蜂巢结构,Honeycomb Structure
1)Honeycomb Structure蜂巢结构
2)hive structure蜂巢型结构
1.This paper mainly analyzes the "hive structure" which is the organizational structure s original modality of the create of industry cluster.本文着重对产业集群生成的组织结构原生形态——“蜂巢型结构”进行实证分析。
2.Analyzing the organizational structure s morphology of the "hive" and the similarity between the "hive structure" and the create morphology of the industry cluster to advance the concept and model of the "hive structure" and pose the essential characteristics of the original morphology and its types.通过对蜂巢组织结构形态及“蜂巢型结构”与产业集群生成形态相似性的解析,提出产业集群生成形态的“蜂巢型结构”概念及模型,揭示产业集群生成的组织结构原生形态及其类型的本质特征,分析产业集群“蜂巢型结构”形态的基本类型及其实例。

1.Empirical Analysis on the Modality of "Hive Structure" of Industry Cluster;产业集群“蜂巢型结构”形态的实证分析
2.A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.胡蜂巢胡蜂或黄蜂的巢
3.The FEA of a kind of helicopter′s honeycomb sandwich composite某型直升机蜂窝夹层结构有限元分析
4.Comparison of Wing Ultrastructures among Different Species of Parasitic Wasps;不同类型寄生蜂翅面超微结构的比较研究
5.Any of various large, hairy, social bees of the genus Bombus that nest underground.熊蜂,大黄蜂一种体型大的,多毛的,群居的蜜蜂,属于熊蜂属,在地下筑巢
6.A colony of bees living in such a structure.蜂群在这样的结构中住着的一群蜂
7.A structure for housing bees, especially honeybees.蜂箱尤指为让蜜蜂居住而筑的结构
8.The ultrastructure observation of the antenna of Scleroderma sichuanensis川硬皮肿腿蜂雌蜂触角超微结构观察
9.cellular structure [ texture ]网格[蜂房式, 细胞状]结构
10.No sticky honeycomb cell.没有粘粘的蜂巢蜂房。
11.which is deep inside the bees' nest.因为蜂蜡在蜂巢深处。
12.The result showed that, (1) Comb with hexagonal cell wall was more attractive to laying queen than the other two with cylinderic cell wall;结果表明,(1)自制六角形巢房的巢脾较另两种圆筒形巢房巢脾对蜂王更具吸引力;
13.Forming Process of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure of Carbon Fiber M40J/Epoxy Panel for Satellite某卫星用M40J/环氧树脂面板蜂窝夹层结构成型工艺
15.A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell.小窝,蜂巢小窝或小泡,如蜂房的巢室
16.whenever a local beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives,不管什么时候养蜂人从蜂巢里取蜂蜜,
17.Bees store honey in honeycombs inside hives.蜜蜂将蜂蜜储藏在蜂巢里。
18.Back in the hive it is removed by other bees, who may spend hours pasting it over cracks in the hive structure.在蜂箱里,蜂胶由其他蜜蜂剥下,它们可能会花上好几个小时把蜂胶粘到蜂箱结构有裂隙的地方。

hive structure蜂巢型结构
1.This paper mainly analyzes the "hive structure" which is the organizational structure s original modality of the create of industry cluster.本文着重对产业集群生成的组织结构原生形态——“蜂巢型结构”进行实证分析。
2.Analyzing the organizational structure s morphology of the "hive" and the similarity between the "hive structure" and the create morphology of the industry cluster to advance the concept and model of the "hive structure" and pose the essential characteristics of the original morphology and its types.通过对蜂巢组织结构形态及“蜂巢型结构”与产业集群生成形态相似性的解析,提出产业集群生成形态的“蜂巢型结构”概念及模型,揭示产业集群生成的组织结构原生形态及其类型的本质特征,分析产业集群“蜂巢型结构”形态的基本类型及其实例。
3)Bee's nest蜂巢构造
4)Honeycomb structure蜂巢状构造
5)honeycomb sandwich蜂巢夹层结构;多孔夹层结构
6)Nest site structure巢区结构
1.Nest site structure of the Night Heron,a medium-sized bird and wide distributed in most provinces of China, was studied during March and April,2006 in Monoge National Nature Reserve,Jilin province.笔者于2006年3~4月对吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区的夜鹭的巢区结构进行研究。
