1.Analysis of reasonableness and limitations of empiricism and rationalism from the point of view of practice;从实践的视角分析经验论和唯理论的合理性与局限性
2.Piaget s new summary of the experience theory and rationalism battle;皮亚杰对经验论与唯理论之争的新总结
3.The Divergence on Empiricism and Rationalism of the Essential Issue of Philosophy;经验论和唯理论在哲学基本问题上的分歧

1.Western Scientific Marxism and Recent Rationalism;唯科学的西方马克思主义与近代唯物唯理论
2.The opposite of empiricism is rationalism.经验论的对立面是唯理论
3.I've read your stuff about the psychological realism of Calvin.我读过你论加尔文心理唯实论的文章。
4.On the Theoretical Contribution of Marxist Historical Materialism;试论马克思主义唯物史观的理论贡献
5.On the Inner Connection of Dialectical Materialist Theoretical System;论辩证唯物主义理论体系的内在联系
6.On Trend of 19th Century German Idealism and Psychology;论19世纪德国唯心论与心理学趋向
7.Enchantment of "Mind"--On Rorty's Psychological Nominalism“心”的祛魅——论罗蒂的心理学唯名论
8.New Result in Research for Historical Materialism and Historical Theories唯物史观与历史理论研究的新成就
9.It avoids the intellectualism of Christian theology.它回避宗教神学的唯理智论。
10.The Research on Theory of Raymond Williams Cultural Materialism;雷蒙德·威廉斯文化唯物主义理论研究
11.Communication Theory in Historical Materialism and Its Contemporary Value;唯物史观中的交往理论及其当代价值
12.Uniqueness Theory on Entire Functions and Their Linear Differential Polynomials;整函数与其微分多项式的唯一性理论
13.On the Reconstruction of the Historical Materialism of Habermas;评哈贝马斯的历史唯物主义重建理论
14.The Theory and Paradigm of E.P.Thompson’s Cultural Materialism;汤普森“文化唯物主义”的理论与范式
15.A Comment on the translator s Aesthetiacl Pursuit and rtanslatin theory s perfection;译者唯美的追求 翻译理论的完善
16.Cultural Materialism and New Historicism in Theatre Criticism;文化唯物主义与新历史主义戏剧理论
17.A Discussion on the Drastic Change of Soviet Union From the View of Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义理论视野中的苏联剧变
18.On the Theory of a Harmonious Socialist Society from the Perspective of Historical Materialism;从唯物史观看社会主义和谐社会理论

Phenomenological theory唯象理论
1.To provide theoretical basis for the enhancement of affinity chromatography, the synergy of multi fields, such as temperature field, chemical potential field and gravity field in affinity chromatography operated by a tapered bed with the continuous up-flow, was analyzed according to the phenomenological theory, and the relationships among the individual components within a field were investigated.为了对亲和层析过程的强化提供理论依据,应用非平衡热力学唯象理论,分析了该过程中温度场、化学势场及重力场等各种场之间的协同关系,以及各自场内不同分量之间的协同关系。
2.Here, the phenomenological theory was used; both of the Soret effect and Dufour effect were considered.应用唯象理论, 分析了反应精馏过程中各种场(如温度场、浓度场、化学势场等)之间的协同关系,以及同一场内不同分量之间的协同关系。
3.The research results of phenomenological theory show that the solution abi.唯象理论研究表明 ,电场有助于增强晶内溶质固溶能力 ,阻碍溶质、空位簇
3)Phenomenal theory唯象理论
5)geographical materialism地理唯物论
1.We think that Liang's relation between human beings and geographical condi-tions researches have explicitly embodied the relation between human beings and geo-graphical conditions and also demonstrated the scientific geographical materialism.肯定了梁启超在人文地理诸多领域的研究成就,认为他的人地关系学术研究,体现了明晰的人地相关思想和科学的地理唯物论,以及动态的地理作用观。
6)uniqueness theory唯一性理论
