2)doubly charged ions双电荷离子
1.The unimolecular neutral losses, unimolecular charge separations,collision induced decompositions (CID ) and electron capture induced decompositions(ECID) of [C_7H_5O] ̄(2+·) doubly charged ions produced from benzyolamide in the ion source of mass spectrometer under 70 eV electron impact were studied in the present work.本文研究了由苯甲酰氨产生的[C_7H_5O]~(2+·)双电荷离子的单分子解离反应及碰撞诱导解离(CID)和电子捕获诱导解离(ECID)反应,讨论了离子的结构及电荷分离过渡态的结构,该离子主要以保持苯环或苯环上H迁移到侧链的结构存在。
3)multicharge ions多电荷离子
1.Our caculation formulae and computational programme can calculate charge stripping cross sections for any other multicharge ions A q+ by collisions with H and He, so there is some general signi.采用二体碰撞近似和托马斯 -费米近似计算了多电荷离子18Arq+( q =3,4 )与中性原子H和He碰撞的电荷剥离截面以及Arq+的势函数和电子动量分布 ,计算结果与文献 [4]中的数据符合得较好。

1.Research on the Charge-transfer of Multiply Charged Ions and Dynamics of a Trapped Ultra-cold Ions;多电荷离子的电荷转移与超冷离子动力学特性研究
2.Ion: Atom or group of atoms with one or more positive or negative electric charges.离子:带有一个或多个正电荷(阳离子)或负电荷(阴离子)的原子或原子团。
3.Studies on Charge-Transfer Salts of Ferrocene and Poloyoxometalates;二茂铁与杂多阴离子所形成的电荷转移盐研究
4.If one or more electrons are removed, the remaining positively charged structure is called a positive ion.如果移去一个或多个电子,剩下来带正电荷的结构就称为正离子。
5.He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion.他假定电子的电荷数与一氢离子的电荷数相等。
6.Only large cations with low charge give a stable ionic lattice with the large polyhalide ions.仅仅带低电荷的大的阳离子,能和大的多卤化物离子产生稳定的离子晶格。
7.An atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons.离子由获得或失去一个或更多的电子而获取了一个净电荷的一个原子或一组原子
8.A negatively charged ion, especially the ion that migrates to an anode in electrolysis.阴离子带负电荷的离子,尤指在电解过程中游离到阳极的阴离子
9.Amino acids are positively charged (cationic) at low pH and negatively charged (anionic)at high pH.氨基酸在低ph值下带正电荷(阳离子),在高ph值下带负电荷(阴离子)。
10.A molecule carrying both a positive and a negative charge.两性离子带有正负电荷的分子
11.As a result they become negatively charged.两者结合后会成为带负电荷的离子。
12.The hydroxyl ion has a negative charge.氢氧根离子有一个负电荷。
13.Electrons are much more mobile than ions.电子比离子活跃得多。
14.Research on Atomization Characteristics and Effect of Droplet Charging of Electrostatic Spraying with Corona Plasma;电晕等离子体荷电喷雾雾化特性与荷电效果研究
15.Effects of Interactions Between Surface Charges and Ions on Conductance of Variably Charged Soil土壤表面电荷与离子间的相互作用对可变电荷体系电导的影响
16.Electric current: Movement of electric charge carriers.电流:带电亚原子粒子、离子或空穴等荷电粒子的运动。
17.an accelerator in which high-energy ions escape from plasma following charge exchange.高能量离子从等离子区逃离进行电荷交换的加速器。
18.Theoretical Analyses of Slow High Charge Ions-molecules Collisions;低能高电荷态离子与分子作用的理论分析

doubly charged ions双电荷离子
1.The unimolecular neutral losses, unimolecular charge separations,collision induced decompositions (CID ) and electron capture induced decompositions(ECID) of [C_7H_5O] ̄(2+·) doubly charged ions produced from benzyolamide in the ion source of mass spectrometer under 70 eV electron impact were studied in the present work.本文研究了由苯甲酰氨产生的[C_7H_5O]~(2+·)双电荷离子的单分子解离反应及碰撞诱导解离(CID)和电子捕获诱导解离(ECID)反应,讨论了离子的结构及电荷分离过渡态的结构,该离子主要以保持苯环或苯环上H迁移到侧链的结构存在。
3)multicharge ions多电荷离子
1.Our caculation formulae and computational programme can calculate charge stripping cross sections for any other multicharge ions A q+ by collisions with H and He, so there is some general signi.采用二体碰撞近似和托马斯 -费米近似计算了多电荷离子18Arq+( q =3,4 )与中性原子H和He碰撞的电荷剥离截面以及Arq+的势函数和电子动量分布 ,计算结果与文献 [4]中的数据符合得较好。
4)Multi charge ions多电荷离子
1.In the text the caculation formulae and computational programse can calculate charge stripping cross sections for any one of the multi charge ions \%A\% q+  by col.所用的计算公式和计算程序可以计算任何一个多电荷离子 Aq+ 与 H 和 He 碰撞的电荷剥离截面,因而具有一定的普遍意
5)cationic charge阳离子电荷
6)negatively charged ions负电荷离子

电荷交换离子化分子式:CAS号:性质:通过电荷交换反应使试样分子离子化的过程。如在化学电离源内,反应气R先被电子电离化为离子R+,它与试样分子M发生电荷交换而使其离子化: R++M→R+M+