1.The Application of H-index and G-index in the Foreign Language Journals of Subjects Acquisition——Taking Foreign Language Journals of Statistics Acquisition as an Example;H指数、G指数在学科外文期刊采访中的参考意义——以统计学外文期刊采访为例
2.An Empirical Study of H-index and G-index Based on CSSCI;h指数和g指数评价实证研究——基于CSSCI的统计分析
3.The authors introduce basic facts about SCI and its strict review standards,and the newly-developed methods for the evaluation of scientific researches based on h-index and g-index by using SCI.目前国外利用SCI对科研工作者成果评价的最新方法是建立在h指数和g指数的考核基础上。

1.Research on Relevance of Influencing Factors of H-index,G-index and Impact Factor影响h指数、g指数、影响因子因素的相关性研究
2.Research Focus Analysis Based on the Frequency of Topic Words and G-index基于主题词频和g指数的研究热点分析方法
3.The Relationship of G-L Index and CA Index of Automobile Manufacturing;车辆产业内G-L指数与CA指数的关系研究
4.The Wiener Indices of Connected Graph and Disconnected Graph;连通图和不连通图的维纳指数W(G)
5.Comparison between General Moran s Index and Getis-Ord General G of Spatial Autocorrelation;全局空间自相关Moran指数和G系数对比研究
6.Measurements and Estimation on G-L Index of Woody Forest Products Trade in China;中国木质林产品贸易G-L指数测度及评价
7.The G-homomorphisms and the G-congruences on a G-De Morgan algebraG-De Morgan代数的G-同态与G-同余
8.g-Functions, Weak Base g-Functions and Applications of Cardinal Functions;g-函数,弱基g-函数及基数函数的应用
9.Intra-Industry Trade of East Asia: Analysis on the Development Indicated by G-L Index and Causes;东亚地区产业内贸易的发展状况——G-L指数及发展原因分析
10.Some Results on g-functions and Weak g-functions;关于g-函数和弱g-函数的一些结果
11.G-packing Number and G-covering Number of the Complete Graph;关于完全图G—填充数和G—覆盖数
12.The Infinitesimal Generator under G-expectation, the g-supermartingale and g-superharmonic Function;g-期望的无穷小生成元,g-上鞅与g-上调和函数
13.On the total coloring number of C_mP_na nd GP_nC_mP_n和GP_n的全色数
14.Finitely Presented Dimensions of Commutative Graded Rings and Modules;G-型分次环和G-型分次模的Gr-有限表现维数
15.(g) to exercise such other responsibilities as the Committee may assign to it.(g)行使委员会可能指定的其他职责。
16.(g) "service supplier" means any person that supplies a service;(g)“服务提供者”指提供一服务的任何人;
17.A graph G is an ordered triple.一个图G是指一个有序三元组。
18.Weak Hopf Algebra Structure Corresponding to wH_q~d(g);弱量子超代数wH_q~d(g)的弱Hopf代数结构

G-L indexG-L指数
1.By using the G-L Index,amendatory G-L Index and Aquino Index,this paper gets objective measurement of the Intra-Industry Trade between China and US in ATP trade and draws a conclusion that the complementarity between China and US still lies i.本文借助于G-L指数、修正后的G-L指数及Aquino指数等分析工具,通过对中美高技术产品产业内贸易的实证分析和国际比较,认为得出上述结论尚为时过早,中美高技术产品产业内贸易仍处于较低水平。
2.Intra-industry trade(G-L index) of automobile manufacturing has important effect on industry competitive power(CA index),ie.车辆产业的产业内贸易水平(G-L指数)对产业竞争力(CA指数)起着重要的影响:技术密集型产品G-L指数高,CA指数却较低,劳动密集型产品G-L指数低,CA指数却高;技术密集型产品之间,G-L指数与CA指数呈正相关关系,而劳动密集型产品之间两者却呈负相关关系;从时间序列来看,整个产业和每个产品的两指数呈正相关关系。
3.The paper used G-L index to study the situation of IIT of manufactured goods by calculating both the G-L indexes of industry and machinery and transport equipment from 1991 to 2006,and analyzed the features and existing problems,then gave relative suggestions.采用测量产业内贸易的G-L指数,研究我国工业制成品的产业内贸易状况。
3)G-F indexG-F指数
4)E-G indexE-G指数
1.In order to quantitatively reflect the agglomeration situation of tourism industry of China,this paper measures the agglomeration degree of tourism industry from 1997 to 2005 by means of the E-G index from three dimensions—whole country,region and sector in China.为了定量地反映我国旅游产业的集聚状况,文章使用E-G指数从全国、区域和部门三个层面对1997-2005年我国的旅游产业集聚程度进行了精确测算,对其变动趋势进行了分析,并重点阐释了产生上述趋势的原因。
2.This paper measures the agglomeration level of some high-tech industries in China from 1994-2006,using industrial clustering method of Measure E-G index.本文运用产业集聚度测度方法中的E-G指数,测算1994年-2006年以来我国高新技术产业中几个行业的集聚度,结果表明在研究时限内医药和医疗器械行业没有达到集聚,但是其趋势图表明未来可以达到集聚。
5)E & G indexE&G指数
6)G&L indexG&L指数
1.This paper use comprehensive intra-industry trade index(G&L index) to analyze the large number of trade data of China and ASEAN in nearly 11 years.本文运用综合产业内贸易指数(G&L指数)对中国与东盟近11年来的大量贸易资料进行分析。
