
1.diode other than photosensitive or light emitting diodes二极管,光敏二极管或发光二极管除外
2.multi-emitter laser diode多发射极激光二极管
3.organic light emitting diode有机发光二级管,[台]有机发光二极管
4.second LED indicator发光二极管秒指示器
5.pigtailed laser diode带尾纤的激光二极管
6.half-intensity beam angle发光二极管的半强度角
7.surface-emitting laser diode表面发射激光二极管
8.itting light emitting diode表面发射发光二极管
9.quasi-CW laser diode准连续波激光二极管
10.single mode CW laser diode单模连续波激光二极管
11.linear injection laser diode线性注入激光二极管
12.LED matrix display board发光二极管矩阵显示板
13.P-N junction electroluminescent diodepn结电致发光二极管
14.FP-LD(Fabry-Perot Laser Diode)法布里-珀罗激光二极管
15.planar avalanche photodiode平面雪崩光电二极管
16.ultrafast recovery photodiode超速复原光电二极管
17.negative photodiode coupler负型光电二极管耦合器
18.biplanar vacuum photodiode双平面真空光电二极管

3)light emitting diode发光二极管
1.The development of light emitting diode therapy in biology and medicine;发光二极管光源疗法在生物医学中的应用
2.Temperatures and thermal stresses in high-power light emitting diodes;功率型发光二极管芯片的温度场与应力场
4)LED[英][,el i: 'di:][美]['?l 'i 'di]发光二极管
1.Optimized Algorithm for Determining Dominant Wavelength of LED;发光二极管主波长的优化计算方法
2.Encapsulation Technical Keys of illumination LED;照明用发光二极管封装技术关键
3.A LED Light Unit for the Projector;用于投影机的发光二极管照明单元
5)All-optical diode全光二极管
6)light-emitting diode发光二极管
1.Characteristic analysis and application of light-emitting diode used as tissue culture light source;发光二极管作为组培光源的特性分析与应用
2.Sun photometer based on light-emitting diodes as spectrally selective detectors;基于发光二极管探测器的太阳光度计的研究
3.The investigation on the interference phenomenon in electroluminescence spectrum of vertical structured InGaAlN multiple quantum well light-emitting diodes;硅衬底垂直结构InGaAlN多量子阱发光二极管电致发光谱的干涉现象研究
