有效分凝系数,effective segregation coefficient
1)effective segregation coefficient有效分凝系数
1.The effective segregation coefficients of 16 kinds of trivalent rare_earth ions in LiYF 4 crystals were measured.在CF4气氛中成功地生长出高质量的掺三价稀土离子的LiYF4晶体 ,测试了 16种稀土离子在LiYF4晶体中的有效分凝系数
2.The effective segregation coefficient of Nb∶KTP crystals grown by hydrothermal and flux method are 0.结果表明:由于Nb的影响和NbO6八面体的收缩效应,Nb∶KTP晶体的轴长发生了微小变化,晶胞体积有所减小,TiO6八面体和PO4基团的拉曼特征峰有不同程度漂移,其中水热法和熔盐法Nb∶KTP晶体的有效分凝系数分别为0。

1.Measurement of Effective Segragation Coefficent by Absorptance-Distance Scanning Method距离光谱扫描法测量晶体中掺杂的有效分凝系数
2.Discussion on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Molten Steel in Numerical Simulation of Solidification in Continuous Casting关于连铸凝固传热数值模拟中钢液有效导热系数的探讨
3.Numerical Simulation and Coagulation Efficiency in the Reciprocating Baffled Flocculation Tank;往复隔板絮凝池流场数值模拟及混凝效果分析
4.Theoretic Analysis and Experimental Study of Effective Flange Width on Beam-Plates System of Prestressed Concrete;预应力混凝土梁板体系有效翼缘的理论分析与试验研究
5.Legal Failure in the Relations System Regarding State-owned Assets and a Functional Analysis of Legal Effects;国有资产关系体系中法律实效函数的分析
6.Study on Effective Separation Factor for Multi-component Rare Earths in Counter-current Extraction多组分稀土串级萃取有效分离系数的研究
7.The Accuracy Comparison of Calculation Method of Effective Separation Factor for Multi-components多组分有效分离系数计算方法的准确度比较
8.Study on the Screening and Coagulant Activity of the Effective Procoagulant Components in Nodus nelumbinis Rhizomatis藕节促凝血有效组分的筛选及凝血作用研究
9.The Research of Distributed Parameter Systems with Impulsive Effects and Applications;具有脉冲效应分布参数系统及应用研究
10.Study of the Available Nutrient Use Efficiency of Phosphorus and Potassium in Red Soil, Fluvo-aquic Soil and Black Soil;红壤、潮土、黑土中磷钾有效养分利用系数研究
11.Fractal model for efficient thermal conductivity of soil sample土壤样品有效导热系数的分形计算模型
12.Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Pipe Cooling in Concrete Dams混凝土坝水管冷却效果的有限元分析
13.The Analysis of Moment Magnifier for Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge;钢筋混凝土拱桥弯矩增大系数的分析
14.Small Finite Graded Projective Dimension gr.fp.dimR of Gr-Coherent Rings;Gr-凝聚环的小有限分次投射维数gr.fp.dimR
15.The process of heat transfer while slab and billet solidifies is very complicated, but it become easy to describe by equivalent heat transfer coefficient.连铸坯凝固时的传热过程是一个十分复杂的过程,用等效传热系数的方法来描述则简便易行。
16.Determination of Available Nutrient Coefficient of Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing and Study of Application Effect测土配方施肥中有效养分系数的测定及应用效果研究
17.A hot core heater would be very useful to avoid condensation of the constituents of air at the higher Mach numbers.利用一个核心加热器,可以有效地避免空气成分在较高马赫数时发生冷凝。
18.Numerical Simulation for Flow Field of Folded Plate Flocculator and Flocculation Efficiency Analysis折板絮凝池内部流场的数值模拟和絮凝效果分析

effective segregation coefficient k_(eff)有效分凝系数k_(eff)
3)partition eocfficient有效分配系数
4)effective coefficient of screening筛分有效系数
1.The effective coefficient of screening was used as a new index to comprehensively appraise screening performance.研究了利用扩孔筛分提高筛分效率的方法,结果表明:在允许少量误筛时,扩孔筛分法无论在平面筛上,还是在圆筒筛内都是完全可行的;它具有快速、高效等特点,能够极大地提高物料筛分的效率;并根据扩孔筛分法的特点,提出了一个综合评价指标——筛分有效系数,为扩孔筛分的合理选取及评价筛分方案的好坏提供了依据和手段。
5)effective separation factor有效分离系数
1.Theoretical analysis of effective separation factor for multi-component rare earths in countercurrent extraction;多组分稀土串级萃取有效分离系数的理论分析
2.Average fraction method to calculate effective separation factor for multi-component rare earths in counter-current extraction was presented.提出了计算多组分稀土串级萃取有效分离系数的平均分数法,研究了稀土摩尔分数对有效分离系数的影响,比较了等效组分法、数学模型法、产品分数法和平均分数法的计算结果。
3.The accuracies of calculation methods of effective separation factor in countercurrent extraction for rare earth were investigated by error analysis of calculation results with average fraction method,equivalent component method and product fraction method.通过比较平均分数法、等效组分法和产品分数法计算结果的误差分析,研究了稀土串级萃取有效分离系数计算方法的准确度。
6)coefficient of effective work distribution有效功分配系数

有效分有效分(middle mark) 体操比赛术语。在体操比赛中,由一名裁判长和四名裁判员担任评分。裁判长将四个评分中的最高、平低分去掉,取中间两个评分,若此两个分数的差距在规则所允许的范围之内,则为有效分。如果两中间分超过允许差距,则通过会商调整评分至许可范围,才为有效分