光学品质,optical behavior
1)optical behavior光学品质
1.Their optical behavior and growth conditions are studied.用激光加热基座法(LHPG)生长了Al_2O_3及ZrO_2单晶光纤,并研究了两种单晶光纤(SCF)的生长条件及其光学品质,初步实验证明:两种单晶光纤可用于制作高温传感器。
2)quality factor M 2光束品质
1.The physical meaning of the beam quality factor M 2 and its progress are discussed.讨论了光束品质因子 M2 的物理意义及其近年来的有关进
3)acousto-optic quality factor声光品质
4)chemical quality化学品质
1.Effect of instantaneous high pressure treatment on chemical quality of pear juice;瞬时高压作用对梨汁化学品质的影响
2.Physical quality of cathode copper effects on its chemical quality which determines its characteristics of processing.阴极铜的物理品质直接影响其化学品质,而阴极铜化学品质的高低决定了其加工性能的好坏。
3.The results showed that the output value and score of smoking quality of tobacco were significantly increased,the influence on yield and chemical quality of tobacco could not be observed obvio.结果表明:烤烟移栽前增施小麦秸秆(田烟:7500kg/hm2,地烟:6000kg/hm2),极显著地增加烟叶产值;评吸综合得分最高;对烤烟产量和烟叶化学品质无明显影响。

2.New Product Creation of Curve Black Tea and Their Studies on Quality Chemistry;曲红茶新产品创制及其品质化学研究
3.Study of Students Thought Characters Cultivation in Chemistry Teaching;化学教学中培养学生思维品质的研究
4.Elementary Talk About Developing Middle-School Students Quality of Thinking In Chemical Teaching;浅谈化学教学中学生思维品质的培养
5.The Research on Relationship of Fluoride with Quality Chemistry and Microbiology of Tea;氟与茶叶品质化学和微生物学的研究
6.Exploration on Improving Teaching Quality of the Course of Food Chemistry提高《食品化学》课程教学质量的探讨
7.On the Effects of the Food Additives on Food Safety;食品中外来化学物质对食品安全性的影响
8.a chemical agent that is added to a chemical mixture to counteract the effects of impurities.加入化学混合物以抵消杂质的影响的化学制品。
9.These substances include many commonly used chemicals.这些物质包括许多常用的化学品。
10.A toxic chemical or other substance.有毒的化学品或其它物质
11.A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured.药厂用于生产药品和化学物质的地方
12.On the Influence of Cyber Culture on the Morality of College Students论网络文化对大学生道德品质的影响
13.Studies on Preparation AstragalosideⅣ and Quality Evaluation of Radix Astragalus;黄芪化学对照品制备及质量评价研究
14.Upgrading Cultural Characteristics of School and Constructing Harmonious Campus;提升学校文化品质 构建和谐校园
15.Study on Problem of Product s Homogenization Based on the Principle of Semiotics;基于符号学的产品同质化现象的考察
16.Imtrospection-an lmportant moans to optimizo the quality of stmdent s Thinking;反思——优化学生思维品质的重要手段
17.Study on the Chemical Standard Sample Preparation and the Quality Control Method of Scutellaria Baicalensis黄芩质量控制与化学标准品制备研究
18.Experimental research on kinetic model of pomfret鲳鱼品质变化动力学模型的实验研究

quality factor M 2光束品质
1.The physical meaning of the beam quality factor M 2 and its progress are discussed.讨论了光束品质因子 M2 的物理意义及其近年来的有关进
3)acousto-optic quality factor声光品质
4)chemical quality化学品质
1.Effect of instantaneous high pressure treatment on chemical quality of pear juice;瞬时高压作用对梨汁化学品质的影响
2.Physical quality of cathode copper effects on its chemical quality which determines its characteristics of processing.阴极铜的物理品质直接影响其化学品质,而阴极铜化学品质的高低决定了其加工性能的好坏。
3.The results showed that the output value and score of smoking quality of tobacco were significantly increased,the influence on yield and chemical quality of tobacco could not be observed obvio.结果表明:烤烟移栽前增施小麦秸秆(田烟:7500kg/hm2,地烟:6000kg/hm2),极显著地增加烟叶产值;评吸综合得分最高;对烤烟产量和烟叶化学品质无明显影响。
5)Quality chemistry品质化学
6)scientific character科学品质
1.This article considers that in teaching organic chemistry experiment, high normal college should push forword self-qualified education, foster students' scientific quality;It must wake efforts both to train students' scientific character and ability and to impart science in order to develop students into the people's teachers of the 21st century with high scientific knowledge and creativity.高等师范院校的有机化学实验教学应推行素质教育 ,提高学生的科学素质 ,就必须在培养学生的科学品质、科学能力、传授科学知识上下功夫 ,使学生成为具有高科学素质的 2 1世纪的人民教

白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)  白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea) 在色、香、味、形方面显示白茶品质特点的性状。白茶白色芽毫多,汤浅黄,毫香显,毫味重。按芽叶嫩度和鲜叶的茶树品种分为白毫银针、白牡丹和贡眉三种。白毫银针纯为毫芽,不带梗蒂,肥壮长大,形状如针,色泽银白,香气清鲜,毫香浓。汤浅杏黄色。白牡丹、贡眉(寿眉)外形毫芽多而肥壮,叶张肥嫩,叶态平伏舒展,叶缘垂卷,叶面有隆起波纹,叶尖微翘、芽叶相连而稍并拢。叶面色泽灰绿、墨绿或翠绿,叶背银白色、叶脉微红。香气毫香浓显,滋味鲜爽醇厚清甜,汤色橙黄明亮。叶底匀亮,灰绿到黄绿,梗及叶脉微红。白牡丹毫芽特别肥壮长大,两叶抱芽,遍披白色茸毛,毫香特显,滋味醇厚,品质胜贡胥。