1.Development and application of compact heat exchanger;紧凑型换热器技术进展及应用
2.Design method of miniaturised compact EBG structures;紧凑型电磁带隙结构的设计方法分析
3.The Compact Strategy of the EU Countries:Examples from the UK and Netherlands;欧盟国家的“紧凑”策略:以英国和荷兰为例

1.layers that were fused into an indiscrete mass.熔成了紧凑的一团的层。
2.(of literary style)condensed;concise(指文体)简洁的,紧凑的.
3.I'm kind of strapped for time.我的时间有点紧凑
4.dense interchangeable ROM紧凑可换只读存储器
5.super-compact injection blender高度紧凑的注砂混合罐
6.the close - set cast of her features.她的十分紧凑的五官
7.an American breed of small compact saddle horses.美洲身体紧凑的驯养马。
8.When we agreed, the discussion was always brief.当我们一致的时候,讨论通常是紧凑的。
9.It was indeed very compact and comfortable.车厢里确实布置得非常紧凑而舒适。
10.The heat exchange component of the system is very compact.这套设备的热交换组件非常紧凑
11.northern Zealand tree having dense hard light-brown wood.西兰岛北部浅褐色树种,木质坚硬紧凑
12.They wanted to plan a tight schedule of travel.他们想安排一个紧凑的旅行日程。
13.They have planned a tight schedule of travel.他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。
14."The panicle may be short and closely bunched, or it may be long and open, with side branches which bend downward. "有的短而紧凑,有的长而披散,侧枝下垂。
15.To make thin, less compact, or less dense.使稀薄使变瘦,变淡,变得不紧凑,不浓密
16.Fairly large, strong, compact, may have feathering between toes.大,强壮而紧凑,趾间可有羽状附毛。
17.The paragraph should have adequate development, unity, and coherence.段落应该阐述充分,内容紧凑,条理清晰。
18.Decelerator gears bottom rollers providing torsion moment for coiling sheet metal.本机床结构紧凑,操作维修方便。

1.Performance comparison and economic analysis of compact heat exchangers;紧凑式换热器性能比较及经济性分析
2.The equipment constitution,basic performance parameters and production processing of compact double stands reversing cold rolling mill of Jinan Iron and Steel Group Co.介绍了济南钢铁集团总公司紧凑式双机架可逆冷轧机(CCM)的设备构成、基本性能参数以及生产工艺流程,并对其带钢厚度和板形控制手段作了详细介绍。
3)compact cooking紧凑蒸煮
1.The Development Request of Compact Resident District and Adjustment Measures;紧凑型住区的发展要求与调控措施
2.Calculation of power frequency electric field intensity of ultrahigh voltage compact transmission lines;特高压紧凑型输电线路工频电场强度计算
3.Designing for the Compact Transmission Line;紧凑型输电线路设计探讨
5)compact city紧凑城市
1.The Compact City and Sustainable Urban Development in China;借鉴"紧凑城市"理念,实现我国城市的可持续发展
2.Compact city-A study on the space structure pattern of Chongqing urban area;紧凑城市——重庆都市区空间结构模式研究
3.The Reviews of Sustainability of Compact City and Evaluation Method紧凑城市的可持续性与评价方法评述
6)compact development紧凑发展
1.Analysis to the impact factors on urban compact development in Zhejiang Province;浙江省城市紧凑发展影响因素分析
