清亮点,clearing point
1)clearing point清亮点
1.Several kinds of low molar mass AZO compounds were prepared, the hydrogen bond has effect on the clearing point and phase of the liquid crystal of AZO compounds.本文报导了几种低分子模型化合物的合成和其分子间氧键作用对低分子化合物清亮点(clearing point)和液晶相态的影响。

1.Synthesis of a Series of New Liquid-crystalline with High Clearing Points and Its Properties高清亮点新型偶氮含氟液晶的合成与性能
2.There was not a single cloud in the sky and the stars were bright and clear.天空一片云也没有,只有明亮清晰的点点繁星。
3.Speak louder and clearer so as to make everyone hear you.讲得再响亮点,清楚些,让所有的人都听到。
4.Something of daylight still lightered, and the moon was waxing bright: I could see him plainly.还有一点儿日光残留着,月亮正在渐渐变亮,我可以清清楚楚地看见他。
5.great and profound as it is, it has not lost its transparency;不论它如何浩瀚,如何深邃,一点也不失其清澈透亮。
6.This typically entails lightening/darkening, sharpening, removal of dust and basic colour correction.这些包括调亮/调暗、锐化、清楚污点以及基本颜色校准。
7."See, even the moon is not bright, and the stars are not clean in his eyes:"在神眼前,月亮也无光亮,星宿也不清洁。
8.Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky穿过清澈的蓝天 看月亮
9.To clean, polish, or groom with a brush.用刷子清洗,擦亮,刷
10.Ring outbsound loudly and clearly发出响亮而清晰的声音
11.The application of varnish made the desk shine.上了清漆桌子发亮了。
12.clear, sediment - free claret;清亮、无沉淀的红酒;
13.It is quarter past four on a May morning. The last stars have just faded behind faint drifting clouds.旧历四月中旬,清晨四点一刻,天还没亮,睡在拥挤的工房里的人们已经被人吆喝着起身了。
14.A visual defect characterized by the inability to see as clearly in bright light as in dim light.昼盲(症)一种视觉缺陷,其特点是在明亮的光线中和在阴暗的光线里一样无法看清东西
15.Is scratched after after by the cleaning liquid microwave oven several minutes bright and clean bright new, after wipes keeps the fragrance, traces with the hand cannot feel greasy dirt,The effect is mirable!被清洁液擦后的微波炉几分钟后光洁亮新,抹后留香,用手摸感觉不到一点油污,效果令人惊叹!
16.They say the resolution is good, and they can add glitter and sparkles to jazz up the image.他们说,美甲喷绘不仅清晰度好,而且还可以在其上装饰亮点使之更为光彩夺目。
17.she has a large, resonant voice with clear and accurate enunciation.她的发音宏亮清晰,吐字清楚准确。
18.characterized by or emitting light.以光亮为特点或者发出光亮。

clear point清亮点
1.The clear point data obtained from the mean field approximation are in agreement with the experimental results.在此基础上,可以解一个关于序参量和温度的积分方程,求出清亮点
3)clearing point of temperature清亮点温度
1.The result shows that a plot of clearing point of temperature vs.研究发现,混合液晶体系变色清亮点温度与添加剂加入量成良好的线性关系,线性相关系数最高可达到0。
1.Digit-simulate of Reflect Highlights Model from Submarine;潜艇回波亮点模型的数字仿真
1.The structure of highlight echoes due to specular reflection from shells of immerged target;水下目标壳体的镜反射亮点回波结构
2.Two ways to get highlight information of underwater complex target using wideband signal利用宽带信号获得水中复杂目标亮点信息的两种方法
3.There are also the analysis on the property and forming mechanism of high-frequency echo highlight.本文依据在实验室测得的水中目标高频回波特性的数据和高频回波亮点强度特性的定量描述参量(LTS值 ) ,对同一目标在敷贴吸声层前后的LTS值进行了计算。

清亮1.纯正;清明。 2.清脆响亮。 3.清净明亮。 4.指呼吸通畅无阻。