1.The reflexivity mechanism of forming process of corporation value and empirical test of Chinese public corporate;公司价值形成的反身性机制与中国上市公司的实证研究
2.Both informatics knowledge and natural science knowledge have reflexivity.情报学知识与自然科学知识都具有反身性
3.According to the four tenets(causality,objectivity,symmetry,reflexivity),it is proposed in this paper that the "strong program" has not only theoretical position but also theoretical meaning as a methodological principle and epistemological claim.文章从“强纲领”所包含的四个信条(因果性、客观公正性、对称性和反身性)入手,分析了“强纲领”作为一种方法论原则和认识论主张的理论地位和意义。

1.The Reflexivity of Social Sciences: in Comparison with Natural Sciences;社会科学知识的“反身性”——兼与自然科学知识反身性的比较
2.The Cognitive Study on Reflexivity of the English Reflexive Pronouns-Through Analysis of English Verbs of Embodiment;基于体验动词分析的英语反身代词反身性的认知研究
3.(3)the reflexivity of market described by George Soros.(3) 索罗斯关于市场的反身性
4.The Hermeneutical Situation of George Soros s Theory of Reflexivity;乔治·索罗斯反身性理论的解释学处境
5.autoallergic disease自身变态反应性疾病
6.passive systemic anaphylaxis被动全身性过敏反应
7.The reflexive action of a body part.自动反应身体部位的反应性行为
8.Autoreactive B cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis类风湿性关节炎与自身反应性B细胞
9.Physiological resistance to a poison.抗毒性身体上对毒药的抵抗反应
10.The cultural soul-searching from the female status--the synthetic narration of Tie Ning s creation;女性身份的文化反省——铁凝创作综述
11.Application of Reflection Method in Pile Integrality Detection反射波法在桩身完整性检测中的应用
12.Research on relationship between coping style, personality and psycho-somatic response of medical students;医学生特质应对与个性心身反应的相关性研究
13.the coreferential relation between a reflexive pronoun and its antecedent.反身代词和它的先行词间的同一性关系。
14.A Study of the Boundedness of English Reflexive ?Pronouns: from Sentence to Discourse英语反身代词“约束性”研究 : 从句子到语篇(英文)
15.A Study of Anti-stealth of Bistatic CW Radar连续波体制双基地雷达反隐身可行性研究
16.The Theory and Practice of Low Strain Reflected Wave Testing for Integrity of Pile Shaft;低应变反射波法桩身完整性检测的理论与实践
17.Effect of walking backwards on the elders equilibrium function;健身反向走对老年女性平衡能力的影响
18.Status Consciousness-Reflection Based on the Field Job On the Religion Study with Experience;身份自觉:经验性宗教研究的田野工作反思

3)constructive reflexivity建设性反身
4)Systemic inflammatory response全身性炎症反应
5)systemic anaphylaxis全身性过敏反应
6)Systemic inflammatory response syndrome全身性炎症反应
1.Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is still the main cause of death in critically ill patients.目前全身性炎症反应仍然是危重病人死亡的主要原因。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-