阈值效应,Threshold effect
1)Threshold effect阈值效应
1.We discussed the influence of the threshold effect of stimulated Brillouin-scattering on the divergence and line-width of stimulated scattering light, and the light power density of a certain region of target.本文讨论了受激布里渊散射的阈值效应对后向受激散射光(泵浦光的相位共轭波)线宽、发散角、脉宽、能量集中度的影响,利用其阈值效应可以获得一个面积尽量小的共轭光斑。
2.The empirical results show that there is a single threshold effect between the level of urbanization and rural-urban income disparity in china.实证结果表明:我国城市化对城乡收入差距的影响存在单一阈值效应,城市化对城乡收入差距的作用并非简单地促进或者抑制,其效应还要取决于城乡收入差距本身的水平,当城乡收入差距水平较高(即城乡居民收入比大于2。

1.Alcohol and cirrhosis: Dose-response or threshold effect?酒精与肝硬化:剂量关系抑或阈值效应?
2.The Threshold Effect of China s Urban-Rural Income Inequality on Real Economic Growth;中国城乡收入差距对实际经济增长的阈值效应
3.The threshold effect of the urban-rural income disparity on real economic growth in China;我国城乡收入差距对实际经济增长的阈值效应(英文)
4.Threshold Effect of Level of Urbanization to Rural-Urban Income Disparity in China--Based on the Provincial Panel Data中国城市化对城乡收入差距的阈值效应——基于我国省际面板数据的实证研究
5.Influencing Factors of Power Threshold of High Energy Laser in Thermal Blooming;影响热晕效应中高能激光功率阈值的因素
6.Deblocking Artifacts Algorithm Based on Complex Wavelet Threshold and Weighted-Total Variation基于复数小波阈值和w-TV的去块效应算法
7.A Study on Power-delivery Efficiency Laser,Laser-induced Damage Threshold and Damage Accumulation Effect of Silica Fiber石英光纤的传能效率、损伤阈值和损伤积累效应研究
8.Study on Field Effects and Threshold Testing of High Power Laser-Induced-Damage in Optical Components;高功率激光诱导光学元件损伤场效应及阈值测试研究
9.The Study of Compensatory Threshold of Water Deficit to Economize Water Use in Rice Seedling;水稻苗期水分亏缺产生补偿节水效应阈值的研究
10.Medical ultrasonic diagnostic equipment threshold of biological effects of security and its detection technology医疗超声诊断设备生物效应安全阈值及其检测技术
11.Analysis of Sensitive Parameter and Damage Threshold Probability Models for MOS Devices Total Dose Irradiation EffectsMOS器件总剂量效应敏感参数及其损伤阈值的概率模型分析
12.The Correlativity between the Threshold Acquired with ASSR and PTA;不同听力水平听性稳态反应阈值与纯音测听阈值比较
13.Comparison of Thresholds Acquired with ASSR and PTA in Normal-hearing Subjects;听力正常人听性稳态反应阈值与纯音测听阈值的比较
14.A Procedure for Critical Contributing Area Identification and Its Hydrological Responses;集水面积阈值确定及其水文响应研究
15.Image Adaptive Threshold Denoising Based on Edge Enhancement;基于边缘增强的自适应阈值图像去噪
16.Improved Self-adaptive Threshold Canny Edge Detection改进的自适应阈值Canny边缘检测
17.Fast adaptive thresholds intra-frame prediction algorithm based on MAD自适应阈值的宏块MAD快速帧内算法
18.Self-Adaptation Preferences in One-dimensional Renyi Entropy Thresholding一维Renyi熵阈值法中参数的自适应选取

effect of threshold value阈值效应
1.Using XRD,TPR and catalytic performance evaluation, the effect of threshold value of supported nickel catalysts for CO_2 -re- forming of CH_4 to syngas was studied.应用XRD、TPR和催化活性评价手段,考察了CH_4与CO_2重整制合成气的负载型Ni催化剂的阈值效应
2.XRD, TPR and catalytic performance evaluation were used to study effect of threshold value of supported nickel catalysts for CO_2-reforming of CH_4 to syngas.应用XRD、TPR和催化活性评价手段,考察了CH_4与CO_2重整制合成气的负载型Ni催化剂的阈值效应
3)photoelectric threshold光电效应阈值
4)Failure threshold失效阈值
1.Experiment gives out that the failure threshold of the Si PIN diodes is 1.实验得到硅PIN光电二极管的失效阈值为 1。
5)Dynamic threshold MOSFET(DTMOS)动态阈值场效应管
6)strain threshold value应变阈值
1.Creep damage model was improved by inducting strain threshold value based on Norton-Bailey-Kachanov creep model, which was more exac.对镍基合金Nimonic 80A进行了550℃不同应力下单轴及空心螺栓的蠕变实验,引入应变阈值,结合Norton-Bailey-Kachanov蠕变方程,改进了蠕变损伤模型,模型能更准确描述蠕变全过程;修改有限元软件ABAQUS子程序,模拟了空心螺栓的蠕变过程。
