1.A Comparison to LIBSYS,DUXIU and DOUBAN from the Angle of OPAC2.0;用OPAC2.0的标准比较汇文、读秀、豆瓣
2."Duxiu"and Library s Knowledge-service;“读秀”与图书馆知识服务
3.On Duxiu Academic Search and Resource Integration读秀学术搜索与资源整合
2)Duxiu Network读秀网站
3)Ultra star reads xiu超星读秀
4)Duxiu Knowledge Base读秀知识库
1.On Comparing OPAC with the Duxiu Knowledge Base and the Inspiration;图书馆OPAC与读秀知识库的比较及启示
2.The Demonstrations and Functional Features of Duxiu Knowledge Base读秀知识库检索示例及其功能特色——高校图书馆电子资源优化配置检索案例分析

1.The Demonstrations and Functional Features of Duxiu Knowledge Base读秀知识库检索示例及其功能特色——高校图书馆电子资源优化配置检索案例分析
2.Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas.读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
3.a quarry of information知识的源泉 [宝库]
4.The Expression Method on Knowledge of Knowledge Data-base and Reasoning Knowledge of Die Structure冲模结构知识库知识与控制性知识的表示
5.Knowledge Base Building and Research on Knowledge Providing of Knowledge Assistance System;知识辅助系统的知识库建立与知识提供的研究
6.The Application of Knowledge Base and Knowledge Discovery Technology in Knowledge Service知识库和知识发现技术在知识服务方面的应用
7.KDD (knowledge discovery in database)数据库中的知识发现
8.The library is a treasure house of knowledge.图书馆是知识的宝库。
9.Knowledge be a treasure , but practice be the key to It .知识是宝库,实践是钥匙。
10.Based on knowledge component design knowledge base is constructed in this paper.基于知识构件建立了产品设计知识库。
11.Changing “Treasure-house of Ideas” to “Fountains of Knowledge”;“知识宝库”向“知识喷泉”的转变
12.A Semantic-Wiki Knowlege Base System Based on Knowledge Elements基于知识单元的语义Wiki知识库
13.The Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Base Design of Valve Product Design阀门产品设计知识表示与知识库设计
14.The knowledge of reading spread swiftly.阅读的知识迅速传播。
15.Research on Knowledge Inheriting and Knowledge Development of Excellent Teaching and Research Groups in Secondary School;中学优秀教研组知识传承与发展研究
16.A Study on Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Reasoning Based on Multiple Attributes Knowledge Base of Hybrid Knowledge;基于混合知识的多属性知识库知识表示和知识推理研究
17."Knowledge is a treasure, practice is the key to it"知识是一座宝库,时间是库门的钥匙
18.Research On Knowledge Base Management of Parts Inventory Management System备件库存管理系统中知识库管理研究

Duxiu Network读秀网站
3)Ultra star reads xiu超星读秀
4)Duxiu Knowledge Base读秀知识库
1.On Comparing OPAC with the Duxiu Knowledge Base and the Inspiration;图书馆OPAC与读秀知识库的比较及启示
2.The Demonstrations and Functional Features of Duxiu Knowledge Base读秀知识库检索示例及其功能特色——高校图书馆电子资源优化配置检索案例分析
5)Good readers优秀阅读者
6)a good [dull] reading优秀的读物
