意事项.
13.Tunghai University Regulations Governing Foreign Student Admission东海大学外国学生申请入学注意事项
14.Installation and Notice of Btake Pad of SANTANA 3000桑塔纳3000制动片安装与注意事项
15.List training tips and precautions for training beginner?列出初学者的训练注意事项及措施?
16.Cautions: Keep it in a dry and ventilated place ,abstaining from moistness .注意事项:通用干燥保存,切勿受潮。
17.Ten Attention Items in the Courseware Packing by Using Authorware;Authorware课件打包十点注意事项
18.Points for ettention on API examination;阀门企业在API审核中的注意事项

matters needing attention注意事项
1.Construction of elastic rubber floor and matters needing attention;浅谈橡胶弹性地板的施工及注意事项
2.Design of 35 kV filter and matters needing attention in opertaion35kV滤波装置设计及运行中的注意事项
3.The leakage prevention effect types and mechanism of tellurium coating was approached,and some matters needing attention was proposed.介绍用碲涂料解决铸件渗漏的方法,对碲粉涂料防渗漏的作用形式、机理进行了探讨,并指出一些使用中的注意事项
1.Discussion on the Attention about Un-Suitable-season Greening Construction in Huizhou City;惠州市非适宜季节绿化施工的注意事项
2.Combining with the engineering practice,the paper introduced the process,method and attentions for reference.以实际工程为示例,详细系统地介绍了热拌沥青混合料配合比设计的步骤、方法,并结合实际易发生的问题提出一些注意事项,对正确推广执行新规范和做好工程技术、质量控制均有实际指导作用。
3.of pretensioning prestressed slab,proposed some attentions.根据先张法预应力空心板施工实践,主要从先张法预应力梁板的施工准备、张拉、浇筑、养生等方面进行了探讨,并提出几点注意事项
1.Characteristics and Precautions for Use of Chinese Traditional Patent Medicines Containing Chemical Components;含西药组分中成药的特点及使用注意事项
2.On the precautions of borehole cast-in-place concrete pile used in bridge construction;钻孔灌注桩在桥梁施工中的应用及注意事项
3.being adopted in the stainless steel slab casting field engineering at the First Steel Plant of Baogang Group were introduced, and precautions about installing and commissioning were expounded.介绍了宝钢集团一钢不锈钢板坯连铸现场采用德国MINIMAX公司的火灾自动报警设备系统的特点,并就该系统安装调试及其注意事项进行了阐述。
1.Operation notice of CO_2 gas-shield welding machine;CO_2气体保护焊机操作注意事项
2.Usage and maintenance of welding and cutting machines(17)--Characteristics,installation and notice of CO_2 welding power source;焊接与切割设备的使用和维修(十七)——CO_2焊接电源特性、安装及注意事项
3.Notice for Western Medicine Physicians in Clinical Use of Chinese Patent Drugs;浅谈西医师临床应用中成药的几点注意事项
1.Engine Maintenance and Its Precautions发动机的保养与注意事项
2.On the significance of the implementation of the cost estimation norms for bills of quantity in construction projects and its precautions推行工程量清单计价规范的意义和注意事项
3.Finally,summarized and discussed the practical operation experience and detailed precaution about the application of EDTA in cement chemical analysis.在此基础上,就EDTA在水泥化学分析应用中的实际操作经验和具体注意事项,进行了详细的总结和分析探讨。

珊瑚豆栽培注意事项  珊瑚豆红艳艳的果实,一到秋天,在绿叶的衬托下极为美丽诱人。它是一种上等的观果植物,这种植物是茄科茄属的一种小灌木,其株高可达1米,但常作为一、二年生栽培。叶披针状椭圆形,基部狭窄,叶互生,花小,白色,常见有单生叶或数朵簇生成蝎尾状的花序,花期在夏、秋二季,果圆形,直径1-1.5厘米,果柄0.8-1.5厘米,入秋浆果逐步成熟,逐渐由绿变红,直到冬季都不凋落。全株具有毒性,果实等不可入口。  它原产美洲和亚洲热带地区,喜温暖湿润、阳光充足的环境,适宜生长在肥沃疏松排水良好的土壤中。  珊瑚豆生长旺盛,适应性强,繁殖栽培都较容易,常用播种繁殖,一般在春季3-4月间盆播,出苗迅速整齐,当小苗长出2-3片真叶时,应在塌盆中分栽一次;长到5-6片真叶时,再分别上盆,也可移植至畦上作为地栽。盆栽的栽后要浇透水,放置在半阴处,缓苗一周后再移至阳光处。地栽的栽后一段时间要注意遮荫。当苗长到30厘米左右时,可翻盆定植到较大的盆中。入夏后气温高,要经常喷水增湿降温,还要防避暴风急雨吹打浇淋,平时每周施一次饼肥水或粪肥,开花前后要增施几次磷肥,这样做可减少落花,有利座果。开花期间,水不能多浇,土壤要让它稍干些,做到间干间湿,这也有利于防止落花,座果后,要掌握干湿适度,过干过湿都会导致落果。小苗地栽培,养护可更粗放些,到8-9月带土上盆,入冬后,要及时移入室内向阳处,注意使室温保持在5℃或高一点。  对于老株,在开春萌动前,应及时进行重剪,粗壮侧枝留3-4个芽,弱枝仅留1-2个芽,同时要进行翻盆,翻盆时顺便施足基肥,并修剪去部分衰弱的老根。以后对萌发的过多新梢还应适当疏去一些。  夏季高温季节,若遇雨淋或盆土过湿,易发生炭疽病,可在入夏后定期喷洒杀菌剂,如用代森锌和托布津交替使用。